Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)

Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
Is that Dust: An Elysian Tail?
I thought spelunky was free for ppl who already bought it anyway .
Wasn't rainbow moon already a ps+ game?
I thought spelunky was free for ppl who already bought it anyway .
I thought spelunky was free for ppl who already bought it anyway .
That would be pretty terrible given that Arkham City was a free game already. Have they ever taken a step back like that?
We got Arkham City already... why Arkham Asylum? I already got all 3 of them, but why not Arkham Origins instead beign a more recent game? Jeesh. I hope Pix the Cat is good.
Already own Arkham Asylum, Rainbow Moon and Spelunky, annoyingly.
Seems like another low-end month. Feels like they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel lately.
Uh, this would be kind of surprising. I remember Noogy said just a while ago that the game failed certification or something because of a logo issue. But no clue how fast they are with that.
It is. Awesome game, one of the best platformers/metroidvanias I've played in years.
Oh man, crossing my fingers for Spelunky here as well. Pix the Cat also looks pretty awesome. What's the other Vita title there?
I wonder if it'll be the same for NA, or different like usual...
I wonder if it'll be the same for NA, or different like usual...
Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
The PS4 games will be the same, but PS3/Vita won't
It's been pretty aligned recently.
Oh man, I'm gonna be so happy if Spelunky is a PS+ game this month. Don't let me down!
Don't care about 'Dust' but fuck yes for Spelunky. That was dated for the Summer so it's high time it's released. My PS3 broke early this year so I haven't been able to tackle Olmec in months.
First of all Asylum is the best game in the series, I dunno why you want the buggy mess that is origins.
Second of all, is there nothing that keep you people happy? Jesus.
First of all Asylum is the best game in the series, I dunno why you want the buggy mess that is origins.
Second of all, is there nothing that keep you people happy? Jesus.
Fuck yeah Splunky! I've been meaning to buy it on PC for ages but I'm glad I waited since it's probably a great console experience.
I already own Dust on Steam but I've never actually played it so I don't know if I will this time.
Wow if this is true than Sony really don't care about PS3 at all regarding Plus, it was never this bad, Arkham Asylum?! what is this Games With Gold!?
PS3's Plus was really terrible for the past couple of months, i have a feeling Sony will stop to support it soon.
I'd consider stuff like Resogun and Velocity 2X not only worthwhile but among the best games on the platform so far. But each to their own I guess..Nearly 8 months down and if I buy a PS4 I don't have anything worthwhile waiting for me![]()
No, sir, Arkham City is way better. As I said, I already have the Arkham Trilogy, but Asylum is a 5 year old game, what kind of a deal is this? At least Origins was understandable.
I think is impossible to make all people happy, but this past 3 months (4 months with this one) for PS3 has been horrible. Two games that are the worst in the series (Crysis 3, Dead Space 3), a mediocre ripoff of other game (PSABR) and now a good but ancient game, a prequel of a game we already have for PS+. That is what is so annoying.
Also, this makes a lot of other games possible now. We thought that a prequel of a game already given wasn't possible, discarding Crysis, Mass Effect, and other games for PS+ but now... everything is possible.
EDIT: Oh, NA will be different. You have my attention again, Sony.
Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
Someone posted this in a spanish forum (EU Europe PS+ October games)
If that's the same for US... I guess I'll see what Pix the Cat is? It's not like I have time for games right now anyway, so that's fine.