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PlayStation VR2 |OT| I heard it has a single cable. Is this true?


Gold Member
It very well could be placebo effect, but having just tried Synth Riders (and having played it daily since purchase) it does seem clearer to me. NMS was no different and I didn’t really notice any difference with GT7. Kayak did seem to look sharper than I remember, particularly with distance trees/mountains etc.,

hip hop television GIF by WE tv


Who have tried different brightness settings? I see the lower the better? I read even at 70% it improve a lot the double vision and mura?
Rumour alert: The beta patch seems to have increased the range of Foviated Rendering, leading to an overall wider FOV. Would make sense as that feel like what I'm seeing


Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm pretty much certain there is no image quality update in the latest firmware update. Looks 100% the same to me. I think the reports of clarity boost are placebo effect or just hitting the sweet spot a bit better.

The nice thing about placebos is that they work, so if you're seeing a big improvement, I'm genuinely happy for you.

You gotta do what? I gotta believe!
The reprojection is still dirty ass. The patch notes had no notes of iq increase either.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

Goddamn it, so many awesome games listed incoming. Plus, there is also Walking Dead 1 & 2.
Huh, was it confirmed RE4's Remake is the full thing in VR? Cap's wording made it sound like it's extra content a la Ace Combat 7 rather than a Village style full implementation. I suppose it's possible since that thing is now basically playable in third person, first person and full VR all in one game.

They speak of Beat Saber just speaking of its Czech developer or whatever like they forgot Meta/Facebook bought it? It's cool they don't make it exclusive to their platform as that would be a shitty move but it's kind of big info to forget mentioning, lol. Like speaking of Mojang only for Minecraft.

Kind of a trash list, just some games from this or that State of Play everybody would know about really, plus the above. Weird site.
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Gold Member
Huh, was it confirmed RE4's Remake is the full thing in VR? Cap's wording made it sound like it's extra content a la Ace Combat 7 rather than a Village style full implementation. I suppose it's possible since that thing is now basically playable in third person, first person and full VR all in one game.

They speak of Beat Saber just speaking of its Czech developer or whatever like they forgot Meta/Facebook bought it? It's cool they don't make it exclusive to their platform as that would be a shitty move but it's kind of big info to forget mentioning, lol. Like speaking of Mojang only for Minecraft.

Kind of a trash list, just some games from this or that State of Play everybody would know about really, plus the above. Weird site.

Of all the other RE games with VR Modes, which ones are the ones that aren't full games? It's not confirmed, but there's no precedence for it not to be a full game, and the RE Village "VR Mode" was the full game - they are calling RE4 VR Mode as well when describing it, so it would be very disappointing if it was like the first 5 minutes of gameplay or something haha.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Of all the other RE games with VR Modes, which ones are the ones that aren't full games? It's not confirmed, but there's no precedence for it not to be a full game, and the RE Village "VR Mode" was the full game - they are calling RE4 VR Mode as well when describing it, so it would be very disappointing if it was like the first 5 minutes of gameplay or something haha.
I guess mode sounds pretty all encompassing to be potentially the full thing but they've also worded it like "PS VR 2 content is also in development" or some shit like that plastered on a trailer which is kinda more worrying so yeah, I'd love a confirmation/clarification by Capcom all the same.
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The Male Lewinsky
Had a chance to run through some titles. RE8, kayak and Pavlov seem less jaggy looking at more distant geometry. The title screens of RE and Pavlov had no jaggies And the clocks and signs in the kayak pool looked clearer. Kayak seems to have ghosting though now that I never noticed before. When you start in day on the beach of Costa Rica the little island to the left, moving head from side to side rapidly leaves ghosts of the palm trees that I swear wasn’t there before (at least I never noticed it).
COTM might have been a bit better too. The ghosting was killing my eyes and brain the other day but it didn’t seem so bad but that could have been because I’d been playing for a few hours the last time I tried it,
NMS initially looked better but soon the distant geometry was shimmering and jaggy. I thought maybe it was an effect that crept in over time as when I started it, I’m sure everything was solid but a reboot didn’t help.

