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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers (Gotta rescue you/me/us.)


Time to share some friend codes, so each of us can come to the rescue when other GAFfers are in peril, or to trade teams. Be sure to enter an e-mail account in the game, to get notifications without even having to bother firing up the game.

Hopefully we'll have a decent-sized list; I'll add you guys to the OP once you start posting FCs.

Toy Soldier: 0946-2541-3730
Link1110: 5198-2720-6180
Cocopjojo: 3308-4877-5717
Whimsical Phil: 2277-6943-0928
Echoes: 0344-9677-4285
eznark: 0946-2619-7046

(And BTW, if you're here, I've personally added you to my list too - so please feel free to add me.)

Also, we might as well also discuss when any of us opt to use traditional SOS Mail / A-OK rescue passwords, or Wonder Mail codes.

A T-shirt included with review copies of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness instructs readers to text message "DUNGEON" to 41411 to "Enter the Dungeon." The shirt does not mention Pokémon, but people who send the text message will receive a reply with a Wonder Mail password (@54#T36MJ93PWQM&F&8T7QFX) for a special mission.


I just put in the code, the mission is
a rescue mission to save Charizard in Mt. Bristle; the difficulty is C and the reward is a Reviver Seed.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Picked this up earlier today. I didn't play the first one (nor have I played Shiren), so this whole thing is new to me. I'm not even sure what this

so each of us can come to the rescue when other GAFfers are in peril

means. I'm not very far into the game, though, so maybe it will tell me what I need to know. So far, it's pretty fun and it seems like it has a lot of potential to get cooler. I can't wait to start adding to my team.

FC: 3308-4877-5717
Eventually, you'll see a dialog when you faint in a dungeon asking you if you want to send a SOS request - and if you do so over Nintendo WFC, your friends (or other random people) will have the opportunity to come save you.

But even before you reach that point, you can still go out and rescue other people. When you first turn on the game, you should see an option that says 'Friend Rescue.' (It's under the Continue option.) Go there, go to Rescue Mail, then go to Receive SOS Mail, and choose Nintendo WFC. You can then browse various help requests that have been sent from people all over, or if you want, just browse your friends' SOS requests.

Once you find one you want to take on, select it, and when you go back to the main menu, click Go Rescue. You'll then be able to take items from your storage into your rescue mission. The mission itself is going to the exact dungeon where the person you're saving fainted. The spot where he went down will be marked by a flag, and once you reach the flag, you send that person an A-OK notification which allows them to continue in the game without losing any of their items or coins.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Toy Soldier said:
Eventually, you'll see a dialog when you faint in a dungeon asking you if you want to send a SOS request - and if you do so over Nintendo WFC, your friends (or other random people) will have the opportunity to come save you.

But even before you reach that point, you can still go out and rescue other people. When you first turn on the game, you should see an option that says 'Friend Rescue.' (It's under the Continue option.) Go there, go to Rescue Mail, then go to Receive SOS Mail, and choose Nintendo WFC. You can then browse various help requests that have been sent from people all over, or if you want, just browse your friends' SOS requests.

Once you find one you want to take on, select it, and when you go back to the main menu, click Go Rescue. You'll then be able to take items from your storage into your rescue mission. The mission itself is going to the exact dungeon where the person you're saving fainted. The spot where he went down will be marked by a flag, and once you reach the flag, you send that person an A-OK notification which allows them to continue in the game without losing any of their items or coins.
Holy cow, that is awesome.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
I'm only about four hours in, but I figured I'd post my impressions in hopes of getting some other folks to pick it up. When I went out to get it, I really didn't have any idea how it worked, so I'll try to explain it for those people who don't know what it is.

I guess the Mystery Dungeon genre/games are all like this - it's like a real-time turn-based role-playing game. You move around dungeons, and each action you take represents your turn, whether it's using an item, moving, or attacking. But, to be honest, I didn't even realize this until five or six minutes into my first dungeon. I was just button mashing and seemed to be doing alright. If you hold the start (or select? can't remember) button, you can see the actual tiles that you move around on. This adds a lot of strategy to the game, since some of the enemies can be pretty tough. Speaking of enemies, they're all Pokemon (of course) and everyone has movesets from the games, with moves like Quick Attack, Growl, Thundershock and such. In fact, it's pretty similar to the rest of the franchise, in that you can get poisoned, burned, paralyzed, and there are items to heal each of these things. The items are the berries from the games (Oran, Rawst, Pecha, etc.), which is pretty cool, I think.

