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PC Upgrade Time (opinions needed)

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Currently what im set to get. (Just in time for Doom 3, and Far Cry Playin..)

Albatron FX6800GT AGP Video card w/256mb DDR 2ns RAM
AMD Athlon64 3500+ 64-Bit CPU
Asus A8V-Deluxe WiFi-G Skt939 AMD64 board
PC-4000 1024MB GeIL Dual 184-pin DDR SDRAM
Pioneer 107D DvD Burner
GTR 7101 Silver midi tower case with 500 Watt Power Supply

Ive never had experience with Via boards.... Are they pos's ??? Been Nforced for the past 2 years..

Any suggestive config changes are welcome.

I dont plan to upgrade for another 2 years... Is it worth waiting for the PCI Express cards and then upgrade. Or is there no difference ?


Any suggestive config changes are welcome.

Instead of the typical big computer tower case that everyone seems to buy, how about putting all that shit in a shuttle system instead? Hook it up to a nice large HD display and use it as a HTPC. Smaller is better after all and to integrate everything (tv, video, music, gaming) into one media hub is not a bad idea (assuming you can afford the HD display that is…I can’t :(). Is the video card VIVO? If not I think it should be considering how much these things cost.

Is it worth waiting for the PCI Express cards and then upgrade. Or is there no difference ?

Benchmarks indicate PCI express makes little difference to graphics performance. You should be looking at getting the most onboard video card memory instead, in which case internal bandwidth far exceeds what PCI express can offer. 256mb on the video card is good.
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