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Persona 4 Golden |OT| Love is the only gold.

So Hi, I just discovered this thread.

I have fallen in love with P4G this year, holy shit. From a game I kinda thought I should try, to the game that has eaten up the majority of my time for the last 2 months.

First time through I missed the True Ending, and felt quite unsatisfied with how things ended, so I found out how to trigger the True Ending and am currently nearing the end of my second play through. 97 hours.

I have little else constructive to add to the thread apart from saying how much I goddamn love the game ._.
I just got my Hardcore Risette Fan trophy. feelsgood.jpg

I used a spreadsheet to track my progress. One which I made myself and which groups the different lines you can get by category (e.g. Dizzy, Panic, Critical Hit, Ambush, Pre-emptive strike, etc) so that as I got more and more lines, I could easily look at the spreadsheet to see what I was missing. In the end, my spreadsheet told me I had 254 lines when the trophy popped, so I assume the overcounting was due to situations where I died and restarted on a floor and lost any lines I had gotten before I died.

Anyway, I'm glad I don't have to stress over this trophy anymore. FWIW I had it finished before clearing the November dungeon (


Can anybody shed some light on my reaper hunt.

Custom difficulty with retry on etc
Using castle method, getting chain/reaper sound after first chest on level 5 as per the method, about 50+ chests no reaper.

Any ideas, does custom difficulty effect it at all?


Also if you used the castle method, how long did it take you?


Chie is the worst waifu
Can anybody shed some light on my reaper hunt.

Custom difficulty with retry on etc
Using castle method, getting chain/reaper sound after first chest on level 5 as per the method, about 50+ chests no reaper.

Any ideas, does custom difficulty effect it at all?


Also if you used the castle method, how long did it take you?

Custom difficulty does not affect the reaper spawning, it's all up to chance. You might get it, you might not.
Got a Vita a few weeks ago to go with my PS4. At first I thought I'd primarily be using the Vita for the remote play option, so the GF could watch TV while I play. Fast-forward to today, and I'm about 50 hours into a P4G playthrough. Meanwhile my PS4 sits mostly idle (for now, anyway).

I just got the final party member. If the second half of the game (I'm maybe 60% through at this point, you'd say?) is as enjoyable as the first half has been, this will easily end up in my top 5 games of all time. I liked P3FES when I played it, but only got about half of the way through before losing interest... maybe that isn't the right way to put it; I think I dropped FES to play Ni No Kuni and never came back to it. P4G is all-consuming, though. I've thought about getting platinums before, and I've come close a couple times, but this is going to be my first. It definitely helps that there are only two trophies that seem to give people headaches (HRF and Compulsive Reader).

Also, I watched the anime before ever playing the game, which spoiled certain aspects for me, but I don't really mind. And then I re-watched the entire anime last week after the GF mentioned she liked the story a lot (from watching me play) but wouldn't enjoy the gameplay (she only plays Paper Mario and Kingdom Hearts).

Random thoughts so far:

- Being able to choose which skills you pass along (with some limitations) is far and away the biggest positive difference (for me) between P3FES and P4. I loved the idea of fusion when it was first introduced to me in P3FES, but it turned into a chore very quickly when I knew what skills I wanted to pass on to a new persona but had to re-roll fusion over and over. I much prefer having the main limit on skill inheritance be the user's creativity.

- Along the same lines, the recipes list is also really, really awesome. If I want to fuse a particular persona and there are five different recipes available to me at present given my current stock, it really helps to be able to presented with all five up front and make an informed decision based on whatever criteria are important - am I still leveling one of my ingredient Persona? Do I need one of these persona for a social link? Etc.

- The story line is a bit lighter than I'd prefer (until
Nanako gets kidnapped
, anyway), but I appreciate how it allows you to get to know most of the characters in a more 'normal' setting, especially during August.

- Least favorite social link so far is Temperance, by far.

