Planning to do some travelling in a month or so, and was considering trying to pick up a cheap PDA for the journey.
Basically, I am looking for something that will be able to store and display some text documents (my condensed/personalised transcriptions from various travel books), spreadsheets of some format (to store data on train times), and allow me to jot down any thoughts I may have along the way. Be nice to have space to store an ebook, could finally get round to reading Don Quixote.
What PDAs would you lot recommend based on these basic criteria (and personal experience)? Not looking to spend more than $75, old models & second hand is not an issue for me. Just don't want to pick up a complete lemon.
Basically, I am looking for something that will be able to store and display some text documents (my condensed/personalised transcriptions from various travel books), spreadsheets of some format (to store data on train times), and allow me to jot down any thoughts I may have along the way. Be nice to have space to store an ebook, could finally get round to reading Don Quixote.
What PDAs would you lot recommend based on these basic criteria (and personal experience)? Not looking to spend more than $75, old models & second hand is not an issue for me. Just don't want to pick up a complete lemon.