That's quite a number of paraconfuse streaks.
Yeah, I got really lucky. But still, this shows that Klefki can really be annoying as hell.
That's quite a number of paraconfuse streaks.
You still got these? I have some Squirtles and Wartortles with good IVs I can trade.Have about 5 Noibats left if anyone wants one. After that it's the wonder trade for them.
You still got these? I have some Squirtles and Wartortles with good IVs I can trade.
Yeah, I got really lucky. But still, this shows that Klefki can really be annoying as hell.
Still have some left? I xan give you a a dino with 4 IVs in returnYeah, sure. When will you be online?
Just remember guys.
Also voice based moves now bypass substitute.
Try anything you can get in friend safari, w/hidden ability if possible. I put up a huge power Diggersby, wrote in the description 2V Huge Power (V is a Japanese shorthand for perfect IV) and 30 minutes later (maybe sooner) I had a Ditto with perfect speed, HP and imposter (so it can be a competitive Ditto :lolI don't have a dratini, otherwise I'd do that trade in a heartbeat. Gotta go catch one.
Just remember guys.
Also voice based moves now bypass substitute.
If you want to be really annoying, you should slap Double Team on Klefi, That's what I plan to do with mine.
Klefki with leftover
Foul Play
Double Team
Ooh I can't wait to watch the rage unfold. >![]()
Evasion Clause
Moves that boost evasion (i.e. Double Team and Minimize) are not allowed.
Don't know how or if disqualification will be enforced though.
For about the next hour or so. Are you unable to trade right now?Yeah, sure. When will you be online?
Still have some left? I xan give you a a dino with 4 IVs in return
Just remember guys.
Also voice based moves now bypass substitute.
For about the next hour or so. Are you unable to trade right now?
Yea, I really need to work on an infiltrator. Who has it?
I have to say, it was frustrating at first, but once I got hold of the specifics IV-breeding had become weirdly addicting and exciting >.>
My FC is also in my profile game name is johnYeah, my FC is in my profile.
Yeah, but it will need more than boomburst to take down sub-users. Frisk is pretty useful but Infiltrator has more use. Besides you can always use one of them to breed new Noibats if you don't like Infiltrator.
That's Smogon rules, which I don't follow.
The only rule that I follow that I follow is from the official tournament rules set by The Pokémon Company themselves and as far I am aware double team isn't banned.
So once I have completed the EV training, I could pump the poke mon full of rare candies right? And still get the stats boosts?
Do horde training.Super Training with the multi ball is super annoying. More of a hindrance than anything.
I gotta grind to get power bracers and stuff though. I want to try that eventually, but first I need to make a Battle Maison ready team.Do horde training.
Time to wonder trade three boxes of stuff. GODSPEED
I gotta grind to get power bracers and stuff though. I want to try that eventually, but first I need to make a Battle Maison ready team.
So yeah, Prankster Klefki just took on an entire team by itself.
If you want to be really annoying, you should slap Double Team on Klefi, That's what I plan to do with mine.
Klefki with leftover
Foul Play
Double Team
Ooh I can't wait to watch the rage unfold. >![]()
The food descriptions sound crazy fancy at times - I suppose this is how fine dining is =_="Now it's 'a braciole of fresh, Azure Bay Slowpoke Tail. It's accompanied by Payapa Berry crudités glazed in an extra-virgin Oran oil and has been described as the gastronomical equivalent of a Gastly glaring at a Hex Maniac.'"
Le Yeah
"Simply biting into this blue cheese will give off an odor so foul, your nose hairs will burn."
If you want to be really annoying, you should slap Double Team on Klefi, That's what I plan to do with mine.
Klefki with leftover
Foul Play
Double Team
Ooh I can't wait to watch the rage unfold. >![]()
Single battles is hilariously easy and it can net you 48 BP per round in around 20-30 mins if you turn off animations, which means you can get 6 of the (16bp each) in just two rounds.
BRB, putting Taunt on all of my Pokémon.
ParaFlinch (Thunder Wave+Serene Grace Air Slash = only move 20% of the time) Togekiss is my favourite troll Pokémon of all time, though. I won a tournament once due to its shenanigans :>
Are Ditto hard to come by? I got one in a wonder trade. ヽ(  ̄ー ̄ )
Are Ditto hard to come by? I got one in a wonder trade. ヽ(  ̄ー ̄ )
Ugh, got my Super Singles streak end at 39. Although it was a mistake on my part when I spent several turns trying to use Scald and it just kept on using Rest while also using Curse. Should have switched right away on the first turn. Oh well, at least I got all the Power Items. Don't know if I want to try again since I feel I could still improve the team I'm using.
I also really really miss my hacked team which I used back in the DP Battle Tower. Too bad I won't be able to transfer them over for easy BP farming.![]()
I'm thinking about making a Barbaracle myself. I love his Pale Man-esque design, so I keep looking at him. Case of four move slot syndrome, though -- Shell Smash is a must, and Razor Shell seems smart, but for the remaining two moves it's hard to choose between Earthquake, Stone Edge, Cross Chop and X-Scissor. At any rate, if you use a dual-screener to set him up with Reflect and Light Screen, and give him a Focus Sash to guarantee a Shell Smash setup or a White Herb to prevent his defenses being lowered upon using Shell Smash, he can go to town checking the billions of Talonflames running rampant online.Man, I'm loving shell smash Barbaracle. He tears stuff apart.
Now to decide on either a Gogoat or Chesnaught to compliment him. Probably the goat cause he looks awesome.![]()