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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"

It's a shame Pokemon Go doesn't properly track my steps otherwise I would play it more. I've gone on 5k runs, which I only got 0.7k credit for. Sometimes I make more progress by simply driving in traffic.

My wife is still playing pretty hardcore, but life & work has gotten in the way for me, so I don't think I'll really get back into it until there's a major update.

It's still fun though whipping out Pokemon Go in a new area and catching some different Pokemon than the same old, same old. The only problem is that I'll never get enough candy to make them competitive for gym battles.


then it was possible the gym was attacked, then left at level 1, but then a teamate came (likely the gyrados owner) and leveled up the gym to create and open slot. I do this sometimes to give my own pokemon a buffer.
ah that would explain it. i would never train my own gym but I can understand how others who have more resources want to build a big gym.
ah that would explain it. i would never train my own gym but I can understand how others who have more resources want to build a big gym.
Yet again, this is something that I hope that Niantic changes in the future. I feel like in Ingress, there's a lot more incentive to help Allied portals that you come across or in your area. In Pokemon Go, the only reason for you to help build up a gym is to insert your own Pokemon in or just out of the goodness of your heart.


If you're a rural player I understand your opinion even less. The less roads/intersections/buildings around, the easier it is to track down spawnpoints. It becomes a little trickier in city centers where spawnpoints are everywhere in all directions so you really need to triangulate, in rural areas you can pretty easily "guess" where pokemon will spawn.
Yes, it is easy to guess where that pidgey will spawn.

Red Fire

without pokemon nearby its unplayable

I use a tracker for the lack of variety, not because I can't find anything, your post came across really negative and condescending I'm not really looking to argue with some one over this.

I need a tracker because all I find is trash.


Anyways, putting rural players aside, tracking works perfectly well. 95% of the time i see something on the nearby list i am able to track it down. No excuse for city/town players to use tracking sites other than being lazy.


I use a tracker for the lack of variety, not because I can't find anything, your post came across really negative and condescending I'm not really looking to argue with some one over this.

I need a tracker because all I find is trash.
Didn't mean to come off condescending but I live in a pretty rural area too (5-10 min drive to closest pokestop) and triangulation is a piece of cake in areas like that. Saying the game is unplayable without pokemon nearby is a lie.

Yes, it is easy to guess where that pidgey will spawn.
And a tracker will show you exactly where the pidgey spawns?

Anyways, putting rural players aside, tracking works perfectly well. 95% of the time i see something on the nearby list i am able to track it down. No excuse for city/town players to use tracking sites other than being lazy.

You quoted two of my posts with no explanation as to what was funny? as if I contradicted myself? which I never.

I don't understand this elitist mentality against those who use trackers? I don't live in a big city with variety. I may get a decent spawn once a day. Outside of that its pidgey everywhere.

Man the mood in here got dark quick


Neo Member
I use a tracker for the lack of variety, not because I can't find anything, your post came across really negative and condescending I'm not really looking to argue with some one over this.

I need a tracker because all I find is trash.
Same here, without a tracker I wouldn't play this game as much. I'm not wasting time trying to triangulate a rare Pokemon which won't be seen for months again. I wouldn't have the patience or time in a crowded and building dense city. The rarest Pokemon that regularly spawns in the city is a Dratini or Squirtle, so you bet if a Charmander is nearby, I'm going straight to the tracker.


Didn't mean to come off condescending but I live in a pretty rural area too (5-10 min drive to closest pokestop) and triangulation is a piece of cake in areas like that. Saying the game is unplayable without pokemon nearby is a lie.

I live in a pretty rural area and have tons of issues tracking down a shadow. If they at least put the nearby pokemon in order based on distance it would be possible but as it is now it isn't. I can drive into a shadow, roll the car 50 feet and it is gone again. My son gets so frustrated when we drive around the area for 5 minutes looking for a shadow only have it keep disappearing. I started using Pokemesh to solve the issue and found out that the problem most of the time i simply that the pokemon are never near the road/side walk. They are in farm fields, in private parking lots, or down one way alleys that only residents are supposed to use. I had one in the middle of a small semi-private cemetery next to a police station. My only hope is that they revise pokemon spawn locations as they get more user data on where people can actually walk. It would result in main street in rural towns being the only place pokemon spawn, but at least things would be obtainable then.
My 1744 Vaporeon gets booted off gyms immediately, yet my 146 Clefairy is within an hour and a half of reaching a defender bonus... I still don't understand gyms at level 23.
It's super dumb Jolteon can counter Golduck and Starmie just fine, but Slowbro just destroys it. It's not even close. I can't even think of a Slowbro counter except Exeggutor with Solar Beam. Mine has Psychic and it gets destroyed. Buff electrics pls