Again I run with the disclaimer it could be a placebo or me just getting the sweet spot better over time but I’m not sure that would apply to jaggies in the distant geometry.

Anywhat what was supposed to be a quick 10 minute look at this turned into almost two hours of playing (The Cosmonious demo is pretty fun!) so improvements or not I’m still loving the PSVR2.

I never realised there was dismemberment in Pavlov! I point blanked someone with a shotgun and his legs went a different way to his body!

Also: It just occurred to me that I was also supposed to be trying out the Pulse headphones with the PSVR as well but I got so into the games I completed forgot.
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Really interested to see more info on that supposed image quality improvements due to new software updates. Is that even possible to do?


Had a chance to run through some titles. RE8, kayak and Pavlov seem less jaggy looking at more distant geometry. The title screens of RE and Pavlov had no jaggies And the clocks and signs in the kayak pool looked clearer. Kayak seems to have ghosting though now that I never noticed before. When you start in day on the beach of Costa Rica the little island to the left, moving head from side to side rapidly leaves ghosts of the palm trees that I swear wasn’t there before (at least I never noticed it).
COTM might have been a bit better too. The ghosting was killing my eyes and brain the other day but it didn’t seem so bad but that could have been because I’d been playing for a few hours the last time I tried it,
NMS initially looked better but soon the distant geometry was shimmering and jaggy. I thought maybe it was an effect that crept in over time as when I started it, I’m sure everything was solid but a reboot didn’t help.

Again I run with the disclaimer it could be a placebo or me just getting the sweet spot better over time but I’m not sure that would apply to jaggies in the distant geometry.

Anywhat what was supposed to be a quick 10 minute look at this turned into almost two hours of playing (The Cosmonius demo is pretty fun!) so improvements or not I’m still loving the PSVR2.

I never realised there was dismemberment in Pavlov! I point blanked someone with a shotgun and his legs went a different way to his body!

Also: It just occurred to me that I was also supposed to be trying out the Pulse headphones with the PSVR as well but I got so into the games I completed forgot.
I might be going crazy, but oh yeah, the clocks and signs on Kayak became much, much clear. Seems like quite a few things in every became clear after today's update. This is not, however, saying that everything became cristal clear or ultra sharp. Wish the screen was sharper, but it is fine the way it is, imo.
Yeah I'm loving my experience with PSVR2 for sure. The comfort to wear it is fantastic!


Fuck me the tracking on my headset is garbage.
I’ve installed extra lights into my space and it made no difference.
I’ve cleaned the lenses.
Run and re-run tracking calibration
Recreated my play space numerous times.
Tried tracking support off/on
I have no exposed light bulbs it’s all wash/bounce light and the room is very well lit
I‘ve tried TV off/on with tracking support off/on
I have lots of stuff in the room and on the walls.

Climbing in horizon and looking up slightly the game drops to the passthru with the tracking error and then immediately flicks back to the game and it happens constantly.

My Quest 2 tracking is flawless in this same space with the same light.
idk if you tried this, but surfaces that work like mirros can be fucking you up, maybe you have big picture frames or glossy stuff like that .


idk if you tried this, but surfaces that work like mirros can be fucking you up, maybe you have big picture frames or glossy stuff like that .

