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Police speak less respectfully to black drivers, study suggests


I got pulled over in my Corvette on the way to work by a State Trooper about 16 years ago and was pretty worried. I was doing 15-20 over on a back road. He asked why I was speeding. I just said "I'm on the way to work." Officer said "I know this thing is fast, try to keep it near the speed limit."

He was almost telling me he was sorry he pulled me over. He didn't even give me a warning.

Heh...wonder how that would have gone if I were black.

He probably would have asked, "is this your car?" It's a small pet peeve when driving a "nice" car but always a "fun" intro question to hear instead of just running the plates and checking my license to see.

Yep. It's true.

I remember a black cop pulling me over, and I shit you not, his words:

"When's the last time you were arrested?"

Damn, "When's the last time you were arrested?" What a great way to start a conversation.


Yep. It's true.

I remember a black cop pulling me over, and I shit you not, his words:

"When's the last time you were arrested?"

I'm surprised the one that pulled me over didn't ask that. I got the following:

"Hands on the steering wheel where I can see them"

"What makes you think you can just run a stop sign?"

"Do you have any weapons in the vehicle I should be aware of?"

This guy was a motherfucker, a piece of work. I went to court to contest the ticket and he didn't even show up cause he knew he was lying about me running the stop sign.


Yep. It's true.

I remember a black cop pulling me over, and I shit you not, his words:

"When's the last time you were arrested?"

Wow. That would freak me out if a cop said that to me. It usually goes "Good evening sir. License and registration? Do you know why I pulled you over? Let me run your plates and you just sit tight." Then I get off with a warning or a ticket.

Ronin Ray

I got pulled over in my Corvette on the way to work by a State Trooper about 16 years ago and was pretty worried. I was doing 15-20 over on a back road. He asked why I was speeding. I just said "I'm on the way to work." Officer said "I know this thing is fast, try to keep it near the speed limit."

He was almost telling me he was sorry he pulled me over. He didn't even give me a warning.

Heh...wonder how that would have gone if I were black.

You would have been asked what you do for a living and how could you afford a car like this. Followed by thinking you stole the car and asking for paperwork
Oh so when I get pulled over and don't get any ticket and the cop in a rural ass town aggressively asks why my shirt is red (yes the bloods have come to take over your town of 5k people, with me and my shitty car as the vanguard!) doesn't happen to white people?

(This exact scenario has happened TWICE in different towns.)

Damn, "When's the last time you were arrested?" What a great way to start a conversation.

I've had cops stop me in the street while walking in a big city ask me this and about "my probation".


See it is shit like this that makes the whole "Well we don't know if the cop is racist." bullshit that people trot so infuriating.

Race is almost always a factor when comes to how cops treat us.


Wife got pulled over, I was in the passenger seat.

He made a point of asking who I was and needing identification. Was super rude about it, too. I sat, nervously, acting like I was on my phone, and he asked, "And who are you?" after he took our papers.

I told him my name, and he asked what our relationship was.


Somebody got paid to conduct this "study"

Hasn't been such a no shit Sherlock study in a minute


Damn, "When's the last time you were arrested?" What a great way to start a conversation.

Yep. Scary shit. Even more-so that my friend and I had:

1) never been arrested
2) didn't do anything illegal

He pretty much was profiling (we weren't in the best neighborhood, but who gives a shit?), and just let us go. But damn...

I'm surprised the one that pulled me over didn't ask that. I got the following:

"Hands on the steering wheel where I can see them"

"What makes you think you can just run a stop sign?"

"Do you have any weapons in the vehicle I should be aware of?"

This guy was a motherfucker, a piece of work. I went to court to contest the ticket and he didn't even show up cause he knew he was lying about me running the stop sign.

Wow. Homie, just write the ticket and be on about your business.

Wow. That would freak me out if a cop said that to me. It usually goes "Good evening sir. License and registration? Do you know why I pulled you over? Let me run your plates and you just sit tight." Then I get off with a warning or a ticket.

Normally, they would go that way but this time was different.

Simply had no idea



Thread title should be... "Police speak less respectful to black people"

Doesn't matter what you're doing there's far more aggression impatience and disrespect.

Like I said in another thread I stopped feeling comfortable around police when I was like 11 or 12
Huh , never would have guessed from all my personal interactions with the men in blue .

Simply can't be true....Show me the receipts.


Wife got pulled over, I was in the passenger seat.

He made a point of asking who I was and needing identification. Was super rude about it, too. I sat, nervously, acting like I was on my phone, and he asked, "And who are you?" after he took our papers.

I told him my name, and he asked what our relationship was.


Yep. Scary shit. Even more-so that my friend and I had:

1) never been arrested
2) didn't do anything illegal

He pretty much was profiling (we weren't in the best neighborhood, but who gives a shit?), and just let us go. But damn...

I try to be nice because I don't want to unnecessarily escalate the situation but I would be pissed. It's one thing to think I may not own my car because it's "nice" but to come up to me and insinuate I obviously live this life of crime is a little too much for me.
Hmm, makes sense why I always got a ticket for my moderate speeding while fast and the furious bros walked away with warnings for going 30 over in high school.


I don't think amusing is the word I would use. It's less something we have come to accept and more we've been taught & reinforced through school and mass media

Hell, if I didn't find it amusing every now and then, I'd be even more depressed by all of this senseless hatred.

Of course, there are people in society that accept the state of things. White privilege being one example, that manifests in both ignorant and self-aware forms.
The perpetuation of racist ideologies and practices aren't only from openly racist and evil human thinking or actions, but also from complacency in an ethnic majority. Typically out of fear of losing a relatively comfortable way of life.


Being black affects the treatment you'll recieve by Law Enforcement on average...

Why, I never... I'm shocked I tell ya... shocked. (Am I doing it right?)



Prove it my best friend is black and he say it never happen to him so this study is fake i dont buy it sry.


They will get you biking or walking

They will get you for just sitting in a car as a passenger, too.

apparently there are these roving gangs of black criminals being driven around by white people. kingpins and crimelords, all.
one day the police are going to take down the whole operation.
He probably would have asked, "is this your car?" It's a small pet peeve when driving a "nice" car but always a "fun" intro question to hear instead of just running the plates and checking my license to see.

Damn, "When's the last time you were arrested?" What a great way to start a conversation.

Last time I got pulled over I laughed once the cop started looking for VIN numbers on my truck. He asked me what I was laughing at and I told him I was laughing at him thinking that my Land Rover was stolen when he already had the info from the computer saying it was mine.

He also wasn't happy when I told him that this ticket would be paid off online before he got 3 lights away.
Man, US cops sound so awful.

I'm glad I've never had to deal with that here in the UK. I've only ever been stopped once and that was because my insurance company mistook the "O" on my vehicle registration for a "0", so it looked like my car was uninsured.
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