C'mon man, that's just lazy. Are you going to do the christmas elves next?
C'mon man, that's just lazy. Are you going to do the christmas elves next?
HipHopGamer made a video about the PS4, stating that Eight Days might be reconfirmed for PS4 at E3 2013.
Eight Days On PS4 With A Huge Online Presence Could Be A E3'13 Shocker
I really wish Sony would go back to the colorful PlayStation logo. It's probably the best ever.
Is Evolution Studios really announcing something on the 20th? I think the thread got removed.
Is Evolution Studios really announcing something on the 20th? I think the thread got removed.
Anyone else hoping that Kaz will give this thread a subtle mention in his PS4 announcement?
Not sure how he would word it, but Kaz mentioning these gifs would be the icing on the gigantic gif cake. If he did it, this thread would truly go down in history.
C'mon man, that's just lazy. Are you going to do the christmas elves next?
Andrew HouseWhat's the name of the guy with the glasses, isn't him the one with a mad japanese?
What's the name of the guy with the glasses, isn't him the one with a mad japanese?
C'mon man, that's just lazy. Are you going to do the christmas elves next?
Who cares, dude. It's still a funny gif.
My dancing Kaz got buried under all the awesome Gifs ;_;
Here is my gif I've been working on...
It's not very good but it's the first time I've ever made an animated GIF...
I wasn't satisfied with my other so I will re-upload when I'm finished
Anyone else hoping that Kaz will give this thread a subtle mention in his PS4 announcement?
Not sure how he would word it, but Kaz mentioning these gifs would be the icing on the gigantic gif cake. If he did it, this thread would truly go down in history.
Dat head growth.
Quick one.
Feel free to make it into a masterpiece for me...
That wasn't a criticism. I absolutely love it.
Oh, he remembers when a London Studio dev said this and the Getaway weren't cancelled but simply put 'on hold'.
Good memory. I've been waiting for these games for a long time.
N/M read it wrong
6:00 pmDoes anyone know what time EST this is happening?
I need to sign up for a workshop, but it's dependent on when this Meeting is
6:00 pm
6:00 PM EST?
Thank you very much, if true. Can I ask where you found this from? I want to confirm this workshop attendance but do not want to miss this at all
Yes6:00 PM EST?
Thank you very much, if true. Can I ask where you found this from? I want to confirm this workshop attendance but do not want to miss this at all
made an appearance in the ps3 era in '05 lol
haha holy shit! that tear drop was PERFECT. Excellent work
what is the source? A movie?
It seems like a lot of first and third party studios have had time to get head start on the next cycle. With all the titles that could potentially be bumping heads, it wouldn't be a bad idea to reveal some titles at Sony's event.
Less than 10 days =o
just EXPOSING you for the FRAUD you areBecause I put it into a generator makes it not funny?
Does youtube do live streams?
Should have the triangle, square, and x as holes in the rocket launcher.