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Politico sources: Reid lobbying Clinton camp to pick Warren for VP

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Source: Reid promoting Warren for VP

Harry Reid is quietly promoting Elizabeth Warren as a top pick to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate, and the Senate minority leader is already looking into Massachusetts law to see how quickly her Senate seat could be filled if Warren does ascend to the vice presidency, a source close to him said Friday.

Reid views Warren as someone who can unite the Democratic Party after the longer-than-expected primary battle between Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the source said. The person confirmed a Boston Globe story that reported Reid was actively researching the state’s special election rules.

Sounds solid.


Oh man, Warren is already heated and ready to latch onto Trumps face and rip it to shreds.

It'd sure be something.


OMG my dream is coming true.... Clinton/Warren, double woman presidential ticket. Amazing :)

Would feel bad to lose that senate seat tho.


I'd rather Warren stay in the Senate, where she can actually do good.

The VP position doesn't really have that much power.

OMG my dream is coming true.... Clinton/Warren, double woman presidential ticket. Amazing :)

Would feel bad to lose that senate seat tho.

It's a Massachusetts seat. As long as Martha Coakley doesn't run, it should stay Democratic.


Yes, imagine both of them with Obama and Biden campaigning for Hillary.

Trump is going to get slaughtered. Unless his own words don't sink him first.
Terrible idea. She's too old (and doesn't balance the ticket age wise, like Biden did), is not a particularly good retail politician, has no foreign policy experience, and is from a state with a republican governor meaning her seat will be (temporarily) replaced with a republican senator.

The point should be to pick someone that further reinforces the fact that Donald Trump is unqualified to be president. Warren doesn't do that.
Would seem like a weird pick because I thought Warren was a lot more liberal than Clinton. In fact I could have sworn I read from somewhere that Warren didn't run because she didn't want to go against Clinton which was the only reason Bernie ran.


Would seem like a weird pick because I thought Warren was a lot more liberal than Clinton. In fact I could have sworn I read from somewhere that Warren didn't run because she didn't want to go against Clinton which was the only reason Bernie ran.

She is a lot more liberal than Hillary.
I dunno if I'd I want her out of the Senate tho. The reasons for accepting the VP position (executive branch experience, exposure to foreign policy etc) seems mooted by the fact shed be too old to run for president in 8 years, right?


Joe Kennedy III isn't ready, and I'm really not sure who would be up for a special election Senate run in Mass. Surprisingly our state doesn't have a deep bench of qualified candidates.

I'd be worried about another Brown sneaking in.

If Warren goes, The National Dems better make damn sure there a slam dunk lined up to fill her big shoes. Low turnout special elections need a big name to get people to turn out and vote.


I like Warren and can see the short term benefits, but I don't like this pick. It removes her from the Senate, where she can do the most good, and she'll be too old to run in 2020. A waste on multiple levels. If polling shows this is a much stronger ticket than any plausible alternative then by all means do it but otherwise I'm still on the Perez train.


Would seem like a weird pick because I thought Warren was a lot more liberal than Clinton. In fact I could have sworn I read from somewhere that Warren didn't run because she didn't want to go against Clinton which was the only reason Bernie ran.

Lol, Bernie has been trying to run since he called for Obama to be primaried in the 2012 election.


This would definitely be a 'Get out the Base' pick but Warren has been good at going after Trump and whoever Clinton picks will need some fight in them.

It's not a bad pick.
I'd rather Warren stay in the Senate, where she can actually do good.

The VP position doesn't really have that much power.

It's a Massachusetts seat. As long as Martha Coakley doesn't run, it should stay Democratic.

Wasnt that teds seat. That got taken by a republican after he passed?
Warren hasn't even come out in support of Clinton.

She doesn't seem too fond of Clinton - https://youtu.be/12mJ-U76nfg

I think she's just kept her mouth shut as of late to be a good Democrat.

Clinton needs to start grooming a Latino to keep this democratic dynasty going for the next 16 years.


Terrible idea. She's too old (and doesn't balance the ticket age wise, like Biden did), is not a particularly good retail politician, has no foreign policy experience, and is from a state with a republican governor meaning her seat will be (temporarily) replaced with a republican senator.

The point should be to pick someone that further reinforces the fact that Donald Trump is unqualified to be president. Warren doesn't do that.



I'm torn between Kaine and Warren.

My main electoral questions about Warren as VP:
- Hillary's looking to win the gender gap by perhaps a record margin; could Warren nudge it even a few percent wider? If so, that'd be huge, as the female vote is usually >52% of the electorate and evenly distributed across the nation.
- would she help unite the party?
- can Massachusetts Dems find a suitable candidate to run for her seat in mid-2017?
- Hillary has a weakness among winnable voters: the perception that she's too cozy with "special interests." Warren is known for fighting these interests. Would Warren's presence on the ticket help on this issue?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Knowing the American electorate, they're going to want a male VP. Women do vote more than men but I don't know.

Also I agree with others that she's too old.


I would rather see her remain in the Senate where she's useful. She's more liberal than Clinton, but it's not like she's going to pull in the BernieBros to Clinton's side after he loses the nomination, or at least I wouldn't expect it. Personally, I would rather see Sherrod Brown as Clinton's VP pick. He is a well liked Senator from a purple state in the rust belt, and he's a white male; which is Clinton's weakest demographic.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
This is a bullet proof move - Warren will unify the party & a double female ticket is the dopest shit on the planet.

Although a younger male of color would work too - Booker or Castro would shore up a lot of weak spots.


Why not just get her on the campaign trail? Obama and Warren going to war for Clinton is plenty.

She's already stated she will be endorsing after the last primary.

Remember, Blue States do not matter in the general. Swing States matter. Getting your demos and everyone in the party out in swing States is priority 1.

Progressive Liberal and Latino seems to be a slam dunk IMO.


Bad pick. Too old and doesn't bring anything different to the ticket. Would prefer a Hispanic in all honesty.


They don't need Warren to be VP for her to play peacemaker between Hillary and Bernie supporters. She'll do that at the convention.
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