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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Sorry if this has been posted already, powerevolving right now.




Ugh, I hope that doesn't mean 2km = 1 candy.


Gold Member
Ugh, I hope that doesn't mean 2km = 1 candy.
I'm guessing the distances are the same as the eggs they come from, and when you reach that amount you get a random amount of candies as if you had just hatched that determined pokemon.
I'm guessing the distances are the same as the eggs they come from, and when you reach that amount you get a random amount of candies as if you had just hatched that determined pokemon.

Hmm, that actually makes a lot of sense. Betting that's the case.

Edit: Did anyone ever lock down the ranges for each egg tier? I can't find anything accurate, and I would think people would have gotten that figured out ages ago.


I am betting the candy requirement rises too once you fill up the bar.

If not 2K a candy isnt bad really.


As long as they improve the GPS to actually properly track distance walked (or run) 2k per candy is reasonable.

Also I'm catching lots of Tauros for when trading pops up. Everyone should catch 4 or 5 to facilitate neogaf trading


Gold Member
As long as they improve the GPS to actually properly track distance walked (or run) 2k per candy is reasonable.
You can compensate that by letting the game open at all times, even if you are not playing it. GPS drifting can make you get up to 5km per day without walking.

Just got an Electabuzz from a 10km egg.

Good? Not good?

Not really desirable, but he can be pretty good in the gym if he has Thunder Shock as a fast move. It's somewhat rare in some areas, so it's not bad if you really need him for the Pokedex.

I definitely want Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Snorlax, and Lapras from 10km eggs right now.


Ugh, I hope that doesn't mean 2km = 1 candy.

15 miles to evolve a Pidgey isn't reasonable lol.

I'm completely convinced it's based off of egg hatch distances and candy yields now.
2k is rather a short walk. Heck, I usually get 1k driving to work. If there is bad traffic on my way home I'll get 3k added.

Heck, I usually exercise 10k a day. 15 miles isn't unreasonable for free candy. And that is assuming it only gives you 1. Hopefully it's multiple.

Plus, who'd walk a Pidgey? Lol



Just got an Electabuzz from a 10km egg.

Good? Not good?

With good stats and thunder shock / Thunder electabuzz is basically the same as jolteon. If it has low kick and thunder punch I'm sorry.

You can compensate that by letting the game open at all times, even if you are not playing it. GPS drifting can make you get up to 5km per day without walking.

My data plan says no Bueno. Also that would do irreperable harm to your phone battery. Not worth it imo.

You're telling me some poor soul who wants Onix candy would have to walk 10km for it as a buddy?


It's hard to imagine the system working like this, but it's also most likely the way it will work which is foolish for any of the triple level evolves who start as 5k eggs. Should be good for people finally trying to evolve the starters or the one grimer they have.

It seems reasonable that you should get 3/5/10 candy based on the egg distance attached to the PKMN for whatever distance you need to walk.
Not really desirable, but he can be pretty good in the gym if he has Thunder Shock as a fast move. It's somewhat rare in some areas, so it's not bad if you really need him for the Pokedex.

I definitely want Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Snorlax, and Lapras from 10km eggs right now.

My last two 10km eggs were Aerodactyls. About 1200 CP each. Have a nice Snorlax and Lapras already.

Need a Hitmanchan and Kabutops

With good stats and thunder shock / Thunder electabuzz is basically the same as jolteon. If it has low kick and thunder punch I'm sorry.

It has Thunder Shock and Thunder Punch.
2k is rather a short walk. Heck, I usually get 1k driving to work. If there is bad traffic on my way home I'll get 3k added.

Heck, I usually exercise 10k a day. 15 miles isn't unreasonable for free candy. And that is assuming it only gives you 1. Hopefully it's multiple.

Plus, who'd walk a Pidgey? Lol

2km is a short walk, but 1 candy is also absolutely nothing. It's not a very useful feature if it takes 125 "short walks" to get a single evolution people actually want.

