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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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The South has resoundingly worse math/science education than Northern states.


also comments
You need research to know that the South has lots of Blacks who score MUCH lower than every other race, including Hispanics, including Indians, including Asians, and including Whites? Whites in Catholic schools in Lousiana score MUCH higher than Whites in any public school in any state. And Whites in Protestant schools in Lousiana score much higher than them. The research could not be more complete.

Many Whites in the South are in private schools which score 20 to 30 NAEP math points higher than the public schools there. It's Blacks in the South who drive down average scores in the South. The highest scoring private schools are in Texas, which score 31 points higher than their public schools (as well as public schools in New York and Rhode Island), and 38 points higher than California­'s public schools.

We got a lot of Indians in NJ. They seem to do well owning convenienc­e stores

More data lacking context. Why for example are Southwest states all below average? Could it possibly be because so many students don't speak English? Data like this creates fear and doubt but offers little to understand why.
GhaleonEB said:
Speak of the devil.

“There’s a lot of support for turning the gang into a mob,” said Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), who said he would support the gang's plan.Coburn said it would reduce the deficit by $3.7 trillion over the next ten years and increase tax revenues by $1 trillion by closing a variety of special tax breaks and havens.

Coburn, however, noted the Congressional Budget Office would score the plan as a $1.5 trillion tax cut because it would eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax. It would generate a significant amount of revenue out of tax reform and reduction of tax rates, which authors believe would spur economic growth.

Can someone explain this part to me? How does eliminating the AMT contribute to a $1 trillion increase in revenue?
LovingSteam said:
Can someone explain this part to me? How does eliminating the AMT contribute to a $1 trillion increase in revenue?
The CBO is scoring that as a trillion dollar decrease in revenue. The AMT currently covers more households than it was initially intended to. Eliminating it permanently would therefore be a decrease.
Invisible_Insane said:
The CBO is scoring that as a trillion dollar decrease in revenue. The AMT currently covers more households than it was initially intended to. Eliminating it permanently would therefore be a decrease.

No, I understand that but from what I was reading it seemed that it was being advertised as contributing to the $1 tril increase in revenue. That is what confused me. So the closing of tax loopholes and what not are what they're using to do the $1 tril increase in revenue.


speculawyer said:
Worst? Maybe they have better literary skills? ;-)



Damn straight.
Those tax and spend liberals are at it again.

This time, Massachusetts has a large surplus in their budget.

How dare they

Massachusetts tax collections for the fiscal year that ended June 30 exceeded projections by $723 million, leaving the state with an apparently significant surplus despite continued economic uncertainty.

State officials reported Tuesday that preliminary revenue estimates for the 12-month period were just above $20.5 billion, a 10.6 percent increase – nearly $2 billion – more than the previous fiscal year.


Revenues, how do they work?


eznark said:
You guys get too complicated with your analysis. The public won't fucking care what the circumstances are. And even if they do, what's the attack ad going to be? "Compared to Texas, American fucking sucks so there is no way Perry could be successful on the national level."

c'mon, Perry has a "proven" record of job creation during the worst economy in our life times. That will resonate.

It's depressing because it's true.
eznark said:
You guys get too complicated with your analysis. The public won't fucking care what the circumstances are.

The big oil state did well because oil went from $20/barrel to $100/barrel is too complicated for you?

Well, perhaps with those math skills down south they'll have trouble understanding it but it is pretty simple.

And even if they do, what's the attack ad going to be? "Compared to Texas, American fucking sucks so there is no way Perry could be successful on the national level."
The price of oil went from $20/barrel to $100/barrel . . . yet despite that massive windfall Governor Perry still managed to run up a deficit of $20 Billion dollars!
This is what I was referring to when I said that doing away with the AMT would basically negate any type of increase in revenue.

Huff said:
The plan would immediately cut $500 billion in spending to bring down the deficit. It would also include major tax cuts, with about $1.5 trillion in overall tax savings, its authors say.

But that estimate factors in a $1.7 trillion cut to the alternative minimum tax -- a tax Congress already eliminates much of every year. But even with the AMT cuts, the package raises only a net $200 billion compared to cuts of more than $3 trillion -- not exactly a balanced approach.

Correct me if I am wrong but that is pathetic. $200 billion in increased revenue with 3 trillion in cuts? Yay?
LovingSteam said:
This is what I was referring to when I said that doing away with the AMT would basically negate any type of increase in revenue.

