Yeah, because the GOP is a unified front with no dissent, that gave Bush the aura of being a strong leader, because his party simply towed the line. Meanwhile, Obama had the largest majorities in the history of congress and he had conservative Democrats mucking up the works. It doesn't help that when conservatives get mad, they go out and vote, but when progressives get mad, the sit at home and watch television.
And therein lies the problem. You can't expect a politician to go your way when your base doesn't have the political will to see things through. Social conservatives don't wig out when their guy doesn't repeal Roe v. Wade. They keep on the ball, slowly chiseling away at it, and supporting candidates who pay them lip service year after year. Meanwhile, Obama actually passes health care reform and liberals act like he betrayed them because it didn't have everything they ever wanted in it. Never mind the fact that the law is pretty much set up to eventually lead to a universal health care system. If it survives that is, because like most things, liberals will probably abandon it once the political winds start blowing in the opposite direction.
You saying that you wouldn't mind Romney being president is exactly what I'm talking about. Romney would be a complete stooge for the GOP. He'll pass Ryan's plan, repeal Obamacare, and do exactly what those "moderate" governors are currently doing in Wisconsin and Ohio. You know, exactly like the last GOP stooge did when he won the White House.