There are truths, exaggerations of the truth and fud. Nothing about what is mentioned in the post is fud. I enjoy mine, but the system has its flaws. Controller battery sucks, I've lost controller sync multiple times (likely a spexific game issue), cord has gotten a bit in the way at times, particularly in Les Mills, mura is strong for me, headset still cuts off my circulation if too tight, falls down if not tight enough (unfortunately there isn't much of an inbetween) and sweet spot exist...quarter inch movement in any direction loses it for me (making everything blurry, wish there was another dial to move screen closer to the face than what's allowed with the slider).
With all that said, i enjoy it still, but the ultimate litmus test will be future 1st party support, but at this point I am a bit skeptical.
Also feel Sony needs to get 3rd party app support back, including Hulu, Netflix, etc...not sure if those services dropped VR support completely or just PSVR.
Basically, I just want to see them go all in...don't want it to end up being Eyetoy, PS Eye, Move and arguably PSP/Vita all over again. Letting 3rd party lead the charge isn't going to help. That should be a supplement to great 1st party games, much like the base consoles.