Correct me if I am wrong but that is pathetic. $200 billion in increased revenue with 3 trillion in cuts? Yay?
Hey, man, 6% revenue increases and 94% cuts is a BALANCED APPROACH.
Invisible_Insane said:
Hey, man, 6% revenue increases and 94% cuts is a BALANCED APPROACH.

What I don't understand though is that Obama praised this plan even though it offers 80% less in increased revenue than his plan called for while it offers 25% less in cuts.


speculawyer said:
The big oil state did well because oil went from $20/barrel to $100/barrel is too complicated for you?

Well, perhaps with those math skills down south they'll have trouble understanding it but it is pretty simple.

The price of oil went from $20/barrel to $100/barrel . . . yet despite that massive windfall Governor Perry still managed to run up a deficit of $20 Billion dollars!

For me? Of course not. For a bumper sticker attack ad campaign? Yes. No matter what you say, Rick Perry added jobs, bottom line. You can get nuanced and the third of the country that will vote Obama no matter what will lap it up and scream it from the hilltops...but no one will care. I also don't think Obama will want to go toe to toe on the issue of job creation, so he won't need to get nuanced.

I imagine lots of foreign policy, we killed Osama ra!ra! type advertising.
eznark said:
No matter what you say, Rick Perry added jobs, bottom line.
But you conservatives tell me that the government can never create jobs. Your message failed since you contradicted yourself.

Call me crazy but I do think people are a little smarter than you give them credit for. Or perhaps you should run who ever was the North Dakota governor . . . he totally kicked Perry's ass at creating jobs!


eznark said:
For me? Of course not. For a bumper sticker attack ad campaign? Yes. No matter what you say, Rick Perry added jobs, bottom line.
For a sticker ad comapaign, it doesn't even matter if he added jobs or not.
If Carly Fiorina can run for office as a job creator, everyone can.


speculawyer said:
But you conservatives tell me that the government can never create jobs. Your message failed since you contradicted yourself.

Call me crazy but I do think people are a little smarter than you give them credit for. Or perhaps you should run who ever was the North Dakota governor . . . he kicked Perry's ass at creating jobs!

Christ dude, I'm not making a value judgement I'm talking tactically about the way potential campaigns will play out.

Or perhaps you should run

You do realize I won't be voting for any of these people, right?
Invisible_Insane said:
I'll get us started:

1) Eliminate electoral college
2) Impose federal standards for Congressional district drawing
3) VAT
4) Decriminalize/legalize marijuana
5) Restrict corporate and individual contributions to elections, institute public finance
1 and 3 will never happen because of public opposition and because they harm the elite. You'd need a new constitution.

Dude Abides

speculawyer said:
Call me crazy but I do think people are a little smarter than you give them credit for. Or perhaps you should run who ever was the North Dakota governor . . . he totally kicked Perry's ass at creating jobs!

You crazy! People are probably even less smart than eznark gives them credit for. Which is why we'll probably be hailing President Bachmann in 2013.


ChoklitReign said:
1 and 3 will never happen because of public opposition and because they harm the elite. You'd need a new constitution.
Why would the elite be against VAT?
It's a regressive tax.

But I do agree that public will probably oppose it, and for a good reason.
"Elect me because as governor I helped create jobs"
*5 mins later*
" We need to slash the government because the government never creates jobs!"
Chichikov said:
Why would the elite be against VAT?
It's a regressive tax.

But I do agree that public will probably oppose it, and for a good reason.
Yeah, I've never really heard anyone argue that a VAT hurts the elite--I'd be interested to know why you think that's the case, ChoklitReign.

I think people would definitely be justified in opposing a VAT as far as it concerns their narrow self-interest. It would probably be best to pair such a proposal with a reduction in income taxes. But, I think a VAT would be useful in the long-term in driving the US economy away from being so wholly dependent on consumption, and increasing the savings rate, which I think is important in the long term.


jamesinclair said:
"Elect me because as governor I helped create jobs"
*5 mins later*
" We need to slash the government because the government never creates jobs!"

Oh you're right, politicians are always punished for rank hypocrisy by the general public. What was I thinking...
jamesinclair said:
"Elect me because as governor I helped create jobs"
*5 mins later*
" We need to slash the government because the government never creates jobs!"

The chant has always been, sometimes implied and/or overt, FEDERAL government is the Big Baddie---what better target for them to live their feudal dreams of power than the much more realistic prospect of raking a state over the coals given a great amount of people in any given state lack the mobility of resources to pack up and trek across lines to elsewhere?

