I'm surprised they've gone this long without pulling this trick:Lmao I can't believe people still want Ash to have a Raichu in 2017
Give it up

Evolving Pikachu for 1 battle & then turning him back.
I'm surprised they've gone this long without pulling this trick:Lmao I can't believe people still want Ash to have a Raichu in 2017
Give it up
Is EV training worth it without doing IV training too? I'm not a competitive player outside of my circle of friends but in X and Y i super train my immediate team but kinda feel like it doesn't matter all that much if I'm not going for IV, natures, breeding, etc.
I mean they'll be outclassed by things that are bred, trained and the right nature. But if you make sure to at least have the right nature and EV train in my experience from playing with showdown it seems like IVs make the least amount of difference. Especially at level 50. But IV breeding and adjusting is easier than ever.
I just never put that much time into it cause I generally just do story and friend battles
Definitely worth it. EV training makes a much bigger difference than IV's do.Is EV training worth it without doing IV training too? I'm not a competitive player outside of my circle of friends but in X and Y i super train my immediate team but kinda feel like it doesn't matter all that much if I'm not going for IV, natures, breeding, etc.
Masaaki Iwane, the best animator the Pokemon anime has got made an animation of the final part of the game but with Ash
This isn't supposed to hint at anything regarding the anime afaik
So I need some help with understanding Ratings battles. I've ran into multiple people using Heatran, but for whatever reasons I cannot use either of mine. What's the specific ban for? Is it Gen obtained? Is there any way to get one in Gen 7?
The anime just got to Akala, right? That's what I'm getting from the new opening.
Joe said they go back to Melemele though lol. It's difficult to guess what the progression is like.
Also, it looks like trial captains aren't really a thing.
Ash has been to Akala a couple of times, mostly to visit Kiawe because he lives there (Charizard is his Fly PokeRider) but recently they just left Melemele 'for good'. I think a big fro Melemele (possibly the whole season if it keeps up) is pacing. They did the Trial at episode 9 and the Kahuna battle immediately after which means 20 whole episodes in the same location. I mean there have been new Pokemon and plot progression along the way, but compare to XY where Ash already had his second badge and had met the third gym leader, it feels comparatively slow.
Besides the battle frontier, I don't feel a lot of stuff added in Emerald would've made as much sense in the context of R/S remakes.
I'm more concerned of the map tbqh
It depends on how you view the games. Are they "Generation III" remakes or "Ruby and Sapphire" remakes? After HG/SS, which combined elements of the entire second generation into a definitive package, ORAS chose to omit Emerald's changes to stay truer to Ruby and Sapphire explicitly.
The end result are two remakes that feel like they need a Delta Emerald to deliver on the promise HG/SS made for remakes moving forward.
This is entirely perceptual. But for remakes of Generation IV, I would much rather a "Gen IV" remake than a remake of "Diamond and Pearl." Platinum took middling entries of the series and made everything better and right. That needs to be the base of any future remake. Not D/P.
Masaaki Iwane, the best animator the Pokemon anime has got made an animation of the final part of the game but with Ash
This isn't supposed to hint at anything regarding the anime afaik
It depends on how you view the games. Are they "Generation III" remakes or "Ruby and Sapphire" remakes? After HG/SS, which combined elements of the entire second generation into a definitive package, ORAS chose to omit Emerald's changes to stay truer to Ruby and Sapphire explicitly.
The end result are two remakes that feel like they need a Delta Emerald to deliver on the promise HG/SS made for remakes moving forward.
This is entirely perceptual. But for remakes of Generation IV, I would much rather a "Gen IV" remake than a remake of "Diamond and Pearl." Platinum took middling entries of the series and made everything better and right. That needs to be the base of any future remake. Not D/P.
I mean, it's easy to say that about HG/SS but what did Crystal add? Gender selection has been standard since that game's release, so there's no way that wasn't happening. The Battle Frontier was just copy/pasted from Platinum just like how the Maison in ORAS was copied over from X/Y. Eusine and Suicune is some basic stuff that doesn't conflict with the original G/S at all. Stuff like the odd egg and encounterable pokemon were left out.
I do agree that theroretical D/P remakes should incorporate as much extra content from Platinum as they can, but they're most likely going to be D/P remakes first and foremost
Sorry to quote myself but I genuinely can't figure this out. How are some people using Heatran and the birds in Ratings battles but none of mine are allowed. I've tried multiple versions of my semi legends and all of them appear banned.
