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Played the new Playstaion Magazine Demo disc with MGS 3 and...

...once I got past twenty minutes of banter on the codec I was finally able to play the damn demo. The gameplay itself is really cool, but god. I love the MGS series, being that the first one on PS1 is one of my favorite games of all time, but now it seems Kojima really wants to make movies more than he does games. I sure hope the final game isn't so long winded.

On another note, I watched the new GT 4 footage and was awed by the graphics(even though it was mostly replay footage) but am excited once again for GT. Between that and FORZA, I'm gonna be one happy car gamer.

Silent Hilll 4 seemed ok
Ratchet and Clank are fun

Everything else was meh

Either way, if the reviews for MGS are great, then thats one more game I'll have to add to my already large list of games to buy. They really got to start releasing some games during other times of the year, damnit.
Doom_Bringer said:
didn't kojima say he was going to replace the codec shit with some handheld radio?

Its like a first version of the codec. All you see is a still picture of the persons face, and Snake with his finger to his ear listening. Regardless, it sure takes a HELL of a long time to actually get to play the game, unless you skip all lthe dialogue. I sure hope theres not tons dialogue about having sex with stepmothers or something, too.

Grey Fox

I just got it too.I think the codec conversations are pretty longwinded because you have to remember,this is the beggining of the game.So they have to introduce everyone and reveal the history between snake and the boss a bit.Also,this version of the codec is basically a radio.Snake has to turn it on and listen in through a earpiece.


Grey Fox said:
I think the codec conversations are pretty longwinded because you have to remember,this is the beggining of the game.So they have to introduce everyone and reveal the history between snake and the boss a bit.
No, Kojima just has to learn how to pace his story better and make dialogue more relevant and interesting.


I cannot play Ratchet and Clank either.... It never gets to the title screen. I have to reset my system.

/1st gen ps2
Yeah, that CODEC nonsense in the demo all but killed the "OMG it's MGS3!!!1one1!!!one!!1" hype I was feeling for this game. Watch a cut-scene, and another, and another, play for two minutes, long CODEC speech, another cutscene, play for five minutes, long CODEC speech, repeat ad nauseam. If this is indicative of the full game' pace at all, then... well, count me out. Let everyone else buy it at full-price, I'll wait for the inevitable GH.

Hey "Major Tom," Boss, howzabout you guys let me do my job (which I should have been fully briefed on already) and keep your communications short - the enemy might be listening.

God, I hope the full game's not like this.


Spike Spiegel said:
Yeah, that CODEC nonsense in the demo all but killed the "OMG it's MGS3!!!1one1!!!one!!1" hype I was feeling for this game. Watch a cut-scene, and another, and another, play for two minutes, long CODEC speech, another cutscene, play for five minutes, long CODEC speech, repeat ad nauseam. If this is indicative of the full game' pace at all, then... well, count me out. Let everyone else buy it at full-price, I'll wait for the inevitable GH.

Hey "Major Tom," Boss, howzabout you guys let me do my job (which I should have been fully briefed on already) and keep your communications short - the enemy might be listening.

God, I hope the full game's not like this.

The first half of the game is apparently very story-heavy.


Be advised that whether the demo crashes or not, the new Ratchet & Clank kicks monstrous amounts of ass. I mean, seriously, do not sleep on this game, because it's fucking great.

I too am bummed by the yack yack yackety yack in the MGS3 demo. On the other hand, the gameplay outside the yacking I find a lot more compelling than most of MGS2, which settled down into a sort of trial-and-error-y rhythm. MGS3 feels like I have a lot more options as far as how to avoid guys. And I can also eat alligators, which kicks ass.


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
No, Kojima just has to learn how to pace his story better and make dialogue more relevant and interesting.
For what it's worth, the conversation with The Boss felt more like some of the conversations from MGS1 than conversations from MGS2 to me. I though it was actually nice in that Kojima's awkwardly charming way. I'm not going to pretend that he writes those dialogues (if he writes them to behing with) with some genuine literary quality, but they are somehow heartwarming when they work.

The first half of the game is apparently very story-heavy.
Where did you find that out?
BTW, is it just me or is the default controller setup for GitS: Stand Alone Complex absolutely horrid? It's much more intuitive compared to other action games of this type to use the 'Type B-R' setup instead. It makes things slightly more bearable IMO.


Spike Spiegel said:
BTW, is it just me or is the default controller setup for GitS: Stand Alone Complex absolutely horrid? It's much more intuitive compared to other action games of this type to use the 'Type B-R' setup instead. It makes things slightly more bearable IMO.

There's a lot of things wrong with the control setup for Stand Alone Complex. My favorite bit was when I hit the R1 button to try to climb a ladder. I was a few pixels too far away from the ladder, so instead the Major did a full twisting double back evade move. Launched herself off the catwalk down a bottomless pit.

Be advised that whether the demo crashes or not, the new Ratchet & Clank kicks monstrous amounts of ass. I mean, seriously, do not sleep on this game, because it's fucking great.

