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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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PhoenixDark said:
I agree, but even Kerry almost won if not for some votes in Ohio. Romney has an EC path to 270, as others have pointed out. While it's true the electorate won't look like it did in Nov 2010, it certainly won't look as it did in Nov 08 when tons of young people and blacks turned out to vote. They have no reason to show up this time. Nor do Hispanics.
"I voted for Barack Obama because he was black. Is he still black?" -Larry Wilmore


Suikoguy said:
No, but I heard it's not about a cop or a dog.
It's not cop or a dog.
It's a cop dog.
Who also happen to be a ghost.

And no, I'm not joking.

Invisible_Insane said:
This is something I've thought about a lot. It seems as though most of the attacks that were leveled against PPACA wouldn't have gotten any traction if we'd simply taken the parsimonious and easy-to-understand tack of saying, "let's give Medicare to everyone." And we would have gotten much better results for it.
Obama just didn't want to get Harry and Louised by the health insurance industry.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Invisible_Insane said:
Nope. And well said.

This is something I've thought about a lot. It seems as though most of the attacks that were leveled against PPACA wouldn't have gotten any traction if we'd simply taken the parsimonious and easy-to-understand tack of saying, "let's give Medicare to everyone." And we would have gotten much better results for it.

And you think the country wouldn't have called that a government take over?
mckmas8808 said:
And you think the country wouldn't have called that a government take over?
Depends on the salesmanship. They could call it a government takeover, but given the popularity of the existing institution, I'm not sure it would have been as effective a charge. I think there's definitely a way of framing it that insulates it from that specific criticism.


I could be totally off base here, but why is this debate about cutting spending OR increasing revenue? Why not some of both? It seems like Obama has conceded to some spending cuts, so why is it unfair to ask the other side the same?

Of course, common sense and politics don't often go hand in hand....


Appleman said:
I could be totally off base here, but why is this debate about cutting spending OR increasing revenue? Why not some of both?
The short version:



Appleman said:
I could be totally off base here, but why is this debate about cutting spending OR increasing revenue? Why not some of both? It seems like Obama has conceded to some spending cuts, so why is it unfair to ask the other side the same?
Because practically all the republican lawmakers signed that retarded Norquist pledge.
So increasing revenue is off the table for them.

Which is why they came up with weird shit like the McConnel's plan.
PhoenixDark said:
que? Reagan raised taxes and lowered spending in his deals
Yeah . . . as pointed out above, it isn't Reagan . . . it is the mythological Saint Reagan. A collection of apocryphal stories about Reagan. The truth is not at a relevant.

Wouldn't it be nice if you really could always cut taxes and that would raise revenue? Well, many just will themselves to believe it. They also believe that Iraq had WMDs, climate change is a liberal hoax, drilling in ANWR will solve our energy issues, torture was critical in tracking down Bin Laden, cutting government spending will save the economy, and whole host of other unproven but more desirable for them than reality things.


Chichikov said:
Because practically all the republican lawmakers signed that retarded Norquist pledge.
So increasing revenue is off the table for them.

Which is why they came up with weird shit like the McConnel's plan.

Ugh, I know. I hate this whole special interest group thing (and also the GOP for signing a pledge against increasing revenue).
Chichikov said:
Because practically all the republican lawmakers signed that retarded Norquist pledge.
So increasing revenue is off the table for them.
the motherfucker's name is Grover

who the fuck names their son Grover

the fact that he has a retarded name like Grover should invalidate all those contracts for fuck's sake

i mean, GROVER
polyh3dron said:
the motherfucker's name is Grover

who the fuck names their son Grover

the fact that he has a retarded name like Grover should invalidate all those contracts for fuck's sake

i mean, GROVER.
You'd think a dude named Grover would have the decency to be blue.
polyh3dron said:
the motherfucker's name is Grover

who the fuck names their son Grover

the fact that he has a retarded name like Grover should invalidate all those contracts for fuck's sake

i mean, GROVER

Me thinks you are too hard on that name!

My local militia group isn't planning on seceding until 2014, when Obamacare really shoves itself down our throats. Also gives us time to regain our numbers after that mini-rapture in May.
NullPointer said:
My local militia group isn't planning on seceding until 2014, when Obamacare really shoves itself down our throats. Also gives us time to regain our numbers after that mini-rapture in May.
Now That's What I Call Conservatism, Volume MMXI


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
jamesinclair said:
Romney is getting a lot of bad press in Mass.

There is a facility near the harbor that has been running a day camp for underprivileged kids (literacy + tennis) for years and years.

For all these years, parents have used a nearby parking lot for loading/unloading because the street is narrow. Basically, 15 minutes a day. No parking, just drop-off and pick-up. The owner of the lot has always allowed this.

Romney comes in, rents an office for his campaign and...


After complaints all around Romney says...


To be fair though, the owner of the lot must have caved to Romney's campaign, right? Why'd the owner give Romney's crew control over who enters the lot?


polyh3dron said:
i mean, GROVER
Good point.
But you know, it's all relative.

Dan said:
To be fair though, the owner of the lot must have caved to Romney's campaign, right? Why'd the owner give Romney's crew control over who enters the lot?
To be really fair, Romney most likely had nothing to do with it personally.

