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Phantom Brave PC Chroma Edition Preorder (Steam or items only - secret best N1 SRPG)


The "Chroma Edition" for Phantom Brave PC is up for preorder:


NISA Europe again goes with the uncommon decision of offering both an edition with the Steam key and an items-only edition. (Like with Disgaea PC) I find that a very good initiative, as it means you don't have to wait for your key to be physically delivered in order to play the game.

£22.99 with Steam key and £13.99 for just the box & items.


First time I'm disappointed in you Durante, Phantom Brave is my second least favorite N1 SRPG behind La Pucelle :p


First time I'm disappointed in you Durante, Phantom Brave is my second least favorite N1 SRPG behind La Pucelle :p
Well, you really can't blame me for your lack of taste!

Anyway, I hope we can at least agree that it was a nice time during the PS2 era when N1 actually experimented with significant gameplay differences in many of their SRPG releases.


Offering up fancy physical special editions for PC games is something more publishers need to do. Sometimes it seems like every console game gets a $120 special edition with some statue, a metal game case, and a bunch of art books...and the pc version of that game gets jack shit.


In this particular case (and Disgaea before it) I really like the pricing.

£22.99 with Steam key and £13.99 for just the box & items. I guess I should add that to the OP.


Well, you really can't blame me for your lack of taste!

Anyway, I hope we can at least agree that it was a nice time during the PS2 era when N1 actually experimented with significant gameplay differences in many of their SRPG releases.

Yeah I was genuinely shocked at the analogue/circular play field system in Phantom Brave, while the game never clicked for me I was actually so hyped for such a fundamental shift in the SRPG design. And it's great to see them bringing their back catalog go PC, hopefully there will be more day 1 support in future.

I've been playing a lot of D5 lately and while I'm loving it I do have to say they seem to have lost their way a little bit when it comes to ambition, the story is just terrible and the systems are still so close to D1 (or just expanded breadth, not depth or meaningful changes). It'd be nice to see them try drastic new things again.

Still though, there's nobody out there doing what N1 do so I'm glad to still be playing these awesome SRPG's (Both remasters and new releases) after so many years :)
Phantom Brave became grinding towards the end. I remember I grinded in some desert map for 2-3 hours just so I can finish the next story portion. It got hard really fast.


Phantom Brave became grinding towards the end. I remember I grinded in some desert map for 2-3 hours just so I can finish the next story portion. It got hard really fast.
Hmm, I don't remember that.
That could honestly be either because I didn't grind, or because I really don't remember. It has been more than 11 years.

I guess I'll find out when I re-play this version ;)


Absolutely loved this game. It had incredibly dynamic fields of battle where the stats of your characters relied on what objects you spawn your characters. Final Fantasy X style speed stat turn based gameplay (never liked Disgaea's your turn, enemies turn style). Keep your characters and raise their power by giving them better titles. Phantom Brave was the most emergent SRPG I've ever played as long as you didn't break the game by making Marona OP. I really liked the story and characters too--very touching.


Absolutely loved this game. It had incredibly dynamic fields of battle where the stats of your characters relied on what objects you spawn your characters. Final Fantasy X style speed stat turn based gameplay (never liked Disgaea's your turn, enemies turn style). Keep your characters and raise their power by giving them better titles. Phantom Brave was the most emergent SRPG I've ever played as long as you didn't break the game by making Marona OP. I really liked the story and characters too--very touching.

My thoughts exactly.

I already double dipped on PS2 and Wii. Should I go for it?
Of course.

So it's a physical edition without a DVD?
Yes. And one of them is not just without a DVD, but without a game entirely. And both have a fair price. It's quite refreshing.


That pre-order bonus is tempting, might get me to buy it now even if I'm not gonna play it right away.

El Sloth

Absolutely loved this game. It had incredibly dynamic fields of battle where the stats of your characters relied on what objects you spawn your characters. Final Fantasy X style speed stat turn based gameplay (never liked Disgaea's your turn, enemies turn style). Keep your characters and raise their power by giving them better titles. Phantom Brave was the most emergent SRPG I've ever played as long as you didn't break the game by making Marona OP. I really liked the story and characters too--very touching.
Preach, brother. It tried so many new things at once. Not since has an SRPG been as innovative. The game was so good. What'd I'd do for a proper sequel that further explored and refined those mechanics. I really loved the confine system, despite how many people hated it, and I think it could be further tweaked. Like buffs and debuffs for the summoner character depending on who she summons or what she uses as a medium, for example.

Keep flying the flag, Durante. ( `_´)ゞ


Yes. And one of them is not just without a DVD, but without a game entirely. And both have a fair price. It's quite refreshing.
Not really. I wrote them that I would buy the game for 45€ no problem if they just included a physical game with it but alas, not this way.
(I enjoyed the PS2 version back in the day, so I don't mind paying full price.)


Preach, brother. It tried so many new things at once. Not since has an SRPG been as innovative. The game was so good. What'd I'd do for a proper sequel that further explored and refined those mechanics. I really loved the confine system, despite how many people hated it, and I think it could be further tweaked. Like buffs and debuffs for the summoner character depending on who she summons or what she uses as a medium, for example.

Keep flying the flag, Durante. ( `_´)ゞ
I'm happy that there are a few people who liked the game (and in particularly, the innovation it brought to the table) as much as I did.
I saw best N1 SRPG and was expecting a Makai Kingdom thread . . .

Well, you really can't blame me for your lack of taste!

Anyway, I hope we can at least agree that it was a nice time during the PS2 era when N1 actually experimented with significant gameplay differences in many of their SRPG releases.

Thinking about it, Phantom Brave is actually my least favorite N1 game I've ever played
I'm happy that there are a few people who liked the game (and in particularly, the innovation it brought to the table) as much as I did.

Game was fantastic. Knowing when and where to summon a phantom, and what to summon them from made battles interesting. I feel like peoples complaints are similar to the ones i here about ffta where the laws force you to use shit other then the job/characters you want to. Both games really make having a large party of diverse characters useful, while most rpgs let you use the same 3 party members almost the entire game with few worries. I always found that kind of boring.

Also, my Marona kicked ass with a shrubbery I found early in the game and kept upgrading. That's just awesome.
...Sadly, I never did beat the game, not sure what I even did with my copy of it(or the world eater game, which is probably my favorite NIS game).


I'm scared of all the differing opinions in this thread, lol.
I think I'll play through Disgaea PC first. I bought it at launch just for the heck of it, still haven't played more than an hour.


Neo Member
I loved this game.

It's up there with Soul Nomad and ZHP as my favorite Nippon Ichi games, which one wins out depends on the day.

What I really appreciated, even aside from the gameplay, was the narrative. Its unique from their usual output in that its not primarily humor based, and they went for a a more simple emotional narrative that I thought worked really well, more in the style of a fairy tale or a Disney movie.
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