Good to hear that b/c the demo, while it's solid, doesn't really feel any different from the last game... which was really good, but by the end of it, I'd had enough bolt collecting for one lifetime.

By the way, I thought the R&C demo was crashing too (I have a launch PS2) but it turns out if you just let it sit for about 30 seconds, it does in fact finish loading. YMMV.

I too am bummed by the yack yack yackety yack in the MGS3 demo. On the other hand, the gameplay outside the yacking I find a lot more compelling than most of MGS2, which settled down into a sort of trial-and-error-y rhythm. MGS3 feels like I have a lot more options as far as how to avoid guys. And I can also eat alligators, which kicks ass.

No amount of alligator eating will make up for plot points similar to
1. Otacon sleeping with this stepmother 2. gimp bomb expert suddenly walking again 3. fortune can deflect bullets / no it's a device that does it / no wait, she really can do it 4. Liquid Snake lives on in arm form


Lemming_JRS said:
Good to hear that b/c the demo, while it's solid, doesn't really feel any different from the last game... which was really good, but by the end of it, I'd had enough bolt collecting for one lifetime.

Yeh, I can see that. If the single-player game doesn't feel fresh enough, though, you can always just play the multiplayer, which is basically Ratchet & Clank meets Tribes. Works real good, too.



Spike Spiegel said:
Yeah, that CODEC nonsense in the demo all but killed the "OMG it's MGS3!!!1one1!!!one!!1" hype I was feeling for this game. Watch a cut-scene, and another, and another, play for two minutes, long CODEC speech, another cutscene, play for five minutes, long CODEC speech, repeat ad nauseam. If this is indicative of the full game' pace at all, then... well, count me out. Let everyone else buy it at full-price, I'll wait for the inevitable GH.

Hey "Major Tom," Boss, howzabout you guys let me do my job (which I should have been fully briefed on already) and keep your communications short - the enemy might be listening.

God, I hope the full game's not like this.

I'm passing it. Was cool in MGS1 but its too much for me now. I havent got the energy.


Yeah the amount of Codec conversation in the MGS3 demo annoyed me as well. I thought this aspect was going to be toned down? I hope so.


I hate to say it, but if the demo of MGS3 is anything to go by, it's pretty much everything Kojima has been implying that it isn't. :\
The game didn't grab me like I thought it would. I happily popped in the demo disc, fired it up, survived through the long codec sequences, and then I was bored. I liked the first two games despite all of the bizarre story elements. I think I made the better choice last night by turning my attention back to SMT: Nocturne.


Lakitu said:
Yes, I can understand your gripes, but please for the love of god, don't ever judge a game by it's demo.

When talking about a console game, yes, I would agree this is true. Creating a decent demo is something PC developers have been able to get a handle of. Maybe some console developers need to look at what the PC developers are doing so they can incorporate more fleshed out demos to give a better representation of the final product.


Metal Gear Solid series is an exception when it comes to too many cut scenes. The very heavy story driven elements and the gameplay makes it one of the best Solid series ever IMFO.
AssMan said:
Metal Gear Solid series is an exception when it comes to too many cut scenes. The very heavy story driven elements and the gameplay makes it one of the best Solid series ever IMFO.

I'm all for story driven elements as long as the'yre good, but I don't need a ten minute touchy feely conversation about how to deal with 'emotions' a new soldier might have in a bloody action game.
Blazing Sword said:
I'm all for story driven elements as long as the'yre good, but I don't need a ten minute touchy feely conversation about how to deal with 'emotions' a new soldier might have in a bloody action game.

I had the same issues and got reamed by the MGS lovers on the board. I'm shocked you haven't gotten the the "MGS rocks you just need to play something for stupidheads" banter yet.


I only played half of the first MGS and thought it was good. I didn't play MGS2 much(just the tanker and the end fight with swords), and i thought it was ok. But this MGS3 is a ton of fun, the combat is great, and these are only the first areas, i can't wait to try these moves on some more challenging foes, the game controls great. It's the official throat slashing simulator.

You can buzz though the codec screens pretty damn fast by holding triangle so don't let them keep you away from the solid gameplay.


Despite all the complaints about the codec scenes, I think most of us would agree that the game itself is very good. More than ever the player is in control of the experience. I feel that it's as good as you make it, while Konami has only provided an environment with a variety of possibilities. For instance, I went through the demo with the 'Naked' camo and just a knife. It was very intense/fun. Once I was spotted by an enemy while approaching another, so I knifed the one closest and took him hostage, backing away until I got enough space to run. Sweet.

Marconelly said:
For what it's worth, the conversation with The Boss felt more like some of the conversations from MGS1 than conversations from MGS2 to me. I though it was actually nice in that Kojima's awkwardly charming way. I'm not going to pretend that he writes those dialogues (if he writes them to behing with) with some genuine literary quality, but they are somehow heartwarming when they work.
Kojima created/wrote the story and I'm certain that he has a heavy hand in determining how it is projected. He's responsible, until I hear otherwise.


