Rivers in the Desert is also one hell of a track.
One of the best boss tracks in Persona without a doubt.
Rivers in the Desert is also one hell of a track.
well everything about this is greatSorry if already posted, but some good persona 5 meme
Palace 6 down, 90 hours.
Bittersweet feeling rising fam ;_;
There is barely anything to do at that point. Do whatever you feel like doing tbh. You cannot do everything in one playthrough, so there is no point trying to achieve as much as possible when you can do all of it in NG+ much faster and easier. So just enjoy your first run doing whatever you feel like.
Some social links are locked behind social stats, get the doctor social link to rank 7 for discounted items and accessories, explore and do whatever you feel. Every persona game I feel like I'm being thrown to the wolves once it opens up and I love. I usually do a few play threw of Persona games so I'm different. I usually max out my social stats on my first play threw while doing whatever catches my attention than I focus on social links on my second play threw.
but there's so much more game to go.
tehres a point in the game where they dont even try to make an excuse to why they are throwing you out instead of letting you get moving...At least early on they made an excuse. Fortunately by then I had already accepted that their design strategy meant that the discovery day for the palace would never let you actually progress it that day.Palace 4 looks really cool. Too bad as usual before I can explore it I get thrown out for story reasons. I would say that the game's pacing isn't terrible but rather the pre-Palace stuff every single time is just draining in a way that makes you feel powerless. The game is great when you're either dungeon crawling or feeling the pressure of having too many social options every day and picking your poison. But once it hits the "story point" every month or two, usually a couple of weeks before the new Palace appears, you get sucked into this vortex where on one hand you don't know what's going to happen next, on the other hand you are fed bite-sized plot scenes every day while not being able to actually do any game stuff. You lose day after day after day while the story inches towards a new dungeon and the feeling really sucks.
Palace 4 looks really cool. Too bad as usual before I can explore it I get thrown out for story reasons. I would say that the game's pacing isn't terrible but rather the pre-Palace stuff every single time is just draining in a way that makes you feel powerless. The game is great when you're either dungeon crawling or feeling the pressure of having too many social options every day and picking your poison. But once it hits the "story point" every month or two, usually a couple of weeks before the new Palace appears, you get sucked into this vortex where on one hand you don't know what's going to happen next, on the other hand you are fed bite-sized plot scenes every day while not being able to actually do any game stuff. You lose day after day after day while the story inches towards a new dungeon and the feeling really sucks.
Halfway through the 6th palace.
One of the things bugging me is that it all seems so obvious how this is going to play out right now. I hope there are some big twists coming, because right now it seems like: (guesses, but huge spoilers up to palace 6)Goro is the only possible culprit, he has blackmailed his way into the group to take care of Sae and the Thieves in the metaverse at the same time, and he's working on Shido's orders. Goro gets the praise for defeating the thieves, Shido fulfils his election promise and becomes PM. That's their plan. So the final palace will be either Goro or Shido. And knowing Persona / SMT, some devious god/demon will be the one manipulating Shido behind the scenes for one final battle post-palace 7.
I'd love to be wrong, but that's how it looks from here, whereas in Persona 4 I was thrown for a loop multiple times. I found the murder mystery aspect of P4 far more engaging. In P5 the plot is struggling to motivate me right now. The only thing that I really, really want to find out isWho/what is Morgana and what awaits at the bottom of Mementos.
Ok seems like I'm the only one to love Palace 1 that much
But Yusuke is bae right ?
Keep playing. Just...keep playing.
Halfway through the 6th palace.
One of the things bugging me is that it all seems so obvious how this is going to play out right now. I hope there are some big twists coming, because right now it seems like: (guesses, but huge spoilers up to palace 6)Goro is the only possible culprit, he has blackmailed his way into the group to take care of Sae and the Thieves in the metaverse at the same time, and he's working on Shido's orders. Goro gets the praise for defeating the thieves, Shido fulfils his election promise and becomes PM. That's their plan. So the final palace will be either Goro or Shido. And knowing Persona / SMT, some devious god/demon will be the one manipulating Shido behind the scenes for one final battle post-palace 7.
I'd love to be wrong, but that's how it looks from here, whereas in Persona 4 I was thrown for a loop multiple times. I found the murder mystery aspect of P4 far more engaging. In P5 the plot is struggling to motivate me right now. The only thing that I really, really want to find out isWho/what is Morgana and what awaits at the bottom of Mementos.
In retrospect it's good that we already know what a bottom tier dungeon is, so nothing in here can be worse than that lol. I just arrived to dungeon 7 so I don't know all the gimmicks yet, but I'll doubt it'll be too bad.
It didn't bother me much. Cuz by the time each dungeon ended, I've had more than enough of them.
Oh man you are at that point in the game.Really?