Last note: Was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and stumbled upon a copy of the P4 Official Design Works book at Barnes & Noble. If my Xmas budget wasn't so tight I would have self-gifted on the spot
because Yukiko is my waifu


So I kind of dragged my ass when it came yo fishing. I got most social links to max. Just have a couple more. One of them is the fox, and I got him to level 9. But because I never liked fishing that much in the game I pushed it off.

Now it is february and im pretty sure I might have blown my chance catching the samegawa river guardian. I have 4 inaba jewel beetles. It seems no matter how much I try I cant catch the thing. Even on snowy days. Im about out of ideas. Any suggestions?


So I kind of dragged my ass when it came yo fishing. I got most social links to max. Just have a couple more. One of them is the fox, and I got him to level 9. But because I never liked fishing that much in the game I pushed it off.

Now it is february and im pretty sure I might have blown my chance catching the samegawa river guardian. I have 4 inaba jewel beetles. It seems no matter how much I try I cant catch the thing. Even on snowy days. Im about out of ideas. Any suggestions?

Nvm, I just caught him. Some advice to others who might be having a tough time. In Golden, visually the ripples will look stronger, whiter, and sharper. They will come more often too. So yes, you can catch him still on snowy days in february.
Just started and got my third persona. I will admit it is taken it's sweet time in getting going but I like what I am playing so far. I will admit hearing that you can miss the true ending is scary to me. How easy is it to blow that?


Just started and got my third persona. I will admit it is taken it's sweet time in getting going but I like what I am playing so far. I will admit hearing that you can miss the true ending is scary to me. How easy is it to blow that?

It's a bit tough, but you'll be warned about how potentially important your decisions are before you start them. At that point, I'd just look at a FAQ if you're that concerned. There are spoiler-free ones that get you to the true ending.
Just started and got my third persona. I will admit it is taken it's sweet time in getting going but I like what I am playing so far. I will admit hearing that you can miss the true ending is scary to me. How easy is it to blow that?
The game will warn you to make a save before the important choices occur. Just look up an FAQ or be very cautious and skeptical when you're making those choices.
I have listened to the frequent recommendations and have taken the plunge, liking the look and feel so far, between this and killzone I will be busy for a long while


Just started and got my third persona. I will admit it is taken it's sweet time in getting going but I like what I am playing so far. I will admit hearing that you can miss the true ending is scary to me. How easy is it to blow that?

Use all 16 save slots and you'll be fine.


Just started and got my third persona. I will admit it is taken it's sweet time in getting going but I like what I am playing so far. I will admit hearing that you can miss the true ending is scary to me. How easy is it to blow that?

I think, basically, that the true ending makes it extremely obvious that it is in fact the true ending. In fact, Igor straight says that you've reached your "journey's true end". If you don't get that, then you missed the true ending.

Save often in multiple slots, especially towards the end, and you will get chances to go back if you miss it. Its pretty easy to miss actually. But its not difficult to go back and fix what you did wrong, also.


I have listened to the frequent recommendations and have taken the plunge, liking the look and feel so far, between this and killzone I will be busy for a long while

In Golden they actually tell you to save before the crucial moment(s). While you can easily not get it, you should always have a save game right before the choice(s) to retry it.


In normal days, where can u find yukiko to increase the social link during days and evenings?
Also, is there anyway to have a common way to see the wherabouts of main characters?




Alright, so I'm on 12/03 and feel I'm pretty close to the end. What do I need to be doing to get the true ending? Hopefully someone can help me without giving away direct spoilers!


OH FUCK NANAKO!! :'( Seriously trying hold back tears here... :'(


Alright, so I'm on 12/03 and feel I'm pretty close to the end. What do I need to be doing to get the true ending? Hopefully someone can help me without giving away direct spoilers!


You're still quite off from the ending, as long as you complete Marie's link before christmas eve you'll be fine. I wouldnt worry about it until the very end when you actually leave Inaba.