And the Pidgey is to highlight the absurdity of that. It's the easiest evolution possible in most places and yet even it would take stupidly long with a 2:1 km to candy ratio. It would take 500 miles to evolve a Magikarp at that rate, the distance from San Diego to San Francisco lol. It's just waaaay to low to even be relevant for anything. The feature may way never even exist at that rate.
The buddy system was never going to be an efficient way to evolve anything. It would be too easy to if it were. I was never going to walk anything but Lapras and MAYBE Snorlax, because to me, it was always about getting candies to power up ultra rare pokemon. Everything else, I could find in the wild if I really wanted it.


I think walk a certain distance and you get 1 or 2 candy. Its not so bad. I trust Niantic to tweak things if things get bad.

But its a cute little feature and can't wait to have my Dratini as a buddy... because either I'm going to the wrong places in Miami or nobody is telling me where they find their Dragonites because... damn. I'm seeing 2.2k+ CP Dragonites at gyms right now. Sheesh.
just finished my 3rd ever lucky egg mass evolution. I lost count but got roughly 70k xp with 1 new evolution in there (joltean finally). Now I can finally transfer all those pidgeys, rattatas, and weedles I've been hoarding. middle of level 23 now


Gold Member
My data plan says no Bueno. Also that would do irreperable harm to your phone battery. Not worth it imo.
Wifi! And geez, there are people who keep phones long enough to notice permanent battery damage still? ヽ(;´Д`)ノ I switch mine every 8-10 months, resale value is still high, so that you end up paying entry-level money for a latest model.

Halfway to L29, finally got my first +2k pokemon, a 760CP or so Eevee turned into a 2015CP Vaporeon. Moveset isn't good (62%, Water Gun + Aqua Tail) but pretty proud of it, especially since I haven't spent stardust yet (not counting the couple I used into a pidgey during the first day of game to see what it did). Earlier this week in my previous mass evolution I had gotten a 1999CP Exeggutor.

Pleasantly surprised by my 1698CP, Acid+Petal Blizzard Vileplume. It's pretty tough battling dragonites. I'm still collecting candies to evolve bulbasaur, but I think I'll stick with vileplumes instead of venasaurs. Much easier to get down here.


Just got back from late night Pokemoning

New additions to the family:
- A ton of Pidgey
- A few Eevee
- Rattatas cuz I was bored
- Slowbro
- Seaking (Actually got out and hiked for this one)
- Clefairy (Hatched from an Egg)

and...hanging out around a Chipotle...


at 64 cp
Had an awesome night.

Started out with a little gym hunting. Found a level 9 gym not far and spent 20 mins building it up to 10 and dropped a Vaporeon on it in 7th place. Should hold for at least a week.

I then proceeded to the main goal of the evening - the Rhyhorn nest. Previously Exeggcute (common around here), I was very pleased to discover it switched Rhyhorn which is not common at all. After 30 mins I had enough for Rhydon and left, taking a different way home hoping to catch more gyms.

Shortly after, a Victreebell shows up on nearby. Tracked it down to a small neighborhood close by, fucker runs after 1 ultra ball. Found a level 5 gym, raised it to level 6, and got kicked off the gym barely 10 mins later. Built another gym to level 7 and managed to keep that one.

So I was then passing by one of the hot spots in town. I haven't been there in a month due to catching pretty much everything it can throw at me, but decided to go for it since it's always a karp frenzy and I'm close to my second Gyrados. Glad I stopped by, a Dratini shows right away, and later a Kabuto, the last I needed for Kabutops! I top off my karp candies and leave a happy man.

But then it gets better. A Kadabra, which I didn't have yet, shows up on nearby. Scanned and found it, caught it no prob. Then I see a level 9 gym with 49k prestige. 2 rounds of my Venasaur walloping a Gyrados and I bagged myself another level 10 gym for the night. Oh and then a Snorlax on the way home too right after that! Only 600 something cp, but I'll take it.

Finally done, it's midnight, time to go home. 5 mins later, Dragonair...of course I went for it lol. It was at the very back of a shady neighborhood. 700ish CP, mediocre catch but oh well I was happy with it.

