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'People Say The Stupidest Shit'

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In honor of Bill Cosby. :)

What has somebody said that raised your eyebrow, defined your scowl, and made you say to yourself, "That right there is some stupid shit!"

My story:

The second day of my internship, one of my co-workers suddenly became tremendously hoarse. She's a petite individual, but when she came in the next day, she not only sounded like a man...she sounded like a man with a sore throat who had the flu. :p And in addition to her new-found octave, she had a chronic cough. (BTW, she doesn't smoke).

As the weeks progressed, she was diagnosed with bronchitis, and THIS week, she hasn't been to work in the past three days because she apparently is out-right sick (I was informed that she woke up Wednesday morning with a 103°F temperature :().

When some of the guys were discussing her situation, I was surprised when one of the more intelligent men of the bunch blamed her fever on "inactivity," saying that when one is sick (paraphrasing), "you can't just lay there and do NOTHING" and then went on to talk about how he played a rigorous game of hockey (yes, hockey) when he came down with the flu.

I wanted to ask him what happened after he cracked his head on the ice after passing out.

Bob White

When some of the guys were discussing her situation, I was surprised when one of the more intelligent men of the bunch blamed her fever on "inactivity," saying that when one is sick (paraphrasing), "you can't just lay there and do NOTHING" and then went on to talk about how he played a rigorous game of hockey (yes, hockey) when he came down with the flu.

He's right, man. Being a little active does help cure a sickness.


Bob White said:
He's right, man. Being a little active does help cure a sickness.

Yeah, maybe getting up to go vomit or use the bathroom.

I sincerely doubt that a certified physician would recommend going out for a 10-mile jog while ill.

The "get plenty of rest" mantra is a ubiquitous tip when it comes to sickness.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Here's a couple from my days working at a Software Etc. in a real shitty part of town:


<pointing to a flight of stairs going up> "Do those stairs go upstairs?"


"How old do you have to be to work here?"


"Can you be 17?"


"How old's a nigga gots to be to get a job up in this muthafucka?"


Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
*man walks in, observes rows and rows of shelves of books ordered into Non-Fiction, Fiction, Junior Fiction, Junior Non-Fiction, Reference, Biography and Audiobooks - turns to me*

"Is this a library?"


Minotauro said:
Here's a couple from my days working at a Software Etc. in a real shitty part of town:


<pointing to a flight of stairs going up> "Do those stairs go upstairs?"


"How old do you have to be to work here?"


"Can you be 17?"


"How old's a nigga gots to be to get a job up in this muthafucka?"


You give them jobs? Nigga gotta eat.


Leon said:
Actually Mimic, depending on the circumstances, being active is sometimes the BEST remedy to your sickness. Now I guess it won't cure a sore throat, but I remember my parents dragging me to a tennis lesson when I was younger, and I had a HUGE cold, 100% stuffed nose and all. By the time I was done, I was pumped up, nose completely cleared, and I felt great.

Yeah when you have the flu/cold in particular playing a sport or taking a shower is a good thing. I actually read that some where on WebMD I think. The reason is that, when you take a shower for example, the higher temperatures your body reaches helps open up your nose/ear blocks. It also increases book circulation which helps your body fight the virus. Not to mention the psychological factor too.


From the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)'s website:

General Steps to Take If You Get Sick
If you develop flu-like symptoms, and you are not at high risk for complications from the flu:

-Get plenty of rest
-Drink a lot of liquids
-Avoid using alcohol and tobacco
-Consider taking over-the-counter medications to relieve the symptoms of flu (but never give aspirin to children or teenagers who have flu-like symptoms)
-Stay home and avoid contact with other people to protect them from catching your illness
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze to protect others from your germs.

From WebMD:

Nov. 30, 2001 -- This year, if a cold or the flu tries to interrupt your quality time at the gym, keep this in mind: you are better off taking a break instead of breaking a sweat.