Finally finished it and got the true ending I believe.

Seriously, one of the best games I have ever played. Ever. Absolutely phenomenal from start to finish. There were times I was frustrated, happy and even on the verge of tears.


Everyone needs to buy a Vita just to experience this gem.
So I kinda just stopped. I beat the 8 bit dungeon and the game just lost all of its momentum. Does it pick back up? Is really like to finish it but I guess I just hit a slump.


So I kinda just stopped. I beat the 8 bit dungeon and the game just lost all of its momentum. Does it pick back up? Is really like to finish it but I guess I just hit a slump.

Yeah, it has a little dip after that dungeon where it's a lot of just hanging out and going to school, but around October or so, it starts picking back up. I'd just muscle through and from there, no more lulls from November to the end.
I can't help but wonder... why has this game sold so well in the west?
It's one of the Vita's top 5 biggest sellers unless I'm mistaken, but how come?
It's totally deserved of course, but it's had no advertising, and I don't see Persona as a big brand in the EU/US (I'd never heard of it a year ago and I'm a JRPG fan).
Is it just from great reviews and word of mouth?
I'm surprised there's such a large market for a game that's so archetypically Japanese in almost every way.


I'm having so much fun with this game.

They really did a good job with the "life in a small Japanese town" aspect -- this takes me back to my first time in Japan as an exchange student, in a town with everything that this game has, including a shopping district that was losing business to the local Junes-equivalent. (I still have my welcome letter from the prefectural governor, whose name was

And I love how honest the people are. At first I would mix things up and occasionally not choose the nice-agreeable-guy things, but so far I seem to get the best reactions from Chie and Yukiko just by genuinely being nice to them. It's great.

I'll probably only get one playthrough in the foreseeable future, so I'd love to know any missable details that players need to know in order to get the good ending. I know that
Marie has a Social Link and you should develop it
and that
there's a big point of no return in December
, but is there anything else?

Total Persona newbie here, and I started P4G for the first time today.

Any advice or tips for me?

I'm really enjoying it so far, the voice acting is hilarious lol.




Total Persona newbie here, and I started P4G for the first time today.

Any advice or tips for me?

I'm really enjoying it so far, the voice acting is hilarious lol.



First thing's first: Don't go by a guide the first time through. Just go at it on your own terms, the game will be far more interesting for you that way.

Second: Social Links are just as important as combat and shouldn't be neglected. Same goes for the personality stats, which should be built up as you go through the game.

Third: Carry a Persona of the matching arcanum to the social link. It builds points faster.

Fourth: Fuse often. Persona become obsolete fairly quickly (unless you're playing NG+ where they can be easily upgraded.) and different persona have a variety of advantages and disadvantages that will make most of them at least somewhat useful.

Fifth: Prioritize party member social links. Building those up will let them learn new skills and eventually upgrade their persona to a new form with new resistances.

sixth: Make a lot of social links. Having a variety of links will give you bonuses to a larger range of Arcana

seventh: Take jobs. They earn a nice sum of cash outside of the TV world and the later ones open up social links and yield a nice payout.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle

First thing's first: Don't go by a guide the first time through. Just go at it on your own terms, the game will be far more interesting for you that way.

Second: Social Links are just as important as combat and shouldn't be neglected. Same goes for the personality stats, which should be built up as you go through the game.

Third: Carry a Persona of the matching arcanum to the social link. It builds points faster.

Fourth: Fuse often. Persona become obsolete fairly quickly (unless you're playing NG+ where they can be easily upgraded.) and different persona have a variety of advantages and disadvantages that will make most of them at least somewhat useful.

Fifth: Prioritize party member social links. Building those up will let them learn new skills and eventually upgrade their persona to a new form with new resistances.

sixth: Make a lot of social links. Having a variety of links will give you bonuses to a larger range of Arcana

seventh: Take jobs. They earn a nice sum of cash outside of the TV world and the later ones open up social links and yield a nice payout.