Any ideas at all guys? My googlefu is turning up nothing.
Ok pokemon gaf help me out, want to do a quick little profile for the pokemon creator but I have no idea what he looks like. Googling his name in english letters give a few pictures, googling it in Japanese gives what seems to be 3 or 4 different looking people (maybe he lost/gained weight or these are pictures from very big gaps in time.
Help me out guys!
Recent photo via Bulbapedia. I would ask someone from there to use it or credit appropriately.
Only Heatran caught in ORAS and Legendary Birds caught in XY or received from the HA distribution event during ORAS are allowed to be used in SM Rated battles.
If the ones who have meet these requirements then I'm not sure whats wrong, my Heatran and Zapdos work fine on Rated Battle Spot.
What about legendary birds migrated from RBY?
Those have the Gameboy symbol, which is essentially the same as having no symbol like with gen 3-5.
They do it because older games have some Pokemon with moves that they've since decided were a bad idea and would be unfair to people playing in modern times (like how Qwilfish lost Swords Dance for no reason, Wish Chansey, Sucker Punch anything from Gen 4... Baton Pass Hypno?) It's also much harder for them to detect if it was hacked, RNG'd, or glitched I guess? That used to be the common excuse a few years ago but with how easy it is to get CFW running on a 3ds nowadays I don't think that's stopping anything.
You'll choose that Fennekin, deal with 6 poorly written rivals, fight the most obvious villain in the history of anything, and like it.So, this Zapdos I worked hard to import from RBY isn't legal in ranked?
Don't tell me I have to replay... XY...
Please no..:
I think it's to prevent shit like No Guard Machamp with Fissure running around
Edit: Or maybe not, that might be an impossible combination
So I was at Gamestop yesterday and the Nintendo rep was there. I didn't speak to him directly but was listening to his conversation to the Gamestop employee that I was cool with. The way he sounded and was coming off kind of irked me but he then mentioned that Gamestop should tell any customers that ask about the Pokémon Switch game that it "Is a full fledge Pokémon game and it's nothing like Mystery Dungeon, Pokken, or any other spin off series."
It's not major news but I found it interesting that a Nintendo employee was telling Gamestop how they would like them to communicate the Pokémon Switch games to the customers.
It's a weird situation for them for sure.
Regardless of the reasoning, Nintendo chose to remain committed to the 3DS for much of 2017. It is getting a number of games that have high fan appeal, like Superstar Saga, Samus Returns, and Ultra Sun/Moon. These remain products that Nintendo wants to market and sell and have people excited and enthusiastic to play.
But the Switch is a popular machine. People really want to play games on their Switch. Nintendo, again - regardless of reasoning, was not prepared for how aggressively people would want to ditch their 3DS in favor of all things Switch. So things in the pipeline for 3DS, to Switch owners, feel as though they're coming out in spite of the Switch.
This is annoying the same Nintendo fans who were very pleased and enthusiastic towards Nintendo and their new system. Nintendo wants to maintain this excitement. They do not want people cooling off on their Switches and feeling like Nintendo is not supporting the new system because games they really want are only coming out on the 3DS and not the Switch as well.
So Nintendo's peculiar and direct announcement of an announcement ("we are making a Pokemon game for Switch - a real one") and subsequent PR is damage control. They are trying to maintain a sensitive situation where they still want people to buy 3DS games for the rest of the year even though Switch adopters are ready to move on.
Their messaging is controlled in such a way that says "please enjoy the 3DS for a little while longer. Then we will focus on the Switch, which you should still be happy you bought."
Only Heatran caught in ORAS and Legendary Birds caught in XY or received from the HA distribution event during ORAS are allowed to be used in SM Rated battles.
If the ones who have meet these requirements then I'm not sure whats wrong, my Heatran and Zapdos work fine on Rated Battle Spot.
I wish more of Sun and Moon was subbed, I still like it but it's hard to keep long-term interest in it when the plot isn't moving that fast and the episodes are released so far apart.
Really like how Ash's team this time around are basically his pets. It's cute.
Which Pokemon villain wasn't obvious?You'll choose that Fennekin, deal with 6 poorly written rivals, fight the most obvious villain in the history of anything, and like it.
Hey, I said most, not that the others weren't. They're all really bad with Ghetsis at the very least being disappointing with his constant accidental "OOPS I'M EVIL OOPS OH NO I SAID THAT OUT LOUD". He does improve quite a bit in the sequel.Which Pokemon villain wasn't obvious?