Starve The Beast so that the pack of intently fashioned Lesser Beasts can descend upon the lot.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
speculawyer said:
But you conservatives tell me that the government can never create jobs. Your message failed since you contradicted yourself.

Call me crazy but I do think people are a little smarter than you give them credit for. Or perhaps you should run who ever was the North Dakota governor . . . he totally kicked Perry's ass at creating jobs!

And don't forget Texas being 24th in the state in unemployment.
speculawyer said:
The big oil state did well because oil went from $20/barrel to $100/barrel is too complicated for you?

Well, perhaps with those math skills down south they'll have trouble understanding it but it is pretty simple.

The price of oil went from $20/barrel to $100/barrel . . . yet despite that massive windfall Governor Perry still managed to run up a deficit of $20 Billion dollars!

something something bill clinton jobs

Perry presided over an era of impressive job growth, end of story. We know he wasn't the reason for the job growth, and that Texas is headed for a crash, they have a huge deficit etc. But like any good governor he's planning to jump shit before the crash.

I can't even think of an economic argument Obama has against a solid "job creating" record. Blaming Bush and relying on abstract "it could have been worse, a lot worse" arguments won't work, regardless of the truth to that message.

Nor will he be able to run on a "hey, by 2021 the deficit will be smaller thanks to me!" record, which he seems to think is his ace in the hole.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
something something bill clinton jobs

Perry presided over an era of impressive job growth, end of story. We know he wasn't the reason for the job growth, and that Texas is headed for a crash, they have a huge deficit etc. But like any good governor he's planning to jump shit before the crash.

I can't even think of an economic argument Obama has against a solid "job creating" record. Blaming Bush and relying on abstract "it could have been worse, a lot worse" arguments won't work, regardless of the truth to that message.

Nor will he be able to run on a "hey, by 2021 the deficit will be smaller thanks to me!" record, which he seems to think is his ace in the hole.

You can be considered a job creating nominee with 8% unemployment?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The Senate's so-called "Gang of Six" plan -- named for the group of six Democratic and Republican senators that worked on it over the past several months -- would immediately impose $500 billion in savings while reducing marginal income tax rates and ultimately abolish the controversial Alternative Minimum Tax.

The plan would create three tax brackets with rates from 8% to 12%, 14% to 22%, and 23% to 29% -- part of a new structure designed to generate an additional $1 trillion in revenue. It would require cost changes to Medicare's growth rate formula, as well as $80 billion in Pentagon cuts.

I have no idea how they're going to increase revenues by doing this, or what they mean by having brackets with rates "from 8% to 12%", but it sounds like the primary revenue raisers are the elimination of deductions, which they are offsetting by lowering marginal rates. I bet they could double or triple the amount saved by not lowering the brackets and by attempting more ambitious pentagon cuts ($80B over 10 years? Really?)

I mean, extending the bush tax cuts for 2 years added $561B to the deficit, and you're telling me this broad, sweeping tax reform only contributes $1T in additional revenues over ten years?

Meanwhile I've noticed the GOP is taking the same stance they did on health care with regards to obama: "What does he want? What plan? He hasn't given specifics! How can you compromise with someone who doesn't know what he wants?"

Just take obama's plan and pass it, it's much better than the deficit commission's proposal or anything the house and senate have come up with.


eznark said:
I imagine lots of foreign policy, we killed Osama ra!ra! type advertising.

Honestly, I'm expecting plenty of that.. in combination with lots of "do you really want to go back to the Republican/Bushy policies that started this mess in the first place?"-type advertising. If most Americans still blame Bush as the cause of all of this next year, it may be Obama's best bet.

Then again, voters have notoriously short memory spans.
Dude Abides said:
You crazy! People are probably even less smart than eznark gives them credit for. Which is why we'll probably be hailing President Bachmann in 2013.
Oh there are lots of dumb & crazy people. It is possible for Bachmann to get nominated. But there is no way she could win. I think moderate Obama could beat the crazy theocrat lady with no problems even with 9.x% unemployment.


mckmas8808 said:
You can be considered a job creating nominee with 8% unemployment?

Aren't you the one who keeps saying "we aren't in a recession!!" because we've been able to drag our corpse an extra 1% each quarter? Give it a name, but it sure feels like a recession.

It's not about where you are man, it's about how far you've come!
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