Eighth: Pick the best girl as your girlfriend.

Which is Yukiko, obviously.
So I'm going round Yukiko's Castle for the first time with Yukiko on my party, and Chie and Yukiko just randomly did some Twin Dragons thing!??!

I have no idea how it was triggered, the game hasn't explained it at all...



Started this game a few days ago and I have a question (2nd of May)!

I just
rescued Yukiko and can access the castle again
. Went through the dungeon a 2nd time without problems but I am getting destroyed by the boss at the end. My party is around Level 15 and I am asking myself whether I am supposed to defeat that boss later in the game or whether I could already do it...
Finally got back to playing this, really picked up fast once I spent a long bit of time to get to the 50's as lots of good persona are there and then later into the 70's with a few. Though I feel a bit overpowered to be that high in Nov
dungeon. 116 hrs.

Also favorite social link so far is Naoki. Relatable and cant wait to max it, at some point.

Game sounds amazing connected to speakers.


Just wait till you are a higher level. That boss is tough and isn't going anywhere.

Tried it 5 times yesterday and gave up. Will heed your advice and come back later.

Oh and one question regarding the Fool Social Link. Since it seems to advance automatically, do I even need to have a Fool Persona in my portfolio all the time to advance the Social Link faster or is it not necessary?


Also favorite social link so far is Naoki. Relatable and cant wait to max it, at some point.

You're almost at the level needed to finish the game. Naoki's link is pretty nice.

Tried it 5 times yesterday and gave up. Will heed your advice and come back later.

Oh and one question regarding the Fool Social Link. Since it seems to advance automatically, do I even need to have a Fool Persona in my portfolio all the time to advance the Social Link faster or is it not necessary?

No Fool Persona is necessary. That goes for Death, Star, Judgment and Empress as well.


So do party members ever auto-level if you don't use them for a while? I haven't used Yosuke at all for the 3rd dungeon and noticed coming back to the TV he's already 7-8 levels behind everyone else now. I'd rather not do extra grinding to bring him up to the rest of the party's level.


So do party members ever auto-level if you don't use them for a while? I haven't used Yosuke at all for the 3rd dungeon and noticed coming back to the TV he's already 7-8 levels behind everyone else now. I'd rather not do extra grinding to bring him up to the rest of the party's level.

I'm afraid not.
Any particular party setup (provided you have at least 1 dedicated healer) works for almost anything though, so unless you really wanted to switch around you don't need to catch them up.


I'm afraid not.
Any particular party setup (provided you have at least 1 dedicated healer) works for almost anything though, so unless you really wanted to switch around you don't need to catch them up.

Ah I see. I remember some other recent RPG I played where the inactive team members auto-level but couldn't recall if that was a Persona game. I kinda like Yousuke in battle but I guess I'll have to decide whether I like him enough to do some grinding. Anyways, thanks for the quick response.


Ah I see. I remember some other recent RPG I played where the inactive team members auto-level but couldn't recall if that was a Persona game. I kinda like Yousuke in battle but I guess I'll have to decide whether I like him enough to do some grinding. Anyways, thanks for the quick response.

No problem.

Yosuke is a pretty flexible character who excels at support. Until you get your final party member he's the best Jack of All Trades after the Protagonist.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So do party members ever auto-level if you don't use them for a while? I haven't used Yosuke at all for the 3rd dungeon and noticed coming back to the TV he's already 7-8 levels behind everyone else now. I'd rather not do extra grinding to bring him up to the rest of the party's level.

It ends up not mattering since you're never actually forced to use anyone other than the Hero. You can safely leave anyone you want behind in levels if you don't have an interest in actually using them.

You could even use Hero as the healer if you really wanted, although I think that would be wasting his flexibility.


Random question as I picked this up after a year hiatus to get that plat finally...

I met with
in the correct order and got the aqua item from her, but where do I go now to meet
for that epic battle?
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