PES 2018 or FIFA 2018, please help me decide (Don't make this a war thread please!)

First of all a disclaimer, please do not make this a PES vs. FIFA war thread, I bought both games in the past and enjoyed both for different reasons but I haven't bought either of them since FIFA 2014 or 2015 so and feel somewhat of an itch to play a football (soccer) game again and would like a bit of a heads-up which game might be better suited for me. I'm in no rush though, I told myself I wouldn't buy any game till October till Intel announces when and for how much the Coffee Lake CPUs will really be available here as my PC's 3570k is in need of an upgrade and I want to plan my budget accordingly. And I know aside from the demo FIFA 18 isn't out for another two weeks.

Let me give a bit of a background what I want out of a football game. I should say that I don't really care for the professional side of the sport at all or the players or the clubs but I still very much like the sport and game in itself as weird as it may sound. As far as real-life football goes I only watch the World Cup and Europe Championship and then cheer for Germany and all the other countries my friends are from but that's it really so I don't really care too much about PES's lack of licenses but I would still get myself an OF for the sake of consistency.

As far as actual football video-games go I started with a SNES football game my brother bought (it wasn't International Super Star Soccer :p) but I can't really remember the name anymore, then as a kid I moved on playing FIFA 98, 99 and 2000 on PSX and then finally International Super Star Soccer 2000 which I still remember fondly as one of my GOAT games in my childhood because of the amazing story mode in vein of a visual-novel. Making a character, picking a club and then basically playing a story out visual-novel style was a ton of fun. Building character-relations, influencing the story and having mini-games to raise your stats was something new that I enjoyed. After that I stuck with FIFA till FIFA 2004 or so and liked the WC 2002 game on the GameCube for its sheer ridiculousness. At one point FIFA became too predictable and "on-rails" for me though so I stopped playing them and thanks to a friend at school I discovered Pro Evolution Soccer 3 and wow that game was something else.

It might have only had made up teams and everything but back then on the PS2 the game was really fun and played great, it had so much freedom compared to how FIFA played at the time that and PES 3 and 4 had amazing intros I still watch from time to time today:

PES 3:
PES 4:

Every time I booted the games up I let these intros plays, they always got me so hyped up to play and still had this video-gamey charm about them. My friends and me kept playing PES till PES 6 and one of them bought a Japanese copy of some Winning Eleven game in a pawn-shop where you could play in the Japanese J-League and while we of course couldn't read anything it was kind of fun to play football in a totally different league we never heard of before as kids. We also always wanted to have Winning Eleven 9 Liveware Evolution since we heard of it on the internet since it was supposed to be the best PS2 engine version with gameplay tweaks. For those that don't know, Pro Evolution Soccer and Winning Eleven were essentially the same game with the latter being the Japanese/Asia version which might or might not have some differences compared to PES depending on which numbered entry it was.

As the next-gen PS3/360 transition happened I sort of had a fall-out with PES and didn't really like how it played anymore so eventually with new friends I bit the bullet and bought FIFA 2010. I was surprised because since FIFA 2004 it made really big leaps and while I still didn't enjoy the gameplay as much as the PS2-era PES's it was a fun game to play with friends, especially on full manual. We also mostly limited ourselves to three-star teams or less as we found that the game simply played better and slower with them. That one online mode where every player was controlling just one player on the field was also amazingly fun and the first time I won a game like this with two other friends felt like a great achievement.

Some other thing I enjoyed about past FIFAs I played was that you could create your own character and the game dropped you in a 1v1 arena versus the keeper and you could do different things to unlock achievements and raise stats. Online, especially against randoms also always felt better to me in FIFA versus PES the few times I tried. Ultimate Team was something I enjoyed too, I never hyped it as much as some people do and would never put any money for it but it was kinda fun to get better cards and make a somewhat competent team out of it along with getting better kits, balls and stadiums.

My FIFA time went on for me till the last FIFA for PS3 before the first PS4 FIFA appeared so I think the last I played was actually FIFA 15 I think but ever since then I haven't bothered, life moved on and I wasn't playing much football games with my football-game liking friends anymore and the first PS4 FIFA was also way too expensive for me back then.

So far I tried the demos of both PES 18 and FIFA 18 and in a pure gameplay vacuum I like PES 18 much much better, it reminds me actually how much fun I had with the PS2 PES's but I don't like the presentation of the game too much, especially the pitch UI and everything feels so sterile and stylized in the menus. FIFA on the other hand feels much more lively and like the better all-around package though even on full manual the gameplay isn't that much for me, especially since I play mostly alone nowadays. From the FIFA 17 and 18 demo The Journey is nothing for me though, for me the story seems to be way too much focused on professional drama and happenings, plus I can't create my own character which is a thing that put me off too even though I see why it simply wouldn't be possible with how they have done the mode.