Thanks, only my TV I guess and I’m using the tracking assistance border when it;s on. I am getting less dropouts to the pass through view since the firmware update, fingers crossed.
I hope Vertigo 2 comes to psvr 2. It looks really cool. Also, can't wait to see Behemoth gameplay, it's from the walking Dead's developer.
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Lots of work to make these through the lenses videos

Surprising info there is that the diffuser (to lower screen door effect) seems to be the real culprit behind the mura complaints and not the screen per say (well its all part of optics anyway), and the display is apparently pentile diamond pattern screen?? That's a shock to me considering the PSVR 1 full RGB. That means the PSVR 2 has less subpixels than a Quest 2

Quest 2: 1,832 x 1920 x 3 = 10552320
PSVR2: 2000 x 2040 x 2.5 = 10200000
Pico 4: 2160 x 2160 x 3 = 13996800

His statement at 11:20 is confusing me, is he saying the PSVR2 has high persistance and thus motion blur? I thought OLED had LOW persistance due to high pixel response time thus making motion resolution really good. Or is the OLED in the PSVR2 different?


Just applied the update and the games I play most look great as usual.

Then again I always read about mura and blurry yet everytime I put the headset on it looks amazing. Honestly have yet to be affected by either.

If I have to pull a DF and zoom in 200% to see it on a captured frame then it doesn't have it if I can't see it in motion. Everywhere I look my games look ace.

Whats crazy is this is the first round with this hardware, you know it only gets better with time and experience. Sony enjoys making games shiny.

If there was some minor tweak during this update it's small enough I'm not detecting anything. I have no zoubt well be getting updates on FW making things better and giving us more functions though.

Can't wait for games like project wingman. I'm sure we're getting a lot more ports as well. I just went through the PSVR1 games list on the store and that thing had more than I realized.


Is there any way to see the pass through without the "press circle to go back to the previous screen" box hanging right in the middle of your view?


Gold Member
Just applied the update and the games I play most look great as usual.

Then again I always read about mura and blurry yet everytime I put the headset on it looks amazing. Honestly have yet to be affected by either.

If I have to pull a DF and zoom in 200% to see it on a captured frame then it doesn't have it if I can't see it in motion. Everywhere I look my games look ace.

Whats crazy is this is the first round with this hardware, you know it only gets better with time and experience. Sony enjoys making games shiny.

If there was some minor tweak during this update it's small enough I'm not detecting anything. I have no zoubt well be getting updates on FW making things better and giving us more functions though.

Can't wait for games like project wingman. I'm sure we're getting a lot more ports as well. I just went through the PSVR1 games list on the store and that thing had more than I realized.

Based on your headset was the changes in the update minimal since you're experiencing nearly perfect visuals from it?


Really interested to see more info on that supposed image quality improvements due to new software updates. Is that even possible to do?
They couldn't fix hardware things, like CA/blur from fresnel lenses outside sweet spot or the effect that diffuser layer has on the image but reprojection could be improved to reduce the smear and maybe improve the image persistence that people seem to be trying to improve by reducing brightness.


Based on your headset was the changes in the update minimal since you're experiencing nearly perfect visuals from it?

Well yes very minimal if any.

I believe I'm getting perfect PSVR visuals but i wouldnt say perfect like a flat 2d screen. All headsets deal with one problem or another. VR itself as a medium has problems. Like it's uncomfortable for some users because of Vergence accomidation conflict.
And the further away from the focal point you go there will be blur. I'm hoping foveated rendering makes it so we csnt ever see that.

But back to your question I'm not detecting much difference in what I was seeing and what I'm seeing now.


Gold Member
I didn't notice a big difference after the patch myself, but my headset was already totally fine imo. Maybe they did something with the FV I dunno, but I think it's possible some people are noticing it more because maybe all the headsets/PS5s aren't upgrading from the same version? Only reason I can think that so many people swear it's better and others don't.

Edit: And I just made it into the Castle in RE8 well, upto meeting Duke in the Castle after a few sequences - they really went all out for that castle, it's amazingly detailed. I'm going to really enjoy exploring around in there! I need to read a little lore on the Duke and how/why he is kept alive when like no one else is. Just seems funny he'd buy all the crap you steal from the castle if he's in their inner circle, but he strikes me as almost above everyone else in the hierarchy haha, like they wouldn't dare insult him.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
His statement at 11:20 is confusing me, is he saying the PSVR2 has high persistance and thus motion blur? I thought OLED had LOW persistance due to high pixel response time thus making motion resolution really good. Or is the OLED in the PSVR2 different?