Cyan said:
From the NotW thread: Fox and Friends reacts to 9/11 hacking.

It's times like these I really miss the :lol.
I also think it's a crying shame that no one talks about how Lizzie Borden hacked her parents to death.


polyh3dron said:
the motherfucker's name is Grover

who the fuck names their son Grover

the fact that he has a retarded name like Grover should invalidate all those contracts for fuck's sake

i mean, GROVER
Hey, mang. Show some respect. RIP


PhoenixDark said:
So why is he performing well already in polls against Obama, raising good money, and avoiding mistakes (for the most part..)? Considering the economy's decline, the WH is basically Romney's to lose. If he wins the primary he wins next November, unless the economy takes a magical turn for the better.
Romney has respectable prospects. Dismissing his candidacy, as many are, is unfounded. I do not think he is a political Juggernaut, but he is competent. If he is nominated, he will present a challenge. He is a conventional partisan that mostly conforms to the party's orthodoxy. Yet he has not said or done anything too malodorous that will alienate moderates. Again, dismissing Romney is unfounded.

Similarly, I disagree with the notion that the election is his to lose-or any Republican, for that matter. It will not take a magical turn for Obama to win. It would take a magical turn to ensure his reelection. The economy is improving, but the growth is inconsistent. Thus, the election forecasts to be close; currently, at least.
polyh3dron said:
the motherfucker's name is Grover

who the fuck names their son Grover

the fact that he has a retarded name like Grover should invalidate all those contracts for fuck's sake

i mean, GROVER
"Some day I will be better remembered."
Grover Cleveland

Some more great Grover quotes:

"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed by man and woman in the working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence than ours."

"Though the people support the government; the government should not support the people."


Unconfirmed Member
speculawyer said:
Early years? I'd say we have pretty much had a lost decade already . . . . it will just continue.
Lost Generation...

And I don't mean people who like JJ Abrams :(


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Chichikov said:
To be really fair, Romney most likely had nothing to do with it personally.
Oh I know that. That's why I only referred to his campaign, not himself directly.


Unconfirmed Member
SomeDude said:
secession soon
The new secessionist craze is to add new states to the union!

The South
will rise again!

Cyan said:
From the NotW thread: Fox and Friends reacts to 9/11 hacking.

It's times like these I really miss the :lol.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. "Really guys this happened ten years ago, in LONDON, and the the CEO said sorry. Let's put thus behind us!" also SMH at lack of full disclosure on who Fox parent company is

Lol at "Martians landing again" sounded like it had happened before.


scola said:
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. "Really guys this happened ten years ago, in LONDON, and the the CEO said sorry. Let's put thus behind us!" also SMH at lack of full disclosure on who Fox parent company is

Lol at "Martians landing again" sounded like it had happened before.
"The real question is, are people piling on too much?" Lawdy.

Really reminded me of the apology to BP.

Also, to quote BR, "I would rather laugh than cry." If you've got a choice, choose laughter. ;)


SomeDude said:
secession soon

I would like to punch you in the brain, but I can't seem to find yours.

polyh3dron said:
who the fuck names their son Grover

Eric Cantor's parents made his middle name Ivan. In the sixties. In the middle of the cold war. Obama should continually refer to him as Eric Ivan Cantor.
DOO13ER said:
Are you suggesting that in the past few decades it has NOT been both a stated and implied goal of Republican/conservative policy to, "get government out of the way"?
Sure they want to shrink a lot of government's reach. But not when it comes to things like national defense- And (unfortunately) prying into personal business where government doesn't belong.
scola said:
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. "Really guys this happened ten years ago, in LONDON, and the the CEO said sorry. Let's put thus behind us!" also SMH at lack of full disclosure on who Fox parent company is

Lol at "Martians landing again" sounded like it had happened before.

The worst part is they were trying to make it seem like this hacking scandal is part of a larger global hacking phenomenon. I can't even fathom how that makes any sense. To anyone.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Appleman said:
I could be totally off base here, but why is this debate about cutting spending OR increasing revenue? Why not some of both? It seems like Obama has conceded to some spending cuts, so why is it unfair to ask the other side the same?

Of course, common sense and politics don't often go hand in hand....

It is about both. Democrats are proposing both, Republicans only want cuts.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
worldrunover said:
The worst part is they were trying to make it seem like this hacking scandal is part of a larger global hacking phenomenon. I can't even fathom how that makes any sense. To anyone.

So that's why my tea partying co-worker was trying to make it seem like other media companies do this all the time and it wasn't a big deal.

Hell he even said it shouldn't be called hacking because all they did was push 4 digits over and over until they found out the person's pin number. He even blamed the cell phone companies for making it so easy to figure out someone's voice mail pin number.

And yes he even stated that this is only a big story because all of the media companies are targeting News Corp because Ailes has made Fox News so good to combat the liberal left media in America.


mckmas8808 said:
Hell he even said it shouldn't be called hacking because all they did was push 4 digits over and over until they found out the person's pin number.

When the real hacking laws came into effect in '87, that's about how difficult everyone's security was. Didn't stop Operation Sundevil from targeting phreakers, confiscating their systems, and charging them.
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