Overall I get that football with its licenses and all is a big deal for many people who are into the professional side of things but I who just likes the game itself and watched alot of Captain Tsubasa and Kickers! as a kid would just like to make a character and play in a random backwater fantasy town club against other fantasy town clubs. I guess from this aspect PES should appeal more to me but I'm not sure, it still has this Be A Legend mode too right? I just miss all the (Japanese) video-gamey feel to it. I just don't care for the Ronaldos, Barcelonas and Real Madrids of the world :p

And since I wrote much more than I thought I would here's a tl;dr:

I'm a lapsed PES and FIFA fan who would like to buy one of the games again but does not care for the professional side of football at all. I enjoy PES 2018's gameplay much more though FIFA 18 feels like the better overall (single-player) package to me. So far I lean towards PES but help me decide :p I would also buy either on PC, specs aren't an issue at all.
PES 2018 if you are a a looking for a more cerebral game, slower paced game

Fifa 2018 if you are looking for faster game, "arcadish".

PES 2018 seems to have better graphics this year, FIFA better presentation, and more license deals

I picked PES 2018
PES has better moment to moment gameplay while on the pitch. It crushes FIFA in this regard. I prefer Master League over any of the manager sims in FIFA as well.

FIFA has better online modes, is region free, and has a better online structure. Also the story mode. FIFA beats PES in licenses and presentation. But, if you play on PC or PS4, you can download the majority of the clubs, kits, and names. It's a little inconvenient but worth it to get the EPL.

I'm getting both but if I was only going to get one, it'd be PES.


I bought pes last year and plan to buy FIFA this year

PES has easily the best gameplay but this year I want to play more competitive modes (FUT, online seasons, etc)

PES for better gameplay (and fun)
FIFA for the competittive modes (FUT,club pro, online modes)
No better way of knowing which you prefer than to try them both out, give the demos a download and see which has the gameplay you like best. I know a lot of people are making the switch back from FIFA to PES but I just can't get into PES anymore. FIFA isn't without it's problems but just feels more polished overall.
PES 6 on PS2, back way in 2006 I think, was my last PES and I have since moved to FIFA.

Went with FIFA from FIFA 08 to FIFA15. Every other year I tried the PES demo and decided to keep buying FIFA.

Skipped FIFA16 and haven't bought a soccer game since then. FIFA17 and FIFA18 I did the EA Access trials and found the games to be, basically, the same and with the same problems that made me drift apart from the series.

This year I tested the PES 18 demo and am REALLY excited by it. Although I noticed some frame drops and some strange AI behaviors, it seems fresher than FIFA and the matches I played were FUN, something that FIFA wasn't since 14.

I'll be choosing PES18 for my Xbox One this year.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
FIFA is pretty much at a standstill, you know what youre going to get.

PES will always have the licensing issue, but it always feels like its moving forward each year.

I personally go with PES because I dont mind the maintenance and I value that its closer to actual soccer.


I cannot bear the dreadful lack of licenses on PES. FIFA all the way!

FIFA plays a great game these days too.

I remember back in the PS2 days how many of my friends preferred Pro Evo and they were always about 50/50 split in sales. How times change! (it must be, what, 90/10 now?)
i would honestly get Fifa, if you like to play with other people
PES is pretty dead

but, at least in Germany, you can get PES for 5€ after a few months. So it's worth it maybe at that price to get both?
Thanks for the replies! As I said I tried the demos of both already but a demo of football games can only show you the gameplay which I like PES more for but it can't show you the whole package.

I bought pes last year and plan to buy FIFA this year

PES has easily the best gameplay but this year I want to play more competitive modes (FUT, online seasons, etc)

PES for better gameplay (and fun)
FIFA for the competittive modes (FUT,club pro, online modes)

So it's kinda again the same as it has been before during the PS2 era, alright.

PES 6 on PS2, back way in 2006 I think, was my last PES and I have since moved to FIFA.

Went with FIFA from FIFA 08 to FIFA15. Every other year I tried the PES demo and decided to keep buying FIFA.

Skipped FIFA16 and haven't bought a soccer game since then. FIFA17 and FIFA18 I did the EA Access trials and found the games to be, basically, the same and with the same problems that made me drift apart from the series.