It’s too early to determine the reasons fully yet but this video explains.

From what I gather, there’s two factors for high persistence here

1) Brighter the OLED (and HDR), the slower it is to fully switch black

2) 60 to 120 fps reprojection games seem to be the biggest culprit? Did patch today fix most of it? To be seen. Could be patchable. I don’t think peoples have the persistence problem with the smaller games ala Kayak VR?

3) LCD panels used by Oculus are fast switching, it has been their philosophy for a while to have low Persistence

I thought OLED inherently suck at motion resolution? At least compared to the CRT/Plasma days, no clue how it compares to fast switch LCD. Again, could be purely software problem made worse with the brightness. Pretty sure in coming weeks there will be better analysis.
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What to think, what to think. Everyone is suffering placebo effect, mass hysteria, or your eyes just don’t see it? Genuinely confused what to believe here 😅

Well, only tried RE8 but looked absolutely the same to me. I played it 5 min apart to compare (time it took to update)


2) 60 to 120 fps reprojection games seem to be the biggest culprit? Did patch today fix most of it? To be seen. Could be patchable. I don’t think peoples have the persistence problem with the smaller games ala Kayak VR?

The reprojection is super obvious when you see it. It's literally a crisp double image. I don't think it would be that hard to distinguish from the motion blur/smearing effect from high persistance. I actually havn't noticed that but I'mm one of those people who cranks the motion blur so maybe I wasn't looking for it. I'm going to check at different brightnesses so see what I can see.



Lots of work to make these through the lenses videos

Surprising info there is that the diffuser (to lower screen door effect) seems to be the real culprit behind the mura complaints and not the screen per say (well its all part of optics anyway), and the display is apparently pentile diamond pattern screen?? That's a shock to me considering the PSVR 1 full RGB. That means the PSVR 2 has less subpixels than a Quest 2

Quest 2: 1,832 x 1920 x 3 = 10552320
PSVR2: 2000 x 2040 x 2.5 = 10200000
Pico 4: 2160 x 2160 x 3 = 13996800

I wonder what the technical reasons were for going diamond over stripe, and why Sony's engineers chose fresnel over pancake lenses. I know HDR brightness was a factor, but seems like they sacrificed quite a bit of clarity (Quest Pro looks pretty damn sharp in comparison).


Gold Member
I decided to order a pair of these. I'll hold you directly responsible if something happens....

Yeah, so I wear both contacts and glasses. In this case, the prescription lenses are as if I'm wearing glasses, which is great. The eye tracking works as intended. I know this was a concern for some.

I didn't notice much of a difference that the lenses were even in place or if it felt as if I needed to adjust the depth of the headset. The feeling that they were there was quite minimal if that makes sense. No added screen door effect or anything like that.

So as it stands it doesn't feel like there isn't a downgrade nor an increase in the visual scope while the lenses are in place. If you wear glasses, the $60USD is worth it, especially when you can avoid seeing smudges in front of you.
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Yeah, so I wear both contacts and glasses. In this case, the prescription lenses are as if I'm wearing glasses, which is great. The eye tracking works as intended. I know this was a concern for some.

I didn't notice much of a difference that the lenses were even in place or if it felt as if I needed to adjust the depth of the headset. The feeling that they were there was quite minimal if that makes sense. No added screen door effect or anything like that.

So as it stands it doesn't feel like there isn't a downgrade nor an increase in the visual scope while the lenses are in place. If you wear glasses, the $60USD is worth it, especially when you can avoid seeing smudges in front of you.
I had been looking into getting something like this. Main point for me, I do wear glasses and whenever I played active games on PSVR1 I eventually scratched my PSVR lens. I can see well without my glasses but really like the "crispness" of graphics when I do wear them, especially in VR. Seeing your purchased ones caused me to pull the trigger.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
Played the RE8 demo tonight. Jesus christ is it amazing. However, it was way to scary for me so I had to nope put of it real quick. I was getting too stressed.