Steroid Distributor
I was not really all impressed with the demo either. I think I will still enjoy the game but I sat there for what felt like forever.
And what is with having all those weapons? I thought this was the start of the game.

I've never quite figured out why I can't look the way I want. Resident Evil gets a lot of hate because of it's camera angels, didn't anyone else find the camera a little constricting?

Is there anyway to change camos without having to go to a menu screen? I haven't played through the whole demo yet. I got kinda bored. But I'm wondering if I'm gonna be back and forth from that menu constantly.


Truelize said:
And what is with having all those weapons? I thought this was the start of the game.
Kojima wanted to show off them off.
I've never quite figured out why I can't look the way I want. Resident Evil gets a lot of hate because of it's camera angels, didn't anyone else find the camera a little constricting?
Yes. Though R3 helps a lot.
Is there anyway to change camos without having to go to a menu screen? I haven't played through the whole demo yet. I got kinda bored. But I'm wondering if I'm gonna be back and forth from that menu constantly.
No, halfway through the demo you unlock the ability to switch between camos without having to pause.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
No, halfway through the demo you unlock the ability to switch between camos without having to pause.
This is obviously a joke, right? Don't tell me that there really is some button combination for switching camoflages...


Marconelly said:
This is obviously a joke, right? Don't tell me that there really is some button combination for switching camoflages...
I gave him a sarcastic response, because I'm positive that he knows what's up and only posed the question as an underhanded slam.


so narratives are still pretty preachy and frequent in numbers? bummer. i'll wait till it gets to that 20 price point. enough is enough, the cinematic stuff lost its cham to me a long time ago.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I gave him a sarcastic response, because I'm positive that he knows what's up and only posed the question as an underhanded slam.
Yeah, I figured after I actually read his 'question', but I didn't bother to edit my post.


MGS3 possible end of game revelations-

-Snake is really a woman

-Meryl wasn't in Policenauts or MGS-those were clones and the real Meryl died in 1752 by Richter Belmont's whip

-America blew up in 1912. We're all living in a hologram created by Hideo Kojima's father who was trying to create a "perfect" recipe for banana cream pies
belgurdo said:
MGS3 possible end of game revelations-

-Snake is really a woman

-Meryl wasn't in Policenauts or MGS-those were clones and the real Meryl died in 1752 by Richter Belmont's whip

-America blew up in 1912. We're all living in a hologram created by Hideo Kojima's father who was trying to create a "perfect" recipe for banana cream pies

Or maybe funnier,
Ocelot could be the son of The Boss.
AHAHAHA Whatever.!!!
Some of the stranger predictions on the games plot could be true since Kojima said that they've changed some of the timeline for the first 2 MG's so that MGS3's can work. Could be that they changed the time Solid and Liquid were born (in the 70's).


I actually enjoy the codc chats and long cutscenes. Just because they're done so well, Kojima has a unique flare when it comes to direction, some scenes are incredible to watch.

+1 kojima


Steroid Distributor
Socreges said:
I gave him a sarcastic response, because I'm positive that he knows what's up and only posed the question as an underhanded slam.

I was worried that someone might take it that way. Everyone is so ready to be attacked.
I was serious though. I haven't given the demo a full play through. I just wasn't in the mood when I first tried it. But I will give it a go soon enough.
So does it take a long time to switch camos? I noticed that it gives you a percentage amount when you are in the menu screen. But obviously that changes depending on where you are.
I'm not too sold on the whole camo thing yet.
And I figured Kojima just wanted to show off the weapons. Wasn't the MGS2 demo like that too? I can't remember.
I did have fun throwing grenades into the alligator's mouths. That was a good time.

Do you guys think there is ever a time in the game where you get to eat the animals without then turning into little cans of food?
I had hoped that you would actually eat the animals like in the first E3 movie.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
You don't really need to switch camoflage if you don't want. It's entirely possible to stick with one and go through the demo with it. It's a bit harder, though.

As for visibly eating animals, I think that will be only in some cutscenes.

After being worried that it's going to be superficial, I actually liked the concept behind the eating. Apparently, there will be no medipacks to pick up anymore. your energy bar replenishes by itself, but the bigger the stamina, the faster it replenishes. So you basically have to eat to keep your stamina high, but also to strategize and make sure you don't get into the trouble until your energy becomes high.


Steroid Distributor
I am playing it again now. The right analog stick actually gives you a lot of camera movement. Not bad really. Sure better than not using it.


Fear not, MGS fans who disliked the demo. Courtsey of Scooter (from OPM):

To address some posts and questions people have:
1) I reviewed it.
2) The review is in the January issue, to be fair with EGM and honor their review exclusivity for their Holiday issue.
3) The demo was a tiny, unfinished fraction of a much better product.
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