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Peter Moore video interview


Junior Member
Fight for Freeform said:
That's true, but there are issues such as how many of the tie ins being value priced games and such. The numbers of discount titles increase as more titles become greatest hits, and so it's a cycle that really stems from hardware sales.

Xbox and Cube have their fair share of 'value priced games' and still their tie in hasnt increased much at all. Last time the gap was wider than it ever has been before.


Ok, I just finished watching the entire interview and have to say that a few of you were locked, loaded, and shooting before you listened to the entire interview.

He didnt appear to be drunk or on drugs like some of you have stated. It was a rather good interview IMO and he seemed to answer the questions without sidestepping anything. His "some players dont want to save games" seemed to be in response to the retard pack. Meaning that some people wouldnt be able to afford the 399 model and would rather pay 299 and then get a mem card later. I could be wrong, but thats how I took it.

He seemed to be very fair when talking about nintendo and sony as well. And his opinion on nintendo in general seemed to be right on. They dont seem to want to compete directly with sony and ms for your living room per say. Also, he didnt really take any shots at sony either. Just said he wished he had seen some games on the floor in playable form so he would have a better idea how ps3 and x360 games will compare.

I dont know, just seemed to be concerns that any business person would have in his situation.



yeah, didnt really see anything wrong in that interview. He seemed very genuine and right on the ball about most subjects

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Norse said:
Ok, I just finished watching the entire interview and have to say that a few of you were locked, loaded, and shooting before you listened to the entire interview.

He didnt appear to be drunk or on drugs like some of you have stated. It was a rather good interview IMO and he seemed to answer the questions without sidestepping anything. His "some players dont want to save games" seemed to be in response to the retard pack. Meaning that some people wouldnt be able to afford the 399 model and would rather pay 299 and then get a mem card later. I could be wrong, but thats how I took it.

He seemed to be very fair when talking about nintendo and sony as well. And his opinion on nintendo in general seemed to be right on. They dont seem to want to compete directly with sony and ms for your living room per say. Also, he didnt really take any shots at sony either. Just said he wished he had seen some games on the floor in playable form so he would have a better idea how ps3 and x360 games will compare.

I dont know, just seemed to be concerns that any business person would have in his situation.


Agreed but carry on...


Party Pooper
maybe he just wants to bring the arcade experience back home...

that was actually pretty good. cross platform xbox live with emu on 360 vs xbox is pretty damn cool imo. i mean i guess it was a no brainer but i'd like to see how sony handles that one. as far as game saves go if u think about it there may be tons of GC and PS2 owners that have no memory cards.


The Inside Track
I've been in an 45 minutes interview with Peter Moore at TGS. You may remember from my previous comments here that I'm far from being a fan of this guy, but I have to admit it was a great interview. I'll have a full transcript within a few days.
And yes, he also mentionned the "some people don't save" thing too.


Blimblim said:
I've been in an 45 minutes interview with Peter Moore at TGS. You may remember from my previous comments here that I'm far from being a fan of this guy, but I have to admit it was a great interview. I'll have a full transcript within a few days.
And yes, he also mentionned the "some people don't save" thing too.

Did you ask him the name of that fine crack dealer he's been visiting?

Look forward to the interview.
Blimblim said:
And yes, he also mentionned the "some people don't save" thing too.

How the hell would one track this? I mean you can't compare say the installed PS2 base with mem card sales as many buy multiple cards.

What butt is he pulling this from?


Blimblim said:
I've been in an 45 minutes interview with Peter Moore at TGS. You may remember from my previous comments here that I'm far from being a fan of this guy, but I have to admit it was a great interview. I'll have a full transcript within a few days.
And yes, he also mentionned the "some people don't save" thing too.

If he's repeatedly mentioning this something's wrong. I know there are "some people" and that's not entirely incorrect...but seriously EVERY early adopter knows what they are buying, know a bit about games, and plan to save.

It could be used to justify something later on down the road, when the console hits a mass market price. But as it stands, the only ones interested in the 360 are enthusiasts, not some folks who need to decorate their house with GameMachine(tm).


peter moore talks about 360 with gamesindustry.biz.

...he predicted that many games may be offered in limited edition bundles, similar to the already announced Perfect Dark Zero bundle, which costs an additional $10 but adds a significant amount of bonus content to the title, and that premium downloads costing "maybe another $5" will also be a key strategy for publishers.

"I think consumers will get excellent value for money for what they're going to be paying in the next generation," he concluded...


