Just kill those PS5 fans who cry for this shit. Gears of War is a hollowed out, dried up old oak that gives nothing, just eats your time. A disgrace, a stupefying experience for the already braindead, mindless zombie hordes of the entertainment industry. Let's see the what the "we are not humans, but copy everything and change things so it will get shittier" monster brought under its umbrella this time.
Doom. A shadow of its former self. Food for the mindless.
Starfield... was dead on arrival. They couldn't make the main game compelling, anyone thinks a dlc will change anything?
Fallout 76... same goey substance over this game that killed the original games and permeates doom and starfield. No thanks.
South of Midnight... looks promising, but overall this is one of the most idiotic/makes no sense trailer made in the last 5 years.
Diablo IV... also treated with the culture eating goo. Long gone.
Fragpunk... less cocaine next time please.
Fable... this looked good, we'll see. So 1 game.