You're the only person who can use this code.
They tied them to accounts this time? I guess they learned their lesson
You're the only person who can use this code.
I'm getting weird offline stuff and can't join teams or play solo. Same with my friend.
I had to leave my team and start a fresh one last night.
First time playing in a month +. Have there been any optimization patches recently? I'm running it at Medium settings, 2560x1440, and my GPU was never at 100%? Getting fps in like the 50s. Using a 6 core proc too.
i know i'ts not particularly related, but i figure a fair amount of you played h1Z1 when that was popular.
if you're looking to gain money for the sale and have the King of The Kill version of the Muraruder box in your steam inventory, it sells for a fair bit on the market, over 4 bucks, close to 5.
Lol, just had my best roll yet (2 ARs - one with full auto, a 4x scope, level 2 body and head armour, plenty first aid, 2x grenades) and was totally killing it Mad Max style, thwarting people who were trying seriously hard to chase me down (lost two of them and killed another two).
Then there I am, feeling like a badass, flying along on a motorbike I just stole from a guy, two ARs on my back, rollicking through a forest to a strategic point on the safety-circle... when I crest a hill at near max speed, it turns out to have an immediate dead drop, I soar 25 feet in the air towards a tree, narrowly miss it, flip upside down, come off the bike and die immediately.
I'd be livid if I wasn't lmao
Edit: making for a remote place and keeping an eye out for a vehicle on the way down seems to really help one's odds. Then also travelling for the most 'out of the way' part of the safe circle whenever it reduces.
The only problem is you tend to encounter people as savvy as you are...
There was a patch last month for the client. Next week there is a server patch.
Game still doesn't run fantastic (100+), but most settings do little to nothing in terms of improving the IQ so I keep everything on very low except textures.
Basically these settings from TSM_Viss. I don't do screen scale, but everything else is the same.
Jump into the MGAF discord sometime, bunch of us play every night.
Get ready to bring back the dream team
Is there anyway to turn on VSync in the game? Just picked it up on the GMG sale and it runs fine but a lot of screen tearing.
go to the file under appdata, then local, tslgame then to saved, config and windows no editor. find the GameUserSettings file open it up then scroll down towards the bottom and find FrameRateLimit and change it to whatever you want either monitor refresh rate or a little higher, file location should look like this. local disk C;> users> (whatever youre user name is)> appdata> local>TslGame>saved>config> WindowsNoEditior
I'm going to make a compilation video of all my motorbike deaths as there's so many of them...I'll never learn. It's always when I have a level 3 helmet, silenced AR and sniper with 8x scope and tons of ammo, plenty of first-aid kits, painkillers etc. and I die to a small mound of dirt.
Get ready to bring back the dream team
you in the mgaf discord?lets goooo
that would be the bestAt this rate we might be able to put multiple squads together and try to get into the same game and hunt each other![]()
You don't keep anything from what you pick up in matches. Also, the only things you can get are cosmetic items either through opening crates (which you can buy with the points you earn) or but getting them through the Steam market.Just bought this last night...have a couple basic questions. Just played one round only last night..
Starting gear....I started out with nothing at all, which is fine by me. I did register a kill and looted the body. I eventually died....but does that gear I looted stay with me?
If not, is there a way to start out with better gear eventually? I assume that's something to do with the points or whatever you earn after the round?
Once I get killed, can I just exit to the lobby, or do I need to stick around until the entire round is completed for me to get any points or whatever they're called to be earned?
You don't keep anything from what you pick up in matches. Also, the only things you can get are cosmetic items either through opening crates (which you can buy with the points you earn) or but getting them through the Steam market.
And yeah, you can leave no problem.
yeOkay, so everyone starts out w/ no weapons at the start of each round, regardless of how many hours they've put into the game?
part of the fun of the game I take it...everyone starts out the same...
Just the game. Test server is only if you want to play an upcoming update a couple of days early.Do I need the game and the Test Server installed? I'm assuming not.
At this rate we might be able to put multiple squads together and try to get into the same game and hunt each other![]()
I would guess they had easier time to get BG onto XBO hardware and get it running than onto PS4 hardware so they are comfortable with developing XBO version along with PC version for Autumn release.
You also have to remember that it'll probably launch in Xbox's early access program, something that the PS4 lacks. That could be another reason.
I always assumed because Mike Ybarra has been plugging this game almost every day for months bragging about chicken dinners. He is an actual vocal fan. People do business with people who believe in them.
I think it's just early access on Xbox.
Will launch on on both officially probably next year sometime.
I go rambo and bring as many down with me, but I won't ever leave a lobby or kill myself. I've won a few games when I lost a teammate after the jump.How do you guys handle duo/squad deaths in early game? If someone dies in the early stages of the game, do you back out and start again or do you keep going until you win or die?
I tend to back out with friends but it really gets tiring having to back out constantly. Feels like sometimes I spend more time on the lobby than playing.
I go rambo and bring as many down with me, but I won't ever leave a lobby or kill myself. I've won a few games when I lost a teammate after the jump.
How do you guys handle duo/squad deaths in early game? If someone dies in the early stages of the game, do you back out and start again or do you keep going until you win or die?
I tend to back out with friends but it really gets tiring having to back out constantly. Feels like sometimes I spend more time on the lobby than playing.
I bought this today. Every time I start a game, when the plane starts flying to drop people off, the game crashes and takes 1-2 minutes to die off. Every single time.
Is this a known bug? Any way to fix it? I'm tempted to see if GMG will give me a refund because this is garbage.
Sorry to say this sounds like an instability issue at your end. Are you overclocked? CPU getting hot?
Not overclocked. I never have any problems with any other games.. I usually play Overwatch and run that on ultra settings.
I have a Skylake machine with 16GB RAM and a 1080. Also have a G-Sync monitor, if that matters.
I tried a reboot with nothing running but my base apps and Steam and it still crashes.
Landed on a rooftop at school, picked up a scar and one clip of 5.6, some dude kills me with his fists like they're a machine gun or something.
Hate that this game even bothers having melee combat with how bad the lag is.
Yup yup.
Got headshot and killed with a pistol...
While wearing Helmet Lv 3.
Honestly confirmed they do nothing.
Almost won a game, but got #2 instead. Wonder if I should have been more aggressive instead of hiding in a building till the end.
I bought this today. Every time I start a game, when the plane starts flying to drop people off, the game crashes and takes 1-2 minutes to die off. Every single time.
Is this a known bug? Any way to fix it? I'm tempted to see if GMG will give me a refund because this is garbage.