what a terrible bikini bottom choice
what a terrible bikini bottom choice
Sarah Silverman said:I think it is. I like the ambiguity. I used to love experimenting with that idea. I was doing a set at the Largo [nightclub in Los Angeles] one time, and I wore these pale tan khaki pants and painted period blood down the crotch. I wore it on stage and never mentioned it. But I knew the audience could see it and they just assumed Id leaked period blood. I did like six minutes of jokes without mentioning it and acting like I had command of the room. It was interesting to watch the audience, because so many of them were dying for me. They wanted to laugh at me but they werent able to hear anything I was saying. The blood stain was so distracting to them. And then at the end I pretended to notice it for the first time, and I was like, Oh my god, you guys must think this is period blood. Of course you do. No, no, I just had anal sex for the first time.
It reminds me of my favourite Sarah Silverman joke:
what i like best about that quote is that she literally doesn't care that for 6 minutes everyone ignored her act
i like it because a joke about period blood is funnier than 6 minutes of sarah silverman
what a terrible bikini bottom choice
Hey! That's the local mall near where I live(Wollongong, Australia). I always chuckle at that sign
My local EB looks like that several times during any given year.
God, I used to buy SO MUCH SHIT from JB Hi-Fi.I can hardly think of a time when EB WASN'T having a sale. I guess times are tough when you sell games for $30 more than JB hifi.
#remindmewhyyouhaventproposedyet is pretty gross.
It's pretty much the worst.One of my facebook friends will not stop hashtagging. She's 19, and this post in particular made me chuckle.
The 19 year old who can't stop hash tagging on Facebook. That's one of them and that's one of those gross "hey, I'm such an awesome girl" kind of things. #wifeme is also gross. Dude should bail on that right after he eats those delicious baked goods.
The 19 year old who can't stop hash tagging on Facebook. That's one of them and that's one of those gross "hey, I'm such an awesome girl" kind of things. #wifeme is also gross. Dude should bail on that right after he eats those delicious baked goods.
I don't know how anyone could say no to a fennec fox.
Darn tootin.
The 19 year old who can't stop hash tagging on Facebook. That's one of them and that's one of those gross "hey, I'm such an awesome girl" kind of things. #wifeme is also gross. Dude should bail on that right after he eats those delicious baked goods.
lol actually... reading this post again.
I kind of find it funny that you think the dessert looks delicious, yet think he should bail on her for some silly hash tags. :s
Not that bailing on her because of the ordeal he is put through every time she bakes something is a good reason either.
I don't think he's saying he should bail because she hashtags, but what she puts in the hashtags. She sounds like a Stage 5 Clinger. Or worse.
yep yep, i can confirm this is indeed what happen when we fart. lol! XD
I don't think he's saying he should bail because she hashtags, but what she puts in the hashtags. She sounds like a Stage 5 Clinger. Or worse.
If she's not hashtagging #marryme, she's posting baby images. Waiting for the inevitable fall out.