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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015

I'm surprised you're able to juggle between those three games.

I try. It's just I tended to have a low attention span lately. I would play a couple hours on one then play one of the other two.

As for Growlanser, I have to put it down after a while. I swear I have moments when I want to throw my Vita at the wall.


How many games do you guys play at the same time on your Vita? I can only seem to fully to get on one game at a time. I plat'ed PDf2nd and got full into Oreshika.

Switch back and forth between Oreshika 2 and NepReb 2, with occasionally Senran Kagura (both games) in between.

TOTP: Buy Hell Divers, and try not to let turrets land on your face.

I love turret. It wiped out entirely all of my friends when I dropped one. The look on their faces when they first see it is priceless. "Oooooh sweet! Reinforcement! WTF?! Why does it massacre us all?!".

The game is great when playing with friends. Mostly with all the friendly fires.
Switch back and forth between Oreshika 2 and NepReb 2, with occasionally Senran Kagura (both games) in between.

I love turret. It wiped out entirely all of my friends when I dropped one. The look on their faces when they first see it is priceless. "Oooooh sweet! Reinforcement! WTF?! Why does it massacre us all?!".

The game is great when playing with friends. Mostly with all the friendly fires.

yeah, I've been playing with daydream. Some rounds are smoother than others, shall we say.
I don't mind multiple games as long as they are on separate systems. At the moment, I am juggling between Noire on the Vita and Persona Q on the 3DS. I play Destiny on the PS4 once or twice a week too. Sometimes I'll be playing one until I get tired of it then switch to the next one, others I can go for a week or two playing one game exclusively. I don't tie myself down, I play whatever I want to play.


How many games do you guys play at the same time on your Vita? I can only seem to fully to get on one game at a time. I plat'ed PDf2nd and got full into Oreshika.

1 game per system.

currently endgame of conception 2 on vita, counterspy on ps4, arc the lad:tots on ps2, might & magic x legacy on pc.

in some rare circumstances i'll take a break from long rpgs if i approach burnout and play something i can finish quick then go back to it (something like fat princes poc or tiny troopers). if i beat one of those games and decide to play something entirely new, i'll likely never get back to beating the original game.

can't wait to beat c2 so i can get into orishika, though i might need to burn through another quick casual game as a palate cleanser first.


How many games do you guys play at the same time on your Vita?
Always one that i dedicate myself to. Generally i play a game long enough to when i beat it i usually pick up a game that i've been interested in to hit a discount though that notion is disappearing lately with these fantastic sales.

Poor Baekshi :(


How many games do you guys play at the same time on your Vita? I can only seem to fully to get on one game at a time..

Man, it depends honestly. Usually, I have the Youtube or Internet apps open while having a main game, a PS1/PSP game, and some other game (usally a indie game).

Right now, for me it works like this: Play Neptuina Rebirth or Jak Collection, have PS+ Indie game (right now, its a tie between CounterSpy and OilOil2), a PS1 Classic (Pac-Man World and latter on SoTN) and one of the media apps in case I get either to frustrated with something or get tired of the game (what I learned about the internet is this; their is always something fun to watch on YouTube :D. Either a lets play from one of my subscriptions or something else, always something cool to watch.....pissed Sony is ending the app soon though X().
If I thought the first game was just okay, would you still recommend it? I have been on the fence for awhile.

It's worth trying, but if you thought the first one was only ok I would recommend waiting for a sale. Amazon has it for $34 last I checked, if you're interested

So, what's the consensus on Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters?

I'd try asking the OT. It's on sale for $32 right now, but so far I'm hearing mixed things about it.


It's nice when friends come together and forgive each other for shooting folks in the face.

Like the time when that one guy got a freshly new Grenade Launcher. We laughed it off and I decided to try to see if I can step on ally with my new Walker by walking over him.


Just realized that when I acquire my next Vita game I'll be in the 100+ native titles club. :)

Owned outright or including ps+? I'm at 108 owned outright. I have absolutely no idea how that happened and when i think about how much money that equates to I... don't even want to think about it.


Oooh, Echo Night? I know a friend's going to go crazy when I tell him about that one!

How many games do you guys play at the same time on your Vita? I can only seem to fully to get on one game at a time. I plat'ed PDf2nd and got full into Oreshika.

Usually one, now I'm playing two games at once (Sly 4 and Stealth Inc The Lost Clones) but I'm actually playing Sly 4 on PS3 unless I can't use the TV, and Stealth inc is very bitesized.