Forget about what you might have heard about trying to perspire your way back to better health. That's not the way your immune system fights off sickness, says Liz Applegate, PhD, a fitness and nutrition expert on the faculty of the Nutrition Department at the University of California, Davis.

Your immune system fights most effectively when it isn't stressed. Research studies show that a moderate fitness program helps boost the immune system, lessening the chances you'll fall ill with a cold or flu. But scientists also note that a single rigorous exercise session or race can actually make you more susceptible to bacterial or viral infection.


So listen to your body when you feel sick and need to rest -- a hard workout could impair your immune system for several hours, allowing unwelcome guests to make your illness worse.

Am I dispelling some urban legend or something??

Sickness + physical activity = BAD!!


Drunky McMurder
The stupidest shit I hear all comes on a college campus. One that sticks out in my mind is this conversation overheard:

"Nah man, you can't listen to him. He's a chronological liar. Seriously, chron-o-log-i-cal."

I suppose the person which he was speaking about may just organize his lies by time, but I'm pretty sure this guy was just dumb.


Archaix said:
The stupidest shit I hear all comes on a college campus. One that sticks out in my mind is this conversation overheard:

"Nah man, you can't listen to him. He's a chronological liar. Seriously, chron-o-log-i-cal."

I suppose the person which he was speaking about may just organize his lies by time, but I'm pretty sure this guy was just dumb.



Unconfirmed Member
Archaix said:
The stupidest shit I hear all comes on a college campus. One that sticks out in my mind is this conversation overheard:

"Nah man, you can't listen to him. He's a chronological liar. Seriously, chron-o-log-i-cal."

I suppose the person which he was speaking about may just organize his lies by time, but I'm pretty sure this guy was just dumb.

And I aggree, Some of the stupidest shit I have ever heard came from people who populate college campuses. Though it is certainly not restricted to them.


First tragedy, then farce.
I have to say, the most annoying shit is when some asshole takes an intro course in some subject and suddenly becomes an expert on it. Some dickweed in my geology class was trying to psychoanalyze me because he got a B+ on his Psychology 101 midterm.

aoi tsuki

'People Say The Stupidest Shit'
In honor of Bill Cosby.



A friend of mine at work, his wife recently had a miscarriage. He was pretty broken up about it when he came into work the next day.

One of the women on our floor, in an attempt to cheer him up, said to him:

"It's ok...these things happen. It's not like it was a real baby yet anyways..."

From what I hear, he gave her quite a verbal lashing after that.


Bob White said:
He's right, man. Being a little active does help cure a sickness.

Depends. Whenever I go upstairs, I just have to hop steps. It's just something I do. Anyways, one day I was sick, but when I went upstairs to get more asprin or something, I hopped steps like I always do. By the time I reached the kitchen, my throat closed up and I collapsed. Passed out. Woke up an hour later. It really depends on what you got.


aoi tsuki said:

Bill Cosby used to (still does?) host a show called "Kids say the darndest things," so in this case I don't think he meant any disrespect towards The Cosby, but was instead parodying the show.

Unless you are rolling your eyes at something else?
*checks quotes from years-ago on IRC*

Juliette: i had the internet when there was no mirc!
Juliette: it was called like bbs or something

aoi tsuki

ohamsie said:
Bill Cosby used to (still does?) host a show called "Kids say the darndest things," so in this case I don't think he meant any disrespect towards The Cosby, but was instead parodying the show.

Unless you are rolling your eyes at something else?
i completely missed that. If that parodying that show was the intent, then ignore my post. But if it was indeed based on Cosby's recent comments...


Sporting when you're down with the flu isn't good. It's very stressful, especially for the heart. I know people who've had to go to the ER just because they excercised when they had a flu.

However, taking a walk and getting some fresh air can be a good idea.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>Juliette: i had the internet when there was no mirc!
Juliette: it was called like bbs or something<<<

A lot of BBSs had Usenet, so that's not TOO dumb.
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