Can we dig that rumor up to see what else was in it?There was a rumor, yep. Guess it was true after all.
Tim Moss ‏@TDMoss
You must understand the past in order to @PlayStation: See the future: #playstation2013
he is the technology director for SSM.
Imagine the lights, dimming, spotlight slowly focusing on the center of the stage, and this sound starts playing along with the reveal:
That should be the intro when you boot up the PS4.
I read your post, saw a Youtube link and thought "Original PlayStation intro would be perfect" *click*Imagine the lights, dimming, spotlight slowly focusing on the center of the stage, and this sound starts playing along with the reveal:
The funny thing about that GIF is that the original footage was actually taken in Durango, Colorado. How the hell did you find that?
Can finally throw my PS3 in the trash!
Can finally throw my PS3 in the trash!
Sony overtakes Microsoft in lifetime sales. Sony suddenly takes the initiative to go first. The hype train. I'm on it. Your move Microsoft. In all seriousness Microsoft needs to do something. They need to do something now. After a spectacular and promising start they've fallen behind to finish close third this generation.
Sony has the power now. Out of the HD twins Sony has won. I never thought I'd be typing that but worldwide Sony has the lead. As for "letting Microsoft go first" Sony just aren't in a position to allow Durango to be released ahead of them. Look what happened last time. It took Sony seven years to catch-up. Plus they still have the opinion that they're the "industry leader" hence this bold and confident move.
Christ this new battle is going to be entertaining. Microsoft. Do something. Now.
Feel the hype. Embrace it. Let it consume you.Man even I'M kind of hype after reading through some of this thread and I'm usually ice cold.
Will this announcement hurt The Last of Us?
Dam imagine the lights going down and then the original PlayStation start up plays as Ken rises out the stageThe return of Ken Kutaragi.
Can finally throw my PS3 in the trash!
I agree with you, but I'm pretty sure that my fondness is mostly just attached to being used to it after so many years. Objectively, I recognize that the 360 pad is superior (except for the D-Pad, which hardly matters these days).Everybody is always entitled to their opinion, but personally, I'll be really sad if they change the controller too much. The only reason problem I have with the DualShock 3 are the L2 and R2 buttons, and those are fixed with a $5 pair of add-on plastic.
Otherwise, I like the smaller controller size (Xbox 360 controller is a bit big for my hands), far, far prefer the analog sticks being in the same relative physical position, and definitely like the feel of DS3 analog sticks over Microsoft's sticks.
It shouldn't. TLoS comes out in May and also before E3, and the PS4 reveal won't really affect PS3 software sales in a significant way.Will this announcement hurt The Last of Us?
Will this announcement hurt The Last of Us?
Metal Gear confirmed
Man these gifs are KILLING my page xD
Hype GAF is the best GAF.