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Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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IGN will have a live stream one hour before the show starts and record Playstation Conversations and a podcast afterwards

Gonna have to stick with that GT preshow. After the failure that was the Destiny reveal on IGN no more live streaming from them.


Oplay Stayshun style...




There is no way that PS Home is going to be able to stay up with this. Unless its gotten much better as of late. I havent used it in a few years. I think the last thing I got with it was some turkey suit for thanksgiving
There's still 3 hours to go, yet people are acting like the event is mere minutes away. Screw this, it's too much for me. I'll go wile away some hours on Ni no Kuni and come back at 11.
I love that people are so hyped for a PlayStation event after a generation of what seemed to me like people being kind of down on the brand. I would love to see them take back the #1 spot.

I just wouldn't have imagined this kind of hype over the last couple years.
To save me PMing people who ask.


Please don't be a dick and spam it loads at all, 'cause you'll just get banned. Just point people to this post via PM if you have to. Just trying to do everyone who prefers IRC a favour.


Sony is surely hyping the event.
In the Milan-Barça chamipons league match the advertisements say "Be the first to know 20.02.13 Playstation.com"

Just 2.5 hours!


With 2.5 hours left before the conference, my predictions:

- SteamBox support announced for the PS4 (likely through a PS+ sub). Access to Linux-based games on the Steam store is the main perk. Valve will be allowed to sell B-tier PS4 games exclusively on Steam (games like Journey, Flower, etc.). Cross platform play is possible for designated PS4/SteamBox games.

- Half Life 3 announced, along with a PS4 version.

- One PS4 SKU for $450

- $300 PS4 option available with a five-year PS+ subscription commitment

- November launch date

- Special Square-Enix game shown, maybe Final Fantasy XV. Outside chance of a Final Fantasy VII remake.

- PS4 versions of The Last Guardian and FFvXIII shown

- Agent shown (from Rockstar)

- PS3 streaming via Gaikai to be the only BC option for now

- Full PS4 streaming to the Vita possible for most titles

- The new console's name is PlayStation Cloud


To save me PMing people who ask.


Please don't be a dick and spam it loads at all, 'cause you'll just get banned. Just point people to this post via PM if you have to. Just trying to do everyone who prefers IRC a favour.

Might want to put it in email tags, to keep spammers and lurkers out.


can somebody tell me how many hours remaining for the event? I don't know how to convert it to my local time
edit: nvm, 2.5 hours remaining


I'm still holding out hope that we might see some more Destiny stuff, in addition to the cornucopia of awesome we're hopefully going to see from Sony. The amount of hype is amazing.
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