Fairly sweet event, gave me enough boost to move me into strictly RNG territory.
I'm up to 226 mons, all of them in all forms so no grinding for living dex left. I'm missing Croconaw and Feraligatr (waiting for a nest to spawn), Porygon 2, Miltank (I saw one this week and it ran after one shake...), Unown, Tyrogue and Hitmontop. So basically it's up to rng whenever I'll be able to get them.
I have candies for all Sinnoh evolutions but Togepi, so from now on for me it's walking with Togepi as a buddy and hatching eggs - 5k for Tyrogue, 10k for Miltank.
Most of all, I just want Upgrade, that's what I'm hoping for the most.