Danganronpa 1 (and a stalled playthrough of Rorona) on Vita. SAO is next.

MH4U on 3rd. Still can't decide on a weapon type. About to start Persona Q. Also Out Run.

On PS4, I'm just flitting between everything while waiting for Bloodborne.

Xbone, mainly Forza horizon 2.

On PC, it's currently Cities: Skylines. So good.

And I haven't got time to play any of them!
Here's a dirty secret of mine for VitaGaf, I've never played Chrono Trigger. So the game turned 20 years old, and even with my plate full of games, it hit me that I should have this game in my collection, and it should be played at some point, even if I only do so as a long term thing.

Now, I realize that there are 3 versions out right now that are somewhat easy to obtain, but the performance varies between systems. I've been told to avoid the PS1 version on PSN like the plague, due to atrocious load times, and to go with the DS version, and that since the graphics are sprite based the game holds up really well on a 3DS screen. Load times are snappy, the localization is superb, and the gameplay is fast and holds up really well even now.

What say you VitaGaf? (I'm readying my shield for the incoming bash of hateful messages for never having played the game).


Here's a dirty secret of mine for VitaGaf, I've never played Chrono Trigger. So the game turned 20 years old, and even with my plate full of games, it hit me that I should have this game in my collection, and it should be played at some point, even if I only do so as a long term thing.

Now, I realize that there are 3 versions out right now that are somewhat easy to obtain, but the performance varies between systems. I've been told to avoid the PS1 version on PSN like the plague, due to atrocious load times, and to go with the DS version, and that since the graphics are sprite based the game holds up really well on a 3DS screen. Load times are snappy, the localization is superb, and the gameplay is fast and holds up really well even now.

What say you VitaGaf? (I'm readying my shield for the incoming bash of hateful messages for never having played the game).

I've also heard that the DS version is the way to go, although I have no first hand experience. There's a mobile version too, but obviously controls are a issue there.
Here's a dirty secret of mine for VitaGaf, I've never played Chrono Trigger. So the game turned 20 years old, and even with my plate full of games, it hit me that I should have this game in my collection, and it should be played at some point, even if I only do so as a long term thing.

Now, I realize that there are 3 versions out right now that are somewhat easy to obtain, but the performance varies between systems. I've been told to avoid the PS1 version on PSN like the plague, due to atrocious load times, and to go with the DS version, and that since the graphics are sprite based the game holds up really well on a 3DS screen. Load times are snappy, the localization is superb, and the gameplay is fast and holds up really well even now.

What say you VitaGaf? (I'm readying my shield for the incoming bash of hateful messages for never having played the game).

If you have a ds I would reccomend you play on that. If not, the PSN version is fine. People say it's atrocious but it's perfectly doable. Though I guess I am a bit bias since I am one of the few people that did not mind Lost Odysseys load time.
I've also heard that the DS version is the way to go, although I have no first hand experience. There's a mobile version too, but obviously controls are a issue there.
Yes, iOS and Android apparently have really bad touch controls.

If you have a ds I would reccomend you play on that. If not, the PSN version is fine. People say it's atrocious but it's perfectly doable. Though I guess I am a bit bias since I am one of the few people that did not mind Lost Odysseys load time.
My old DS is MIA, but I do have a n3DS to play this on. I thought the bigger screen would be an issue, but as an example, I have played The World Ends with you on it and it looks great, since it's sprites without 3D


Chrono Trigger on PSN is preferable to mobile by far IMO. IT has some neat extra cutscenes and some sort of ending viewer or something? Yeah, load times kinda suck, but outside of the loading to open the menu, they're not too out of order with most PS1 games IIRC. I've been meaning to buy the DS version but I survived playing the whole thing on a real PS1

I thought Counterspy was supposed to be a bad port on the Vita? I started playing it today and it seems fine. Level loading is a little on the long side but that's about it. Granted I haven't played the PS4 version but just judging the Vita version on its own it plays really well.

It's mostly the loading times. They're really bad compared to PS4, but they seem to be a common problem on Vita so I guess if you only played the Vita one it might not seem too bad. I forget if there were other issues. But considering levels are fairly short I couldn't stand it.

Speaking of the last two statements, I really hope this gen is where devs really get serious about loading times. Driveclub's are pretty damn impressive and for the most part loading on PS4 has been quite nice. Vita's probably a lost cause--maybe the cards are too slow? But with all games installed it's time to start seeing good loading times across the board.


