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Played the new Playstaion Magazine Demo disc with MGS 3 and...


Socreges said:
One thing: 60 fps? Blink twice if yes.

"I can tell you that the version I have played was considered reviewable by Kojima, et al. but was still undergoing bug testing, etc. Since it is a slower-paced game than the previous two MGSs (at least from the outset, you're searching/looking around a lot since you don't have a Soliton radar in this game) you don't really get a bead on how fast/slow it's running. It never slowed down on me; it was hiccup free. If I had to guess, I'd say 30fps, but, mind you, I only played in outdoor environments. It could very well increase when you go indoors."

-Randy Nelson (PSM)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It never slowed down on me; it was hiccup free. If I had to guess, I'd say 30fps, but, mind you, I only played in outdoor environments. It could very well increase when you go indoors."
Well, that's cool. MGS3 demo was 30FPS but it had slowdowns, sometimes very obvious slowdowns (like when you make an explosion, set yourself on fire, all the while being shot by soldiers). Btw, if it's 30, I hope it does NOT switch to 60 once you go indoors. That would be just ridiculous.
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