A cheap counter to Slowbro (and Vapedogs) would be Parasect w/ Bug Bite - Solar Beam, but you have to dodge Confusion/Psychic and Ice beams.


A cheap counter to Slowbro (and Vapedogs) would be Parasect w/ Bug Bite - Solar Beam, but you have to dodge Confusion/Psychic and Ice beams.
that's what i mean

think about it for a second. a non-STAB neutral ice beam does more damage than a STAB super effective thunderbolt

absolute madness


Learning when to dodge helps a lot too. Takes some practice, but I can easily dodge the Vapes anytime.

But, otherwise I agree


battles are so laggy though

like for instance i was fighting slowbro this morning and it used psychic before i could even see the text and it happened pretty much constantly. like what am i even supposed to be reacting to?


Ride my bike for an hour -> Get 1 km on my eggs. Like wtf? 😫 also restarted the app a couple of times, but nothing worked.


battles are so laggy though

like for instance i was fighting slowbro this morning and it used psychic before i could even see the text and it happened pretty much constantly. like what am i even supposed to be reacting to?
There's this visual effect, like a flash, before every attack and if you dodge immediately when you see it you should dodge the attack even if the text lags behind. When I learned that was the dodge timing it transformed gym battles for me.


...hate me...
If you click on the steps, it opens Google Maps with the exact location.
I was about to post this.

It will pinpoint the pokemon's location on your phone's map application, from where you can even get walking/driving directions to it, running in background while you go back to the Pokémon Go app. It's seriously amazing lol.
So, I'm being undercharged for evolutions. When I evolve something, it costs the actual amount but after the animation, I have one extra candy that I shouldn't have anymore.
that's what i mean

think about it for a second. a non-STAB neutral ice beam does more damage than a STAB super effective thunderbolt

absolute madness

You've got a point there, since speed counts jack shit in this game they should buff electric-type moves at least.


...hate me...
Is there still a site that gives you exact IVs for all Pokemon at once?
pgnexus.gg gives an exact value, how accurate it is I don't know.

I guess use at own risk but I haven't got banned yet. I have my doubts about Niantic wanting to further reduce their userbase for using IV checkers.


so my wife sent me a picture saying "interesting" showing off a few pokestops and a gym.

I am waiting for her to confirm what she is showing me, but if I got the meaning behind the picture correct... it seems that some of the stops that were removed a while back are now back, which would be cool as it's the best area to get rare pokemon around, so it would be nice to be able to get stops there again too.
I need the Buddy system now. Please Niantic, I hope it doesn't go the way of the radar (as in never hearing from it again after getting a small glimpse).
So I picked up the game again today after a few weeks of not playing. Was getting frustrated seeing the same things all the time. I work in NYC too, and all I ever ran into were Pidgeys, Rattatas, and Zubats (and loads of Pinsirs at Central Park).

I just sat around and used a Lucky Egg to evolve a bunch of Pokemon - went from Level 16 - 18, which was great.

But I'm still sitting at 69 Caught Pokedex. I can't help but feel that's a lousy number to have for that level.

Do you start running into more Pokemon the higher level you are? Going crazy running into the same damn things all the time, ha.


So I picked up the game again today after a few weeks of not playing. Was getting frustrated seeing the same things all the time. I work in NYC too, and all I ever ran into were Pidgeys, Rattatas, and Zubats (and loads of Pinsirs at Central Park).

I just sat around and used a Lucky Egg to evolve a bunch of Pokemon - went from Level 16 - 18, which was great.

But I'm still sitting at 69 Caught Pokedex. I can't help but feel that's a lousy number to have for that level.

Do you start running into more Pokemon the higher level you are? Going crazy running into the same damn things all the time, ha.

