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PlayFrance says Nico in USA 2005


Sorry if old .

Kinda strange since there is no mention to source but ...

Nous tenons à vous apprendre ou à vous rappeler que notre célèbre ICO aura bien une suite, nommée ICO II (connue aussi sous NICO) prévue pour l'instant aux USA courant 2005.
De quoi être ravi, mais nous, les européens, attendons-nous à une sortie fin 2005.

Un an de patience avant de renouer avec la poésie numérique...



jarrod said:
PSP please. :)

Fuck no, PS2. You can't put the atmosphere of Ico in a handheld, no matter how spiffing it is.

Same goes for a game like Silent Hill. It just wouldn't work.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
PSP please. :)

Why the hell would you want to put ICO on a handheld? Handhelds absolutely DESTROY any chance of a game having atmosphere...

That would be an absolutely TERRIBLE idea.


Belive it or not, I actualy enjoyed the puzzles and mechanics in Ico as well (though combat was a little too simple/messy/stressful). Besides, PSP's got a nice big screen, it should be entirely possible to project a convincing, engaging atomsphere on it.

I'd agree Silent Hill wouldn't work that great on PSP but there a world of difference between the mood and effect in that series and Ico. Ico doesn't make the same "real world" demands most feel is needed to really appreciate Silent Hill (darkness/night/solitude/whatever). It's simply beautiful fantasy, something I could really escape into anywhere. :)

If not Nico, I hope Ico gets a PSP rerelease.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Belive it or not, I actualy enjoyed the puzzles and mechanics in Ico as well (though combat was a little too simple/messy/stressful). Besides, PSP's got a nice big screen, it should be entirely possible to project a convincing, engaing atomsphere on it.

I'd agree Silent Hill wouldn't work that great on PSP but there a world difference between the mood and effect in that series and Ico. Ico doesn't make the same "real world" demands most feel is needed to really appreciate Silent Hill (darkness/night/solitude/whatever). It's simply beautiful fantasy, something I could really escape into anywhere. :)

If not Nico, I hope Ico gets a PSP rerelease.

Uh, I also loved the gameplay of ICO. It was the fact that they combined good gameplay with incredible atmosphere.

I just don't think PSP could do it. I mean, sitting in a dark room with the sound cranked up while viewing a larger TV is VERY different from hunching over a handheld. Even with nice headphones, it just wouldn't capture the feel of the game very well.

Now, porting ICO to PSP would be OK. The game is very fun to play and would be cool to have on the go, but it would still lose a lot (which wouldn't be a big deal because I've already experienced it several times).
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