Firest0rm said:Some of these people are pretty creative.
Cooter said:I hope the media shows the signs these people are holding up.
One look at half those signs and the American people will know to ignore them.
The usual stuff it looks like.
Bush is a terrorist and more dangerous than Osama yadda.....yadda....yadda...
These people are funny without even trying to be.
God's Hand said:Why do people protest anyway? It does nothing. You'll forget it in a week. I guess if you have nothing better to do, it's fine.
Thank you.AstroLad said:Totally! I say we do away with the whole Democratic system altogether. Free speech and attempting to get your voice out there is so 1700s and Civil Rights Movement. *yawn* Could we get any more booooooring? What a bunch of loosers, seriously.
WTO 2000.God's Hand said:Point me to a protest in the past 10... 15 years that you remember having an affect on an administration's policies.
Socreges said:WTO 2000.
States began to realize that with such public outcry, they couldn't get away with as much as in the past.
atomsk said:i see an APC poster... nice!
God's Hand said:Why do people protest anyway? It does nothing. You'll forget it in a week. I guess if you have nothing better to do, it's fine.
Minotauro said:I agree. What's even more pathetic is the troop of retards that would gather every Saturday on a street corner in an attempt to somehow stop the war. What exactly do they think they're accomplishing? If anything, they're just pushing moderates Bush's way with their ferocity.
Seriously, if protesting did anything, it would've stopped the Iraq war before it started.
Minotauro said:I agree. What's even more pathetic is the troop of retards that would gather every Saturday on the same street corner in the town where I went to school in an attempt to somehow stop the war. What exactly do they think they're accomplishing? If anything, they're just pushing moderates Bush's way with their ferocity.
Seriously, if protesting did anything, it would've stopped the Iraq war before it started.
Meier said:I love the "No Draft, No Way" signs since the only people who've brought it up as an option were Democratic legislatures.
And yes, protesting does essentially nothing in this day and age.
AstroLad said:By that brilliant logic, the suffragettes and blacks during the civil rights movement should have never protested since they didn't get immediate results; in fact, they had to endure years of suffering before they even began to make any ground, but I guess standing up for what you believe in doesn't mean shit to many people anymore.
Goodcow said:So, you suggest we do absolutely nothing, and let the government run things however they want?
Please, at least make an effort to be well informed before you reply to a topic you obviously know nothing about.hooo said:IThinkIAWTP
What type of socialist prick wants to reinstate the draft? It's a horrible idea to force people to work a job that they don't want to. It'll make the military less effective, and in turn cause more casualties (which I'm sure is exactly what those same pricks want). If there are people already willing to fight for us, it's counter-productive to force the unwilling.
These protests do nothing. A protest is nothing more than a show of support when peaceful, and considering this is an election year with a close race, there are already enough polls being done out there to figure out how many people believe what.
fart said:The act of protesting (and really all activism by extension) requires a lot more than just "standing around with a group of like-minded people". That may be the extent of your understanding, but it's far from reality.
Well, for one, you're discussing it.Minotauro said:Feel free to enlighten me...
They actually said that one of their goals is to pull some attention away from the RNC. And smply the thought of having thousands and thousands of people protesting against the present administration is going to be effective in one way or another.enjoy bell woods said:Second, they're getting lots of media coverage.
White Man said:Here's a pro-Bush sign I found over at a post on MeFi. It's from someone's blog or something so I'm just going to post the link.
What's wrong with Islam supporting Kerry?