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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool




ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Natures reclamation of civilisation is fuckin so awesome. Makes it look about 56 times cooler.

when i went to mexico and visited like three different sets of ruins in a day while we were driving the tour guide told use how all the "hills" in the areas were actually ruins that they either havent gotten around to excavating or have been deemed unsalvageable..

Got some awesome pictures of one of the ruins in the process of being excavated and how trees, some nearly 350 years old had decided to grow right into the top of the ruin and its roots ran all the way to the bottom nearly 100 feet... It was awesome...

angor wat looks awesome and if i ever get to cambodia I'm defiantely gonna make the trip to see it.
Buttchin said:
angor wat looks awesome and if i ever get to cambodia I'm defiantely gonna make the trip to see it.
It is, Myanmar is really awesome too, as is Laos. You ever plan to go, pm me or make a thread, I spent like 3 months straight in the region last holidays and I go back quite often.

Habib Umar bin Hafiz, descendant of the Prophet Mohammed (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) using his iPad :)

(photo by Br. Mustapha)


This is a photo of me in Shimulbari, a village in Bangladesh. Everywhere I would go, there would be this massive line of people, mostly women and kids, following me lol.


Persecution Complex

Thought this was pretty cool. Happened yesterday as Brazilian soldiers clamp down on the slums before the World Cup.
Kastrioti said:

Thought this was pretty cool. Happened yesterday as Brazilian soldiers clamp down on the slums before the World Cup.
That stuff is so messed up.. haven't they killed like 11 thousand people in the favelas?
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