Oh neat this totally explains whythere were shadows in the intro bit, and also why we were in our phantom costume too![]()
But that doesn't change the structure though? I'm not saying I don't have time to do anything I want, I'm just commenting on how it makes me feel when I hit the point where the story wants to "move forward" again. You can play for a 1-2 hour session a day for 3 days or so, and have basically really limited options for social events, and zero battles or dungeon crawling at all. That's what makes it feel like the progression is sloooooooow.
You are (vague, non-specific response to concerns)half-right, and half-wrong in some major ways that change the importance or significance of the things you are right about.
You've forced me to consider another possibility, then...
Maybe (PALACE 6 SPOILERS)Goro is working on his own, and just really hates injustice and bad guys, therefore killing them? And he sees both Sae and the Thieves as corrupt or unjust, therefore as targets. Maybe Shido is Goro's ultimate target?
That doesn't make sense, though, as it's clear that the SIU director (under orders from Shido) has control over the murderer. I have to believe that the culprit (surely Goro - he knew who the Thieves were LONG before palace 5) is working with him.
Oh well, these posts have been 110% worthwhile because all of a sudden I'm enthused to find out what happens again. Thanks guys.
I haven't used the thieves guild ability once. I feel so smart when I answer a question correctly. Also what doesdo? I don't have internet at home so I can't do that.Public execution
Palace 4 looks really cool. Too bad as usual before I can explore it I get thrown out for story reasons. I would say that the game's pacing isn't terrible but rather the pre-Palace stuff every single time is just draining in a way that makes you feel powerless. The game is great when you're either dungeon crawling or feeling the pressure of having too many social options every day and picking your poison. But once it hits the "story point" every month or two, usually a couple of weeks before the new Palace appears, you get sucked into this vortex where on one hand you don't know what's going to happen next, on the other hand you are fed bite-sized plot scenes every day while not being able to actually do any game stuff. You lose day after day after day while the story inches towards a new dungeon and the feeling really sucks.
I'll just say keep playing.You've forced me to consider another possibility, then...
Maybe (PALACE 6 SPOILERS)Goro is working on his own, and just really hates injustice and bad guys, therefore killing them? And he sees both Sae and the Thieves as corrupt or unjust, therefore as targets. Maybe Shido is Goro's ultimate target?
That doesn't make sense, though, as it's clear that the SIU director (under orders from Shido) has control over the murderer. I have to believe that the culprit (surely Goro - he knew who the Thieves were LONG before palace 5) is working with him.
Oh well, these posts have been 110% worthwhile because all of a sudden I'm enthused to find out what happens again. Thanks guys.
I don't think it's a coincidence that from all the complaints I've seen about dungeons dragging on or being too long, they mostly come either from people who got the adhesives as soon as possible or people who play for the social aspect anyway. How can dungeons not be annoying to you if you play them in a way that wasn't intended, let alone if you don't enjoy the combat in the first place?
I don't think they're perfect or that they're above criticism, but context matters.
Personally I've enjoyed them all (5th the least, but still fun), but I play these games primarily for the dungeons and combat and see the social part as downtime between them, so I obviously don't consider spending an extra day in them "a waste of time".
I won't say you lose days, those were days you were never going to get full control of anyways. If the game gave you full control of time like it does during palace phase you would wrap everything up so quickly that you wouldn't have anything left to do other than doing palaces for half of the game.Palace 4 looks really cool. Too bad as usual before I can explore it I get thrown out for story reasons. I would say that the game's pacing isn't terrible but rather the pre-Palace stuff every single time is just draining in a way that makes you feel powerless. The game is great when you're either dungeon crawling or feeling the pressure of having too many social options every day and picking your poison. But once it hits the "story point" every month or two, usually a couple of weeks before the new Palace appears, you get sucked into this vortex where on one hand you don't know what's going to happen next, on the other hand you are fed bite-sized plot scenes every day while not being able to actually do any game stuff. You lose day after day after day while the story inches towards a new dungeon and the feeling really sucks.
I aint no rat lady!
Post-Palace 6 spoilers
So what happens if you squeel on your posse, is that a bad ending right there? Lol
Fusing one of your persona with someone's else persona. You can do that only once per week and you don't gain social link exp bonus with this method.
The end of palace 5.
Looks like the assassin is a woman so it's definitely not Goro. Maybe Sae? She's the only remaining relevant female character.
So against my better judgment I bought P5 today (I played P4G a bit but didn't finish). The idea of actually finishing a 100+ hour game seems crazy to me these days, but I am in the mood for a good turn based JRPG so here I am.
That said, would you guys recommend I look at a guide for this? Or should I just play casually and see how it goes. I'm not really interested in trying to do every possible thing, but I don't want to miss anything important.
I've been saying this over and over again. The dungeons are only dragging out if you do it in one sitting. The game is absolutely not designed with that plays type as the primary playstyle in mind.It's a pretty popular opinion that FES is inferior to P3P because it doesn't have the FeMC route and you rely on your teammates' AI, but in truth P3P's difficulty balance is a joke because it wasn't modified to take into account that you have control of your entire party.
