Playstation Experience 2016 Coming to Anaheim on December 3-4

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What makes people think that horizon's going to get delayed? Did someone drop a hint? Or is it just the way with AAA games?

This and Sony has shown to be willing to delay their games multiples times this gen. Horizon is the most promising new IP on the horizon (heh) and they will likely take as much time as they need to get it right

I'm personally not expecting it to get delayed, but at the same time I wouldn't be shocked. Plus it would be nice to clear up the ridiculously stacked Q1 even more

Edit: I'm not expecting a delay because it's already been in development forever. Tbh I feel like it could have released this month if they wanted to, but they delayed it in an attempt to avoid a buggy Bethesda-like launch for the game
So GAF, assuming that MvC4 is even happening, which reveal order would you prefer?
  • MvC4 during the PSX press conference, SFV Season 2 after Capcom Cup grand finals
  • SFV Season 2 during the PSX press conference, MvC4 after Capcom Cup grand finals
  • Both MvC4 & SFV Season 2 during the PSX press conference
  • Both MvC4 & SFV Season 2 after Capcom Cup grand finals

I'd rather they keep stringing us along until the last minute, SFV Season 2 is obviously happening but the MvC4 possibility only surfaced recently.
This and Sony has shown to be willing to delay their games multiples times this gen. Horizon is the most probably new IP on the horizon (heh) and they will likely take as much time as they need to get it right

I'm personally not expecting it to get delayed, but at the same time I wouldn't be shocked. Plus it would be nice to clear up the ridiculously stacked Q1 even more
Well if both p5 and horizon get delayed, at least I can take solace in gr2 and nioh. Digimon next order on the sides too.


What I want from this event:
- Ni No Kuni 2 (Gameplay)
- NieR Automata (Western Release Date and Demo Release Date)

The secret Sony JRPG would also be nice if shown, but not a biggie if I get the above two.
Well if both p5 and horizon get delayed, at least I can take solace in gr2 and nioh. Digimon next order on the sides too.
If Horizon gets delayed along with P5 and the Nier western date is later that the Japanese release (personally hoping this is the case) that would really clear up some time in February for Nioh and catching up on the ridiculous amount of games releasing the same week at the end of January

Mikey Jr.

What makes people think that horizon's going to get delayed? Did someone drop a hint? Or is it just the way with AAA games?

I don't think it will.

Wouldn't surprise me though. This is the start of a brand new franchise for Sony with A LOT of hype and positive feedback going for it. They have to hit it out of the park with the first game.
They usually don't announce delays at conferences... If it's getting delayed they'd probably say so in a press release tomorrow or in 3~4 weeks.
Well if we're being technical about it p5 did get announced for winter 2014 in japan so it might actually still hold the crown for it XD

Well, at least I'll get a new avatar out of it :p
That you will my man, that you will. I'm just hoping that we get a good show this weekend.

Welp shinobi out here pushing the hype train single handedly
Heh secretly i was hoping for him to come out and dropping something about horizon


Goddamn it, I'm trying not to get overly hyped for PSX since last year's conference was pretty meh to me, but Shinobi just keeps putting coal into the hype train. Just confirm TLOU2 will be there already and I'll hop on board immediately.


I've been too caught up in the Marvel stuff to be paying attention to any other rumors about the event.

Is there any chance of From showing something new that we know about/has been hinted at?


I've been too caught up in the Marvel stuff to be paying attention to any other rumors about the event.

Is there any chance of From showing something new that we know about/has been hinted at?
Think we might have to wait until E3 for From Software's new game. Unless I'm mistaken, no one has said anything about them showing anything at PSX.
will we finally see cities ? :)

They actually showed a pretty damn elaborate one in the debut trailer

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