Oh my god
thank you <3 my defense I did get there in the edit.
But yeah, that's embarrassing.
I don't get it. Can you help me out?
IPhone 6 - A fully featured phone (fully featured game)
IPhone 7 - A rehash of the same old shit with a fundamental part of the phone removed? (A rehashed game with the main character removed?)
Getting too meta for me.
Is this a CAD joke?
As penance you are required to post funny pics until something makes me laugh.
Warning: I don't find anything even remotely funny.
Not even a twitch.
I don't get it. Can you help me out?
IPhone 6 - A fully featured phone (fully featured game)
IPhone 7 - A rehash of the same old shit with a fundamental part of the phone removed? (A rehashed game with the main character removed?)
Getting too meta for me.
Is this a CAD joke?
Don't lie. It moved a little, didn't it?
Not even a twitch.
Donald Duck almost got you over the line, but doesn't count due to being a repost.
However, your efforts have been noted and as an approved vendor I award you 10 Uberpoints.
I'd quit while you're ahead, you're about to be awarded some Komplanen Koins, and you don't want that burden.
OK I'm done.
This thread is hard.
You're giving up? Now that's worth almost 20 Komplanen Koins! Kongratulations!
Donald Duck almost got you over the line, but doesn't count due to being a repost.
However, your efforts have been noted and as an approved vendor I award you 10 Uberpoints.