I consider the AI thing a baffling design choice too, but you do get used to it and it works as intended for the most part (yes Akihiko, you can hit enemies even if you do neutral damage... No need to pass).
If you want to play as a girl tho definitely go for P3P, that's obvious.
I think it's pretty clear their approach in this was supposed to be similar to EO and SJ. Dungeons are intentionally longer than your SP allows you to traverse so that you have to take SP management in account and fight accordingly (just exploiting weaknesses left and right sure is easy... When you have infinite SP!). The problem is that the game lets you bypass this too easily with the adhesives and lets player brute force their way instead.
I don't think it's a coincidence that from all the complaints I've seen about dungeons dragging on or being too long, they mostly come either from people who got the adhesives as soon as possible or people who play for the social aspect anyway. How can dungeons not be annoying to you if you play them in a way that wasn't intended, let alone if you don't enjoy the combat in the first place?
I don't think they're perfect or that they're above criticism, but context matters.
Personally I've enjoyed them all (5th the least, but still fun), but I play these games primarily for the dungeons and combat and see the social part as downtime between them, so I obviously don't consider spending an extra day in them "a waste of time".
Golden is the most complete version, but it does suffer a bit because of the new bits depending on who you ask. They added a lot of new events and cutscenes but IMO some of them are pretty bad, and the game balance was thrown out of the window too, with so many new things to help you that it's actually hard not to end up overpowered... It also added arguably the worst character in the main series as a new focal point for the story and the new epilogue, while not bad, it's largely unnecessary and kinda ruins the original ending.
QoL additions and costumes are great though.
I say if you have the means to play the original and don't own a Vita, don't get one just for this game. For people who own one tho, it's still definitely a great version.
So against my better judgment I bought P5 today (I played P4G a bit but didn't finish). The idea of actually finishing a 100+ hour game seems crazy to me these days, but I am in the mood for a good turn based JRPG so here I am.
That said, would you guys recommend I look at a guide for this? Or should I just play casually and see how it goes. I'm not really interested in trying to do every possible thing, but I don't want to miss anything important.
No guide, just take general advices from this thread regarding confidants and gameplay stuff. Don't try to do everything or even think about it. Just be relaxed and take it easy.So against my better judgment I bought P5 today (I played P4G a bit but didn't finish). The idea of actually finishing a 100+ hour game seems crazy to me these days, but I am in the mood for a good turn based JRPG so here I am.
That said, would you guys recommend I look at a guide for this? Or should I just play casually and see how it goes. I'm not really interested in trying to do every possible thing, but I don't want to miss anything important.
So... following up on my Confidant Max posts from last night, I've played a bit with that game plan and I'm currently at 11/18 - the evening after.sending the calling card to Sae Niijima
For the confidants I'm looking to complete by the end of the game, the ranks are as follows:
Am I on the right track to max these by the end? From here on, who should I focus on? Am I fine to continue prioritizing those with lower ranks over those with higher? Any I should focus on immediately?
- Makoto - Rank 8
- Haru - Rank 8
- Yusuke - Rank 8
- Ann - Rank 7
- Ryuji - Rank 7
- Futaba - Rank 8
- Twins - Rank 2 (Can be completed all at once if needed, correct?)
- Sojiro - Rank MAX
- Takemi - Rank 8
- Hifumi - Rank 8
- Kawakami - Rank MAX
- Mishima - Rank MAX
- Chihaya - Rank 6
As usual, please use as few details/spoilers as possible in your answers - thanks in advance.
Yes.I aint no rat lady!
Post-Palace 6 spoilers
So what happens if you squeel on your posse, is that a bad ending right there? Lol
Very curious to see the sales numbers for this one. Some of the OST tracks have hit 1 million views.
Really crazy to see this surge in popularity for this series.
I wouldn't follow a guide.
Just play how you would play.
Using a guide for first playthroughs always seems dumb to me. Theres so many activities and people to spend time with that you should be spending time how you want.
If you want to min/max stuff, do it on the second playthrough.
No guide, just take general advices from this thread regarding confidants and gameplay stuff. Don't try to do everything or even think about it. Just be relaxed and take it easy.
I'm on 12/24 right now.
The story has been pretty crazy. Somewhat predictable but I've enjoyed it so damn much. How much more do I have left? I justentered the meta verse.
Feels nice to be able to unspoiler tag most of the posts now!
It's like the people start believing in the Phantom Thieves. It also might help a lot that MC is having them on the new and notable tab on their main page for quite a while now, the score is very close to Zelda too.
I'm on 12/24 right now.
The story has been pretty crazy. Somewhat predictable but I've enjoyed it so damn much. How much more do I have left? I justentered the meta verse.
Feels nice to be able to unspoiler tag most of the posts now!
so its now back to 94 after dropping to 93 for no reason