Central Park is the place to be in NYC bruh.
I need the Buddy system now. Please Niantic, I hope it doesn't go the way of the radar (as in never hearing from it again after getting a small glimpse).

Don't get your hopes up too soon, trading has been datamined shortly after release and we haven't heard much of it from Niantic other than that it is planned.

The game is out for almost two months and we haven't had any major feature added. They removed the tracker when? 5 or 6 weeks ago and now they have been "testing" the new nearby feature with a very small subset of users for almost a whole month. And not a single real update about the direction they want to go over the next months. It would not surprise me at all if one day the new nearby would stop working in SF without explanation, followed by a blogpost three days later from Niantic saying that this system also did not meet their "underlying product goals". This game still has so many issues and unused potential, yet Niantic fails to address even one of the two.


They can't even get the GPS Tracking consistent, You'd think that would top priority since the quicker you hatch eggs more like you need to buy incubators.

My trainer just wanders left and right now wherever it thinks I've stopped moving. Speed Warning popping up while i sit on my couch constantly. Hilarious


so my wife got back to me.

the stops that were removed are not back...
instead new stops are at her work now.

not as many as before, but it's still weird that there are new ones.

either way, I'll take it.
so I went out driving around and pokemon hunting... got another porygan but missed out on a snorlax because my Internet connectivity was garbage where he spawned. he appears somewhere around the city I live in maybe once a day so I am not THAT sad about it...dragonite would have made me tear up a bit though.

also, I hate waiting for the high iv squirtle, taking forever to farm squirtle candy, evolving him...to get this

I wanted to throw my phone lol
so I went out driving around and pokemon hunting... got another porygan but missed out on a snorlax because my Internet connectivity was garbage where he spawned. he appears somewhere around the city I live in maybe once a day so I am not THAT sad about it...dragonite would have made me tear up a bit though.

also, I hate waiting for the high iv squirtle, taking forever to farm squirtle candy, evolving him...to get this

I wanted to throw my phone lol

I've spent the last few mornings getting up early so I can spend half an hour before work farming a Squirtle nest I recently found by the beach. My Blastoise was the same as the one below:

Well I got my Blastoise...but those moves...wtf lol


Glad to have him though :D

Also while going grocery shopping this massive guy spawned on top of me, got him in one try too :D good thing too cause I barely see Grimers here.

Those weren't tears running down my cheeks, just the salt spray of the unforgiving ocean.


Since they're absolutely everywhere, they really shouldn't have Weedles, Pidgeys, and Ratattas in eggs.

nah, my thoughts are they should just make all wild weedle, pidgey and ratatta cap out at 10cp and always require a single ball to catch, meanwhile the ones you get from eggs can be normal and give weedle and ratatta a power boost.

mostly... I am far more tired of having high level common pokemon than I am of getting them from eggs :p


So I feel like I destroyed my legs, but I went to the Charmander Habitat in my region and caught 20 of those little suckers.

8 more, and I can finally get an charizard! :)
I've spent the last few mornings getting up early so I can spend half an hour before work farming a Squirtle nest I recently found by the beach. My Blastoise was the same as the one below:

Those weren't tears running down my cheeks, just the salt spray of the unforgiving ocean.

Yeah I am at a loss as to why he has no water moves....ugh

I was so excited when I got that last Squirtle only to be like...what? I don't even fight with my Pokemon that much and his move set bothered me lol

So I feel like I destroyed my legs, but I went to the Charmander Habitat in my region and caught 20 of those little suckers.

8 more, and I can finally get an charizard! :)

Jealous...really wish I knew of a place around here for him. I will probably have to wait for the buddy system for him


Gold Member
A good evening: finally managed a Gyrados without Twister (it only took four)...

...and then a half-hour later this guy popped up at the Virginia Zoo.
Wish I could get 7000 stardust in 2 hours.

My 1744 Vaporeon gets booted off gyms immediately, yet my 146 Clefairy is within an hour and a half of reaching a defender bonus... I still don't understand gyms at level 23.
Defender bonus can be claimed immediately after you place it in the gym, you mean within an hour and a half of reaching 2x defender bonus?

By the way, anyone at L38 or higher around?
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