It inspired me to give horizon another go. I fucked around with some of the settings. Changed movement from gesture to stick. And turned off snap movement. I went from hating the game to thinking its actually pretty fucking great. Man gesture movement is such a shit idea.

And of course GT7 continues to be one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had. Just all around a great time.
Shouldn't affect field of view. That's dictated by the physical setup in the headset.
Yeah, badly worded on my part. More accurately, the Rendering is happening over a wider area. In GT7 for example, I find the area I'm looking at now has a wider area of clarity. I can keep my head still, move my eyes and see a clearer image in places I would have to move my head for previously.
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Yeah, so I wear both contacts and glasses. In this case, the prescription lenses are as if I'm wearing glasses, which is great. The eye tracking works as intended. I know this was a concern for some.

I didn't notice much of a difference that the lenses were even in place or if it felt as if I needed to adjust the depth of the headset. The feeling that they were there was quite minimal if that makes sense. No added screen door effect or anything like that.

So as it stands it doesn't feel like there isn't a downgrade nor an increase in the visual scope while the lenses are in place. If you wear glasses, the $60USD is worth it, especially when you can avoid seeing smudges in front of you.
Ok convinced, I'm in ... I wear quite large glasses and can not pull the HMD as far to my eyes as I would like without the frame touching somewhere. Thus, I constantly have some light and reflections in the HMD. Has me so far quite little bothered, but it reads as if the inserts are a useful upgrade.

Pavlov is the only game I've played so far that taught me that more buttons than just the trigger not only need to be pressed, but can also be activated by lightly touching them.
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Drums Rock: Is good! Made me miss the PS3 era with an actual drumkit for Guitar Hero or Rock Band. The songs are amateur covers and some of them have atypical tempo changes which is hard to anticipate - I’m a very casual listener of rock music so I only recognised like 3 or 4 songs of the whole set list? Also on easy mode (which the campaign mode uses for act 1), some of the drum hits feel like they’re on the off-beat it’s quite bizarre. Picks up a bit in the medium difficulty and it’s fun nevertheless

Pavlov: Made it through the tutorial but damn my aim is embarrassingly bad and I have no idea how to throw the grenade? I thought it was one of those canned ‘lol you died’ gags but it took me 5 goes and even then I threw it by accident. Don’t think my coordination is good enough for this game, even thinking about reloading the guns is stressful


Pavlov: Made it through the tutorial but damn my aim is embarrassingly bad and I have no idea how to throw the grenade? I thought it was one of those canned ‘lol you died’ gags but it took me 5 goes and even then I threw it by accident. Don’t think my coordination is good enough for this game, even thinking about reloading the guns is stressful
Spend some time with bots, I was terrible at the start but picked a weapon I liked and started to practise, get some muscle memory.

I still suck at nades though, guess I should spend some time with bots also.


Okay I tried gt7, and I think it looks better.

Without a side by side I can't tell what it is though. It could be something as simple as contrast or something like that. I scrutinized the odometer during driving in a Z32 and I found it looked pretty similar in terms of readability, but maybe cleaner with less crawling. Maybe. I haven't played since Monday.

One thing I would like to see is a comparison of the TV output. I've been surprised at how good the games look on the TV even though you can see the effect of the foveated rendering. It doesn't look like total shit outside of the gaze area and the whole image looks fairly cohesive. The TV output doesn't necessarily look like someone's eyes are hunting around and making everything else blurry. Seems like there would be room for it to get more aggressive at the cost of the TV image looking worse overall. Someone should compare the TV output to see if there's any difference at all or specifically if the effect is more aggressive.

If it is sharper, I saw it uniformly everywhere. So if I was going to take a guess I would say it was some sort of adjustment to the picture? Idk. Damn I could have skipped the updates and played the game right before.
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