This year I tested the PES 18 demo and am REALLY excited by it. Although I noticed some frame drops and some strange AI behaviors, it seems fresher than FIFA and the matches I played were FUN, something that FIFA wasn't since 14.

I'll be choosing PES18 for my Xbox One this year.

Sounds like you are in a similar position like me, yeah I felt the same when I played the PES 18 demo it was plain fun to play even with a few oddities. How is BAL nowadays? And can I expect a decent community in Europe on PC?

i would honestly get Fifa, if you like to play with other people
PES is pretty dead

but, at least in Germany, you can get PES for 5€ after a few months. So it's worth it maybe at that price to get both?

That might not be the worst plan :p
PES has better moment to moment gameplay while on the pitch. It crushes FIFA in this regard. I prefer Master League over any of the manager sims in FIFA as well.

FIFA has better online modes, is region free, and has a better online structure. Also the story mode. FIFA beats PES in licenses and presentation. But, if you play on PC or PS4, you can download the majority of the clubs, kits, and names. It's a little inconvenient but worth it to get the EPL.

I'm getting both but if I was only going to get one, it'd be PES.

I bought pes last year and plan to buy FIFA this year

PES has easily the best gameplay but this year I want to play more competitive modes (FUT, online seasons, etc)

PES for better gameplay (and fun)
FIFA for the competittive modes (FUT,club pro, online modes)
I was going to post but these two have it. PES for gameplay and tactics. Fifa for everything else.

I usually buy both and front load on fifa. I get the two weeks of PES then play fifa for a couple of months and then PES non stop until the next games come out. It's gameplay is just brilliant. Leagues ahead.

PES 6 on PS2, back way in 2006 I think, was my last PES and I have since moved to FIFA.

Went with FIFA from FIFA 08 to FIFA15. Every other year I tried the PES demo and decided to keep buying FIFA.

Skipped FIFA16 and haven't bought a soccer game since then. FIFA17 and FIFA18 I did the EA Access trials and found the games to be, basically, the same and with the same problems that made me drift apart from the series.

This year I tested the PES 18 demo and am REALLY excited by it. Although I noticed some frame drops and some strange AI behaviors, it seems fresher than FIFA and the matches I played were FUN, something that FIFA wasn't since 14.

I'll be choosing PES18 for my Xbox One this year.
Before you spend any money just know option files do not work on Xbox.
Had the same feeling but read online that you can download and apply a Option File quite easily. I'm waiting for guides on the new version and if true, will buy ASAP.
Check my last post. They're great and easy as heck on PS4 and PC. They don't work on Xbox, Microsoft limits access to the USB ports.


Been playing these games for over 20 years. Have only missed one version of each in that entire time.

For me, PES has been on an upward trajectory for a few years now, and on early impressions of PES 2018 this feels like a continuation of that. It feels like a lot of the issues from 2017 - which was already close to being great - have been fixed while the pace of the game has been altered and refined to create a really finely tuned, dynamic and satisfying game of football. With PES, you can push past the 100 hour mark in terms of play time and still see and do things that feel unique, exciting and get you out of your seat.

The licensing issue is always a sticking point, but on PS4 and PC at least the process has literally never been easier. Having all the right teams and kits is now a 15 minute USB transfer away. You might want to turn the commentary off though.

FIFA is a really convincing package in terms of its game modes, features and attention to presentation detail, but gameplay wise it feels like a series which is badly in need of a refresh. For me there are core aspects of the FIFA gameplay formula which just don't feel anywhere near as satisfying as PES.

As a few have mentioned, there are demos of both, so give them a go.

My recommendation would be PES. Gameplay wise I think the gap is as large as it's been for years, perhaps since the PS2 days, and in PES' favour. But you may find the overall accessibility, "authenticity" and modes of FIFA a bigger draw as many do.


Gameplay is king, and there is a simply massive gulf between the quality of FIFA and PES on that front. I don't think PES has been this far ahead of FIFA in gameplay since the PS2 generation*, though sadly I think it's just as much a case of FIFA stagnating (for five plus years) as PES improving.

If you prefer the way PES plays, get PES. It's the easiest choice in the world. It doesn't matter how good the modes are if the gameplay isn't enjoyable. FIFA doesn't really feel like a good football game this year. For those more interested in trading digital cards than actually playing, for those more interested in superficial authenticity above any degree of realism, it's fine, but I can't help but feel any purist is going to be massively let down by FIFA 18.

