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Phoenix Point |FIG| Sci-fi horror "Cthulhu-COM" from creator of original X-COM


Yeah, this is pretty much the case. Console XCOM have always sold very poorly.

I'm curious, does anyone know how Civ Rev did on consoles?

According to wikipedia, early sales were in the 100K bracket. But it's been a while, and there a mobile version too. I doubt it was afailure, but I don't think there's a big drive to make another one.


This looks great, we get "Terror from the Deep" after all :)

Can't get enough of xcom-ish games.

Did/Does it mention any controller setups? (kb+m only or also controller support).
That new update makes me even more excited for this

For one, that medusa enemy design looks awesome

But more importantly, stealth weapons that don't reveal your position? I love that. That's a level of stealth that XCOM never really had, even in the more guerrila warfare approach in 2

I've come to accept that "Lovecraftian" games, much like many sci-fi games, most often use the influences for cool enemy designs, weapons, and locations, and rarely delve into the substance of the genres.

Either that or they don't fully commit to making the new elements work with the influenced elements.


No but in the survey he sent out, it was one of the things people cared the least about coming just ahead of PvP and console versions.

That's cool. As long as the kb+m is well implemented I will be satisfied. The latest xcom (2) had, in my opinion, "sub-par" mouse control, but great (eventually) gamepad/controller support.


That new update makes me even more excited for this

For one, that medusa enemy design looks awesome

But more importantly, stealth weapons that don't reveal your position? I love that. That's a level of stealth that XCOM never really had, even in the more guerrila warfare approach in 2


The monster designs are really on point so far.
That shark/human/squid combo is the best one IMO.

Hope we can get away setting up a whole team as a "silent strike force" loaded out with different bow variants (scoped for long range, fast reloader/big clip size for close range encounters).


Sure, but so many people act as if the mere inclusion of combat in a "Lovecraftian" game somehow is an automatic DQ.
Those people are obviously misinformed purists

It does depend on whether "Lovecraftian" is used to refer to the setting/theme or just monster designs. Cosmic horror should not give you anything without severe consequences.
I want the stupid pod activation system to be gone. For all the things the new Xcom games got right this was the one area where Firaxis seriously dropped the ball.


Those both sound like fun and meaningful stretch goals. Curious to see where the campaign ends up, though. Right now you'd think maybe the $1.1-1.3M range.


Is procedural level generation in? The project page doesn't say a word about it. It's a big ask but it adds SO MUCH to a game like this.

How about *fully* destructible maps? Not just certain structures. Terrain too!


Is procedural level generation in? The project page doesn't say a word about it. It's a big ask but it adds SO MUCH to a game like this.

How about *fully* destructible maps? Not just certain structures. Terrain too!

From the comments:

JulianG said:
Leepals said:
I wondered about 'ABOUT'. The map has a height. Do these things affect the game? Is there a map with multiple layers? Like a tower or an apartment. Is the map randomly generated? How wide is the map?
Is there a geoscape? Do you have facilities or aircraft? Like X-Com& XCOM.
I want more people to enjoy this game. Do you have any plans to add Korean? All XCOM series created by Firaxis Games are supported by Korean. OpenXCom, UFO: AFTERMATH, UFO: AFTERSHOCK, UFO AFTERLIGHT, Xenonauts are Korean patches made by Korean fans. Potential buyers in Korea know the true value of Phoenix Point. They wait for the Phoenix point as they wait for X-COM's sequel. Gamers can purchase games, enjoy games, and prove the value of the game to others.
I can say that I am using Google translation. Thanks to Snapshot Games for reading my article.
The maps will be multi-level and height will be an important factor. They will be procedurally generated in a similar manner to both old and new XCOMs.

JulianG said:
Tuckey said:
Will buildings and terrain be fully destructible?
Yes, that is what we are planning.
Both stretch goals sound awesome, but they're being done in a way that i find somewhat annoying. More than an extra 50% of the base goal is needed for the 2nd one, most kickstarter/crowdfunding campaigns get the vast majority of their money in the first few days, so it seems there's little chance of it actually getting there at this point. So basically they've announced two really awesome sounding gameplay additions that we probably won't get, unfortunately. If they're something that will be added later on even if it doesn't get there that's great, but usually it just ends up being somewhat disappointing when stretch goals are announced that they were probably not going to reach in the first place as it just makes it seems like what we get isn't as good as it could have been, if that makes sense. Stretch goals should have been announced at the start to help convince people to pledge more earlier on.


Low Poly Gynecologist
The first stretch goal seems cool, but the second one seems weird as a stretch goal. They're saying "base defense" missions yeah? Seeing "Floating Phoenix Base" makes it sound like a pre-order bonus type of thing but a new mission type would be cool.

I want this to hit some stretch goals because I wanna see it reach its fullest potential.
rpgcodex interview:


Lot of information there.
These are interesting
The enemies will indeed be pursuing objectives, depending on the mission. If they enemy is attacking a haven, or one of your bases, they will actively seek to destroy the vital functional elements of the base or haven. Aliens will also attempt to kill, eat or abduct civilians. If you are attacking then you may be able to infiltrate without alerting the enemy, but once alerted they will search and attack. Sound will be an important factor, especially since the aliens deploy a thick mist in many battles. This will be indicated visually as well.
Yes, there are a fair number of independent havens, often with their own stories. The main factions will attempt to recruit them. There will also be isolated survivors found at scavenging sites and elsewhere.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Man I really like where they are going with the geoscape aspect of this. That's one area where NU-XCOM 1 and 2 both dropped the ball compared to the OG.


Damn. Looks like an ambitious XCOM mod. Keeping the same square movement/cover style, too. At least there will be real(ish) ballistics.
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