A catholic goes to confession he makes his way to the booth gets in sits down and says “forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been 2 years since my last confession.”
“Tell me my son” says the priest “what are your sins?”
“Father, since the last time we met I cheated on my wife, became an alcoholic and I’ve become addicted to TikTok”
“Pay it no mind” says the priest
“TikTok you say? Well I must confess to you TikTok has become quite popular in this parish too: why we’ve even started making our own jewelry and dance videos to boost mass attendance”
“Father thats great but seriously what is my penance?” Says the sinner.
“Oh it is easy my son I’m going to give you this pearl rosary from our parish store just say 300 hail Mary’s and all your sins will be forgiven…It’s the latest jewelry fad on TikTok and all the priests chipped in.”