The Inside Track
Fight for Freeform said:
If he's repeatedly mentioning this something's wrong. I know there are "some people" and that's not entirely incorrect...but seriously EVERY early adopter knows what they are buying, know a bit about games, and plan to save.

It could be used to justify something later on down the road, when the console hits a mass market price. But as it stands, the only ones interested in the 360 are enthusiasts, not some folks who need to decorate their house with GameMachine(tm).
Yeah, but he also mentionned that the premium pack would have the vast majority of the sales in the beginning.
Joe said:
to be exact, he said "you'd be amazed at how many people dont want to save games". im not sure where a lot came from.

You don't truly beat a game unless you beat it in one sitting, without dying once. You guys are just weak-sauce.


Peter Moore doing Xbox 360 damage control with Eurogamer:

Peter Moore said:
"Cell processor or not, when I look at the technical specs, I don't see anything that concerns me overly from a performance point of view"


"The fact that they feel the need to have Snake tell you that it's powerful, that could be seen as a sign of worry, or weakness, potentially"

Looks like the 360 guys watched the MGS4 trailer too :lol


MidgarBlowedUp said:
Those people are called "Retards".
And that's why they'll be buying the retard pack.

I guess it does make sense that there are some people who only play multiplayer sports games with their friends and don't really need to save, but why would you bring this type of shit up in an interview? Are they embarassed of the $40 memory card or something? If you're embarassed of your $40 memory card and $100 HDD maybe you should lower the prices a little, not try to convince everyone that not saving your games is a norm. :lol Unless there's at least 15-20% of Gamecube/PS2 owners who don't own a memory card I really don't think he should be bringing this nonsense up.

One things for sure, not saving your games was certainly not a norm for Xbox owners cause that system came with 8 gigs of storage standard.

Other than that I thought it was semi-decent interview. He doesn't know enough of the technical aspects of the hardware to really give a credible assessment of that. He does confirm cross platform Live play between Xbox and Xbox 360 and he does make a commitment to backwards compatibility for all Xbox games. I think he's crazy if he thinks N3 is gonna do well in the Western world. I think he makes a good point about how impressive the global launch is and he's right about how important the 512MB of RAM was. That's very interesting that since 2003 they had decided they would be launching in 2005 and had told everyone in the business. I think he is right about how over 100 million people have grown up using a traditional game controller and feel it is very natural. Interesting to hear that he is spending a lot of time with Square Enix in Japan.

I think it's a slight PR mistake to put Peter Moore out front in center with the launch of your console. I'm sure he is very good at his job, but there's too much mixed history associated with this guy to have him speaking directly to the games media and to gamers.


"You'd be amazed at how many people don't want to save a game" - paraphrased


I stopped listening after I heard that. I read in the thread he said that, and I wanted to hear it for myself. What a load of bullshit.


I actually almost played Eternal Darkness on Gamecube & Metal gear Solid on PSX through, because I didn't have any memory cards (and no money for them). I also played like 70 hours Beatmania without saving.


Sorry for bumping a week old thread but I know several people that played their PS2 games and finished them without even buying a mem-card. They just left the console running through the nights and games either paused or in menu.


Borys said:
Sorry for bumping a week old thread but I know several people that played their PS2 games and finished them without even buying a mem-card. They just left the console running through the nights and games either paused or in menu.

Slightly related personal story here, when I got a Gamecube at launch the store was out of memory cards. So I sort of played a bit of Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race and Monkey Ball but I didn't really get into them because of lack of card. I put it off, and then Smash Bros. came out. I purchased that game, and forgot I still didn't have a memory card. But I was so into Smash Bros. that I had kept the system on and on until I got almost every single thing in the game. For over a week I left the GC on. So finally I had to save my file, and I ran to the store to buy a card so I can finally save the game.

Can you guess the end of this story? ;)


The Translator
Amir0x said:
Slightly related personal story here, when I got a Gamecube at launch the store was out of memory cards. So I sort of played a bit of Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race and Monkey Ball but I didn't really get into them because of lack of card. I put it off, and then Smash Bros. came out. I purchased that game, and forgot I still didn't have a memory card. But I was so into Smash Bros. that I had kept the system on and on until I got almost every single thing in the game. For over a week I left the GC on. So finally I had to save my file, and I ran to the store to buy a card so I can finally save the game.

Can you guess the end of this story? ;)

you bought a memory card and saved the game?
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