It’s flipping weird it’s almost like washing every day when you don’t need to because you don’t sweat and it dries out your skin if you wash all the time.Looks like colder countries don't need to and hot and humid countries need it at least once or more a day.
What kind of cunt doesn’t bathe at least once a day?
Lol, of course you do. Your hair will constantly secrete oils, how TF can you be ok with sleeping like that?When it's cold you don't need to shower every day, news at 11.
Lol, of course you do. Your hair will constantly secrete oils, how TF can you be ok with sleeping like that?
Lol, of course you do. Your hair will constantly secrete oils, how TF can you be ok with sleeping like that?
You don’t shit when it’s cold?Cold climates showering every day is pointless.
You don’t shit when it’s cold?
Accept no substitutesI don't clean my asshole with a shower.
Visit the purple place and ask them.What kind of cunt doesn’t bathe at least once a day?
I also suffer from hot sweaty dirty dreamsUK here. i shower every morning before work. i can't go to work without a shower and even if i shower the night before i still feel disgusting when i wake up. saturdays/sundays i won't shower and get smelly....unless i'm going out or having people around.
that's how things are right now when it's cold, wet, and miserable. this summer i found myself showering 2 or even 3 times a day because of how sweaty and sticky i was getting. it was humid as fuck up until about mid september which is extremely unusual. for a while i was able to shower at night because i was sleeping with the window open, with thin bed sheets or none at all, and with a fan running during the night. but still i was showering daily.
i'm always worried that i smell so make sure i'm clean. at times i might be able to get away with not showering as often but i'm not going to risk it.
I’m not trusting this image based on Japan alone. That country‘s culture puts a major emphasis on cleanliness, so it seems unlikely they wouldn’t make sure to keep their own bodies clean.
For me it depends on what I’m doing. If I sweat for some reason, like playing a game that requires me to focus, then I’ll shower daily. Still only do my hair every other day though. Don’t make your head too dry people, that’s how you get fungal problems/dandruff