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Phantom Dust demo...


...on the new OXM disc - is it really hidden there? How do you unlock it?

Late impressions:

DOA:U = excatly what I expected. Fun game, sick graphics/animation. Wish the demo was playable online tho...

POP2 = meh. Seriously letdown on this one. Seems it's way over hyped.

The Incredibles = ....yeah, I played it. I was bored. I'm sorry.


Played online last night...

Man-o-man, I cant believe nobody has picked up this game for a U.S. release - it's focking awesome.

Granted I probably only understood 10% of what was actually going on, but I had a lot of fun whatever it was :p The graphics/animation/moves are absolutely insane. I blocked this one guy's attack by ripping up a piece of thge street in front of me, and was then "forced pushed" by another guy threw a wall. Really crazy stuff.

Online was really smooth also - never noticed lag, and the arenas are pretty big. I just wish I understood some japanese, cause I'm sure I'm only scratching the surface of the gameplay.

Thanks for the link Saurus - ima check it out tonight.
I'm completely confused, but it seems like it'd be pretty cool if I knew what was going on.

Then again, I'm also taking 30 Mg of hydrocodone right now for a pinched nerve in my back......I don't think I could figure anything out at the moment.


This game has KILLED my Halo 2 hype...Any rumors of a North American release? Don't want to pull the trigger on importing it if there's still a chance of MS bringing it stateside.


Yusaku said:
The pacing of the game is bizarrely anticlimactic, like Dragon Ball on a sedative.

It is anticlimactic until you hit Chapter 5, imo. After that things get crrrrazy. Besides, the real action is online.



Why is the demo in Japanese when supposedly the full Japanese version already has a full English translation on the disc?


Yusaku said:
More people need to play the full version on Xlink Kai. It's very awesome.

Probably going to wait awhile to import it...hopefully someone will decide to bring it to the states.
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