You start out with two team members (yourself and another), but eventually you get the option to add more. I think every time you fight an enemy in a dungeon, it adds "respect" to a meter and the more respect you have with a Pokemon, then the more likely the next one you fight is likely to join your team. I was in the middle of a battle with a Starly and he asked to join my team. Then, we just walked off together, with him in tow. I'm not sure how many characters at once you can have exploring with you.

You can assign "tactics" to your individual team members; basically, "wait here," "stay next to me," "attack on sight," "avoid first hit, but assist," and stuff like that. You can also assign which moves you want each team member to use. Like, before a big fight, I'll tell my teammate to only use his best move, but while we're wandering around a dungeon, I'll leave a wider variety of choices for him, so that he doesn't deplete the PP of his best moves. Four moves per character, just like in the rest of the franchise.

You have a basic attack that doesn't take any PP (yes, there's PP, just like in the games), but you also have your moves. You can hotkey a move, so that, to use it, you hold down L+A (A is your normal attack).

You level just like in the other games - defeat enough enemies, gain enough experience, and you'll level up (and your partners, too, at their own rate). When you level, your attack, defense, etc. goes up, and you learn new moves.

Also, there is a stat called "belly." I'm not sure of its purpose, but I know that it starts out at 100 and depletes as you move around a dungeon. Eventually, a pop-up will inform you that you are "woozy from hunger" or something like that. Items exist that "fill your belly." Certain items will also raise your IQ (which is separate from attack/defense, etc. Not sure of its purpose, either) in addition to filling your belly.

The dungeons are, like advertised, randomly generated, so that every time you enter a dungeon, it's different. This is cool, because most of the time, if you're trying to get through a dungeon quickly, the staircase to the next floor (dungeons are split into floors) will often spawn really close to you. You won't have to travel through the entire floor to reach it. Items and enemies spawn randomly, also. Enemies will continue to spawn even when you're just doing circles on the same floor, or when you wait.

So, when you hold down A+B, you can wait. Or maybe it's called rest? Anyway, you continually gain back health as you're walking around, so waiting is useful for regaining it back fast. Basically, you're just bypassing your "turn," even when you're not battling. So, while waiting, everything goes really quickly. Enemies will spawn and enter your area, at which point you can just let go of A+B and plan your attack. Although, typically, I'll just let my partner handle them while continuing to hold A+B.

If either you or your partner runs out of HP, you get teleported out of the dungeon and back to your home base, and you lose most of your money and items. Maybe all of your money, I'm not sure. There is an item bank and a money bank where you can store stuff safely before departing on a mission.

Missions are picked from two categories - normal missions (like retrieving items or delivering items) and outlaw missions, which are basically simplified boss battles. You recieve items, money, and explorer points for completing missions. Explorer points rank you up, but I'm not sure what that entails, yet.

Overall, it is pretty fun, mainly due to the rewards. Getting money and buying items is always fun in games, and so is learning new moves. And it was a pretty cool feeling adding a new member to my team. Also, the game can get pretty tough, which is a welcome change from most Nintendo games. I've died three or four times and had to restart a dungeon. With a limited inventory (which increases as you level), you have to be sure to have the items you need with you. Sometimes, enemies are pretty tough and they'll do, like, 3/4ths of your HP in one hit, so you have to alternate turns between letting your partner/you attack, and using items to keep the two (or more) of you alive.

I haven't done any of the online stuff yet (trading teams, rescuing others, downloading dungeons).


Great impressions, Cocopjojo. I'm excited about the online stuff! :D can't wait to hear it from all of you guys.

p.s. Cocopjojo, if you don't mind could you please post your impressions to the OT here, it would help people who aren't aware that we have 2 threads for this game.


Mt. Bristle is quite the difficulty spike. Team Kafka (yes, I did what the game said and chose a fittin gname) is having tons of trouble there.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Here's my code: 2277 - 6943 - 0928.

I'll be adding everyone in the OP.

Oh, and for the record, I'm playing Explorers of Time.


Darkness; Team Pokémanz

1934- 1226- 4739

I'll be adding a bunch of people now; updating this post when that happens.

Edit: Registered Whimsical Phil, Cocopjojo, Toysoldier, Echoes and enark.

Back to lootin', and updating the official thread, I go.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
I need help! My partner got KO'ed and so I'm down in Treeshhroud Forest. I sent out a SOS to everyone in the OP (didn't see lyre til I just scrolled down to post).

Anyone on that can help right now?

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Fail. I'll just take the item/money loss and start back at the beginning of the dungeon.

: (
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