*heh, didn't realise the poster above made the precise same point


FIFA Pro Clubs is just too damn fun for me to ever consider switching over to PES, regardless of how well PES nails the gameplay.

Big Blue

I cannot bear the dreadful lack of licenses on PES. FIFA all the way!

FIFA plays a great game these days too.

I remember back in the PS2 days how many of my friends preferred Pro Evo and they were always about 50/50 split in sales. How times change! (it must be, what, 90/10 now?)

Same, the lack of licensing eliminates PES from the start for me.


Play the demos. PES plays much better than FIFA. FIFA does better presentation and online. After playing PES though, the FIFA gameplay just feels awful to me personally.


I'm in a similar boat to you OP, I've grew up with both but have been Fifa for quite a while now, Probably since PS2 days.

This year I'm torn. I keep playing both demos and enjoying both, I love the presentation on Fifa but for me Pro Evolution is just more satisfying to play. I'm leaning towards pro at the moment (plus it would save me the hassle of constantly getting invites from friends whenever I sign in lol). I figured I might try and wait and see if there's a sale on Pro when Fifa comes out and then get that.


FIFA all the way, specially for gameplay. Just please try it on full manual mode, otherwise experince will get greatly diminished.


Which is the better single player game? I like taking a team through multiple seasons (campaign, I guess). Can't recall the last football game I played. Might have been Fifa 12. Don't mind modding (playing on PC).


Get PES on PC, now that it is a better version.

It will look the best.

Wait for PC patches that add in all the licenses, they will look better than FIFA.


PES just for the champions league license

Who wants to play only the Spanish League or Premier League with out the champions league between league fixtures
I've abandoned both franchies for a while now but I always thought that PES is the game you play if you couch coop or compete, and FIFA is the one you get if you play online solo or want to have a Club of friends online as well.


Had the same feeling but read online that you can download and apply a Option File quite easily. I'm waiting for guides on the new version and if true, will buy ASAP.

It's not just the team and player names, though. It's the player likenesses. It's the match commentary, it's the names of the competitions, the Premier League logos and match overlays... all of it makes it feel so authentic.

It's like comparing racing in Gran Turismo (super authentic) to racing in GTA V. They both might be driving to win first place, but they're worlds apart in that authentic feel.


It's not just the team and player names, though. It's the player likenesses. It's the match commentary, it's the names of the competitions, the Premier League logos and match overlays... all of it makes it feel so authentic.

It's like comparing racing in Gran Turismo (super authentic) to racing in GTA V. They both might be driving to win first place, but they're worlds apart in that authentic feel.

I'm pretty sure Pro evolution has player likenesses even for unlicensed teams. And the options file changes the compitition names and logos too. Still doesn't have that tv presentation though I suppose.


It's not just the team and player names, though. It's the player likenesses. It's the match commentary, it's the names of the competitions, the Premier League logos and match overlays... all of it makes it feel so authentic.

It's like comparing racing in Gran Turismo (super authentic) to racing in GTA V. They both might be driving to win first place, but they're worlds apart in that authentic feel.

You couldn't have chosen a worse analogy, frankly... If anything Fifa is the Gran Turismo to PES's Assetto Corsa.


I honestly don't get how people play don't play full manual. It feels cheap otherwise.

As much as I do agree manual improves FIFA significantly (I've played full manual on FIFA since FIFA 08), it's not exactly a perfect solution to FIFA's massive array of flaws. Yes, assisted is massively imbalanced and always has been. Yes, manual offers a ton of control which allows a lot of freedom that FIFA otherwise denies users. Yet, manual is not for the faint hearted. It's hard to get moderately good with and however good you get you're not going to compete with a competent assisted user. Playing really good football with manual is extremely hard due to how inconsistent pass weighting is - trying to play tika taka is endlessly frustrating because you basically can't consistently make very short passes. Manual is a bodge fix for FIFA's biggest problem. It's still not a particularly good control system for a football game and, even if it was, FIFA has a lot of problems manual doesn't affect at all.
The answer is always Fifa.

They're just isn't anything PES does better.



I was a huge FIFA fan as a teen, but then discovered PES and never looked back. If you want, IMO realistic football controls with motions, dribbles and tactics used, PES is the way to go. If you want an arcadey type feel with the pfficial FIFA roster, than FIFA EA is the way to go. Wish Sega would bring back the Virtua Striker series, now there was an arcade Futbol game I loved playing on hours

Edit: Hey Konami, where's my PES Switch??
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