At 123 caught now and very close to Marowak and Dewgong. Finishing the dex is going to come down to getting lucky with egg hatches.
Bah. I was on my way to my ninth level 10 gym but I errored out with 1,000 prestige left and couldn't get back in to train no matter how many times I restarted the app. Then someone came by and got the rest. I was on my way to the sweet life of 100 coins a day without leaving the house (I'm still at nine level 10s and one level 9 after picking up the gym system on four days ago).


Today I caught for the first time a Machop and a Drowzee had them both from eggs but is my first time seeing them in the wild


Yesterday i found my first LAPRAS! i was in shock
my 10 ultra balls wasted without reaching him except one that he escaped directly, another 10 great balls the same, the 11th one got him in the ball! what a relief it was..cuz i knwe i will never see him again in my life.
also, today i saw gyrados in the wild, less than 100 cp..i have one already with twister and another 400+ candy..and after catching him his iv seems low (he has Dragon pulse though)
i hate that dratini+bulbasour becoming too rare, the only 2 pokemons i need candies for the last evolution...beside ghastly which i cant find him anywhere :/


I just finished a Lucky Egg Session where I ended up getting 43,000 XP just from evolving Pokemon. Is that a good number? I feel like I didn't quite max out my potential there. I wasted about...6-7 minutes at the end just transferring Pokemon because I had nothing left to evolve.

I went from like 8,000 until Lv. 21 to 32,000 into Lv.21, btw.
Yesterday i found my first LAPRAS! i was in shock
my 10 ultra balls wasted without reaching him except one that he escaped directly, another 10 great balls the same, the 11th one got him in the ball! what a relief it was..cuz i knwe i will never see him again in my life.
also, today i saw gyrados in the wild, less than 100 cp..i have one already with twister and another 400+ candy..and after catching him his iv seems low (he has Dragon pulse though)
i hate that dratini+bulbasour becoming too rare, the only 2 pokemons i need candies for the last evolution...beside ghastly which i cant find him anywhere :/

There is a throwing method (https://youtu.be/3qYpFWKCD_c) that is useful for the stupidly hard to reach pokemon. It's not 100% as the title suggests, since it still relies on your hand-eye coordination, but at least for me, it's much more consistent than what I was doing before. I still use spin throws (or lazy thumb flicks) for standard pokemon, though. It may not be absolutely certain to help capture, but it sure feels like it does.
How is she for defending gyms?

terrible, but I think if you're gonna dedicate a lot of stardust to her you can possibly make her a great troll pokemon with high hp and still be able to hit pretty hard. thing is without attack she is no threat at all


terrible, but I think if you're gonna dedicate a lot of stardust to her you can possibly make her a great troll pokemon with high hp and still be able to hit pretty hard. thing is without attack she is no threat at all
wait for blissey. blissey has double sp atk in the games.

in other news, it's getting ridiculous how rare revives are. i've been trying to join and take down gyms every day, geting an average of 4 and i can barely get by. my box is a total graveyard at this point since i chucked all my weak pokemon to save revives for the big ones.


15 miles to evolve a Pidgey isn't reasonable lol.

I'm completely convinced it's based off of egg hatch distances and candy yields now.
The buddy system was never going to completely replace the normal means of earning candy. But in situations where you are only a couple of candy away from evolving something that is super rare in your area, or to get candy for Snorlax/Lapras/etc to power, it's going to be great even if it is just 1 candy per 2k.

I only hope the distance isn't based on the eggs they come from. I need that Kabuto candy.
Could it be but you should have seen how fast my pokemon was kicked out of there. I left my pokemon, walked a few steps and changed back to red instantly! Almost looked like a glitch or something. I'm so mad I will create a facebook event around the neighborhood calling all team mystic fellows to go and claim that specific gym so it can reach maximum level lmao.

If we exclude cheating, the trainer was probably playing from her/his home, also it doesn't take long to beat one single Pokémon.

in other news, it's getting ridiculous how rare revives are. i've been trying to join and take down gyms every day, geting an average of 4 and i can barely get by. my box is a total graveyard at this point since i chucked all my weak pokemon to save revives for the big ones.

