I think I've been here, looks like Neuchatel.
If anyone comes up with a better avatar, I'll change it. I can't think of anything better than this cute sexy bunny because that's what I am.
Sure, don't worry. I'll never post any of your content in this thread ever again and I edited my post so the image is one from your deviantArt account so it won't eat your bandwidth. But you'll need to go back and edit the quotation of my post within your post yourself because NeoGAF doesn't support auto-quote-updating and it will continue to take your bandwidth until you do so.Glad you liked the newest comic, LUFTRAUSER! I was a little worried this strip might only appeal to a very fine niche of my regular readers.
Could I make a couple small requests, though?
If you guys are going to post my comics here, could please don't hotlink them. Hotlinking eats up my bandwidth.
The second request is a little less demanding, but a link back to my site if you're going to completely rehost the images would be very, very much appreciated. Nerd Rage takes a lot of time to write, draw and maintain each week without pay and I host all the comics for free on my site.
A few linkbacks go a long way to keeping the comics going.
So many horas. At least use a condom, Über :-3
Boy I sure do love this memeI love me some SpongeGar
Übermatik;205882553 said:This may well be the first thing in this thread to actually make me laugh (audibly).
This made me laugh
I want to please you, Trojita, because I genuinely have always enjoyed you, but I don't think it is as sexy as what I got now.
Here's it in avatar size if someone wants to be mine or Judy Hopp's fan:
lol that's what you get clydefrog.
My chest is convulsing
is that the window that faces the flandersers'? why is homer so scared??
Komplanen. Please.Never ever change your ava. Since you've changed it, I always get a nice fuzzy feeling when I see your posts. Please don't let that go away
I#m no furry tho, naturally. I'd just dig that rabbit.
Wow! My very first fan request :-3
I will now forget any plans of changing my avatar for at least a really long time!