Here's a dirty secret of mine for VitaGaf, I've never played Chrono Trigger. So the game turned 20 years old, and even with my plate full of games, it hit me that I should have this game in my collection, and it should be played at some point, even if I only do so as a long term thing.

Now, I realize that there are 3 versions out right now that are somewhat easy to obtain, but the performance varies between systems. I've been told to avoid the PS1 version on PSN like the plague, due to atrocious load times, and to go with the DS version, and that since the graphics are sprite based the game holds up really well on a 3DS screen. Load times are snappy, the localization is superb, and the gameplay is fast and holds up really well even now.

What say you VitaGaf? (I'm readying my shield for the incoming bash of hateful messages for never having played the game).
Nds is the beat ver
Psx ver is passable on vita


My old DS is MIA, but I do have a n3DS to play this on. I thought the bigger screen would be an issue, but as an example, I have played The World Ends with you on it and it looks great, since it's sprites without 3D

Man, TWEWY 3DS remaster with n3DS stable 3D would be so awesome to me. Never gonna happen though.

Anyway, I played through Chrono Trigger on the Vita with the PS1 version and I didn't find the load times too unbearable. DS Version is definitely better though. Personal benefit of the Vita version for me was that I didn't have to bother finding save points when I wanted a break, just put the system in sleep. 3DS sleep mode is garbage in comparison, mine is dead in in 6 hours of sleep mode.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Music, sound effects, and color palette are all off on Chrono Trigger PSX to go with the atrocious pre battle load times.

The positives are the animated cutscenes and that it keeps track of endings. DS version blows it away, Wii VC is also a great version.
Thanks for the replies guys. So PSX version is okay, but DS is the definitive version. Ordered that one, now let's see how I manage to play everything I have lined up. Either way everyone talks about this game as it being a classic, so as such I need it in my collection aha. I may be playing it on the n3DS, but since it is available on Sony consoles too I'll share my thoughts on it here once it arrives.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
For future reference Chrono Trigger is definitely in the category of game good enough that playing an inferior version is still well worth the time if you have no other option.

MGS 3D Snake Eater is another one I'd put in this category. It also has some pluses to balance against its many flaws but the core game is so good that it doesn't really matter.

Final Fantasy VI PSX is another great example. It's the worst version of the game but the game is so good and the flaws aren't game breaking.

Final Fantasy V PSX, however, is in fact bad enough to ruin what is otherwise a great game. It's just too inferior.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I always forget the wii-only VC versions even exist anymore...what a mess that all is

Just like this new generation of PS4 owners probably have no clue about the wealth of PS1 games they are missing out on because Sony is being lazy on that. Not to mention PS2 classics, but there's less of them and a bunch will be "Remastered" anyways.

Sony isn't even pretending to try and write a PS1 emulator for the PS4. We know they can do it, they made excellent ones for the PSP and Vita.


Yeah I dunno what's up with that. I assume PS2 games on PS3 are closer to native so I dunno what's up with that, but they're being really weird by not having PS1 games on PS4. They also missed the 20th anniversary which would have been the perfect time to say the whole PS3/PSP library is available on PS4. Or at least the weirdo PS Vita approved library at the very least.

I get that licensing sucks but that can't be the whole deal here, plenty of SCE games and I'm sure many like Square would happily put things on PS4


I bet Sony is just saving ps1 games for a rainy day.

Nope. They just want everyone to use PS Now for everything, despite the fact that it's not available everywhere, and even when it is, for some people with substandard internet (like me) it will never be an option.


Nope. They just want everyone to use PS Now for everything, despite the fact that it's not available everywhere, and even when it is, for some people with substandard internet (like me) it will never be an option.

Eh, I doubt that. PS1 games would have to be dirt cheap and they'd fairly quickly require more bandwidth to stream than to download in many cases. I can see them withholding local PS1 from non-Sony devices to encourage PS Now, but I can't see them keeping it from PS4 for that. Especially not with no PS1 support currently in PS Now and with them still bringing out new PS1 emulated games.

Seems more likely it's a victim of their glacial pace and "big steps only" for PS4 software updates. I hope they break them down into monthly/bimonthly from now on focusing on a feature at a time.


Just got the platinum in Resogun for Vita. Platinum #20 for me!

I really love this game- the design, the color, the scoring systems, the sound. The Vita port was solid enough for me, just good enough to get a recommendation on my end. One day I'll get back to the PS4 version and make use of my reason pass.
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