Use your Pidgeottos and Raticates obtained from your mass evolving sessions.


Just evolved a Victreebel (14/15/15) with Razor Leaf and Solar beam :D

but since it's a low CP (225), it's going to take a lot of candy and dust .. still worth tho


Gold Member
Use your Pidgeottos and Raticates obtained from your mass evolving sessions.
+1. +1000CP raticates with hyper beam are pretty cool to fight anything, and since you will recycle them before the next mass evolving you won't be wasting revives.

Yesterday i found my first LAPRAS! i was in shock
my 10 ultra balls wasted without reaching him except one that he escaped directly, another 10 great balls the same, the 11th one got him in the ball! what a relief it was..cuz i knwe i will never see him again in my life.
also, today i saw gyrados in the wild, less than 100 cp..i have one already with twister and another 400+ candy..and after catching him his iv seems low (he has Dragon pulse though)
You know you can control your addiction when you are waiting for the bus, a lapras and a charmeleon appear less than two blocks away, and don't go after them.

Another quiet day.


Neo Member
I just finished a Lucky Egg Session where I ended up getting 43,000 XP just from evolving Pokemon. Is that a good number? I feel like I didn't quite max out my potential there. I wasted about...6-7 minutes at the end just transferring Pokemon because I had nothing left to evolve.

I went from like 8,000 until Lv. 21 to 32,000 into Lv.21, btw.

You need at least 60 to evolve to make full use of your egg. Most exp I got from one lucky egg was 77k (included a few added to my pokedex)


I woke up at 5:35 am just so I could attempt to claim the coins from the Pokemon I put in gyms from last night. Good thing I did, as I was able to claim 5. Now I'm down to 4.

The funniest thing was when my girlfriend was driving saw a gym empty. Without slowing down, at like 40 MPH, was able to just quickly put my strongest Pokemon available, which was my Flareon. Oddly enough on our ride back like 2 hours later, was still there, with a 2nd Flareon. Even still there this morning. Heh. I'm curious why it was empty.


You're telling me some poor soul who wants Onix candy would have to walk 10km for it as a buddy?


I used to think of Onix as one of the most powerful Pokes among Dragonite, Lapras, etc. But man... I've catched like 10 Onix already (wich makes it somehow kinda not that rare as other powerful pokemon) and the most powerful of them has 434 CP : / It's such a weaky. I also have never seen an Onix in a Gym. Overall I think Onix has been a dissapointment in Pokemon Go. Or maybe he has always been? Can't remember his status on the actual RPG games

If we exclude cheating, the trainer was probably playing from her/his home, also it doesn't take long to beat one single Pokémon.

Yeah I think somebody was playing from a house around there since the gym is located right in the middle of the neighborhood but still, so salty about it lmao. Will try to fight that gym again later today. Right now has two Vaporeons and one Arcanine.
I used to think of Onix as one of the most powerful Pokes among Dragonite, Lapras, etc. But man... I've catched like 10 Onix already (wich makes it somehow kinda not that rare as other powerful pokemon) and the most powerful of them has 434 CP : / It's such a weaky. I also have never seen an Onix in a Gym. Overall I think Onix has been a dissapointment in Pokemon Go. Or maybe he has always been? Can't remember his status on the actual RPG games
It's always been terrible in the actual games. It's base HP is lower than Pidgey's.

Worth holding onto the candies in case Gen 2 comes out though.


I just finished a Lucky Egg Session where I ended up getting 43,000 XP just from evolving Pokemon. Is that a good number? I feel like I didn't quite max out my potential there. I wasted about...6-7 minutes at the end just transferring Pokemon because I had nothing left to evolve.

I went from like 8,000 until Lv. 21 to 32,000 into Lv.21, btw.

You need at least 60 to evolve to make full use of your egg. Most exp I got from one lucky egg was 77k (included a few added to my pokedex)

With no new dex entries and efficient use of pidgey evolving you can do 70 for sure and one or two more. If you can bypass the evolution animation you can do a lot more, I don't remember the numbers anymore but it should be easy to google them up.
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