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Polyamorous 20-year-old is dating 4 men while pregnant with her first child


Hi, femoid here. I know plenty of people have already given you the spiel, but I figured I'd throw in my own two cents as well. That statement you said right there is bordering incel territory, no offense. Am I saying you're an incel? No, of course not. I don't know you very well. However, that statement seems like bitterness disguised as indifference. Similar to a, "No I don't care at all. See how little I care?!?!", really. I get the inkling that you have had little to no luck with women based on this post. Anyone that has had dating experience wouldn't be holding the concept of losing virginity so high. Sex isn't lifechanging. Sure, it's fun and fantastic when you're with the right partner. But it doesn't change your life. It doesn't suddenly make all the big bad go away. It changes none of that. I'm guessing your 'standards' are probably unrealistically high, almost impossibly so. It's good to have standards, but ones that are realistic. Don't just settle for anyone, but also don't expect your dream girl to just spawn out of nowhere. It takes work to find 'the one'. Usually through trial-and-error scenarios. You can't just expect her to do all the work, find and reach out to you, and make the move. This isn't some fairy tale. That shit doesn't happen. Go out. Make friends. Be more social and find yourself. You can't just sit around and wait and expect that shit to happen. Put in the effort to better yourself and find out exactly who you are. If you find someone along the way of that, that's great, but just don't expect this dream girl to appear out of thin air. That's not how real life works.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but I don't like seeing people go down that kind of path. It only leads to a perpetual downward spiral. I wish you the best, and if you ever need advice I'm here. Cheers.

Tough love, nice work Felon
Yeah I mean that just comes across as really up your own arse, implying anyone who HAS fucked before 34 (which is vast majority of people) doesnt have standards and will just fuck whoever.

I mean it's an awesomely passive aggressive way to literally trigger anyone. CONGRATS ON THE

Unless it's a joke post.

If it's not the truth is simple: No girl has ever wanted to fuck you. Again, comes down to how you present yourself. If you comes across like an arrogant prick (like your post) then no girl will want to be your friend let alone sleep with you.

If thats YOUR standard behaviour, then I doubt you match up to most girls standards ;]

I’m not an arrogant prick. Maybe no girl has ever wanted to fuck me. Who knows. Honestly, I don’t really care at this point if I have sex or even have a girlfriend. It’s not all that important to me, and I’ve survived this long without a significant other. That’s just me, and I’m not knocking ANYONE for having a girl in their life. IRL I’m one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet with a heart of gold, so I don’t harbor any ill will against anyone. I’m sorry if I came across as up my ass with my post. It definitely wasn’t my intention to do that whatsoever.
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I’m one of the nicest guys



I’m not an arrogant prick. Maybe no girl has ever wanted to fuck me. Who knows. Honestly, I don’t really care at this point if I have sex or even have a girlfriend. It’s not all that important to me, and I’ve survived this long without a significant other. That’s just me, and I’m not knocking ANYONE for having a girl in their life. IRL I’m one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet with a heart of gold, so I don’t harbor any ill will against anyone. I’m sorry if I came across as up my ass with my post. It definitely wasn’t my intention to do that whatsoever.
Are you asexual/not interested in sex?
Are you asexual/not interested in sex?

I’m not asexual, no. As for my interest in sex.... Yes, I’m interested, but I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin and have bad OCD. I guess I’m just too scared that I’d end up not being any good or just being an embarrassment. I don’t know. My self-esteem is shit. My New Year’s Resolution is to get in shape and change my life for the better, so once I get to where I want to be physically then I’d probably be more confident/comfortable with approaching women. Sex is just a frightening ordeal for me in my current state. :messenger_pensive:
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I’m not asexual, no. As for my interest in sex.... Yes, I’m interested, but I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin and have bad OCD. I guess I’m just too scared that I’d end up not being any good or just being an embarrassment. I don’t know. My self-esteem is shit. My New Year’s Resolution is to get in shape and change my life for the better, so once I get to where I want to be physically then I’d probably be more confident/comfortable with approaching women. Sex is just a frightening ordeal for me in my current state. :messenger_pensive:
I gotcha. You will know when it's time to do that. We just become concerned here (as a lot of other posters showed) when you're still a virgin at that age. The body only gets worse over time. I'm 35 and I'm much fatter than I was even a 3 years ago. The good news is aging is much kinder to men than women.


Maybe I'm just tired of small minds obsessing over their small problems, like other people's sex lives. It is qualitatively no different than a Southern redneck decrying "those goddamn fags".

Secondly, you fail to consider these men as rational actors. Yes, they are ugly. Perhaps they are also unintelligent, or lack the biological drive for excellence (it stands to reason, given their predicament).

But they, too, deserve to pursue whatever happiness they can get. Maybe this is the best they will ever do in life. No reason to mock them for it, I am sure they are miserable enough as it is.

They are allowing a camera crew to film them and interview them for the specific purpose of sharing their situation with the masses.

So to some extent they must understand that their circumstances are unusual and that mockery is inevitable.

It's like everywhere I go online there are clickbait headlines and videos all over the place.
Yet, the moment I click on something and have an opinion I am small minded and no different to a homophobic redneck.

It's like I'm driving past a car accident and I've decided to keep my eyes forward and not stare but everyone all around is like "look at the accident, go on, holy shit you'll be so shocked when you look, look at it, go on, have a look, tell us what you think" so I crack and I look and instantly an entirely new group springs up to berate me "how dare you look at something like that you sick fuck".


That's why I'm still a virgin at nearly 34. I won't just fuck whatever is willing to fuck. I have standards and I know what I want in a woman and until I can improve myself and find that, I'll stay a fucking virgin and continue dating Palmela Handerson.
did everyone just filter out the "until i can improve myself" part?


Unconfirmed Member
did everyone just filter out the "until i can improve myself" part?

Doesn make any difference. It’s still bullshit and a complete failure to understand human relationships.


Too many people acting like the guys should be the more embarrassed party in this situation for being betas waiting for their turn with a fat girl. It's the chick who should be far more embarrassed.

I mean look at those goblins. Imagine the smell in that house with 4 of those creatures lounging around it.

Rat Rage

If they are happy, let them. There may be better ways to get happy, but if that's what they chose, why not? If it ends up not making them happy, they - at least - can learn from their mistakes.
The whole situation does look a bit desperate, though, I have to say.
That's why I'm still a virgin at nearly 34. I won't just fuck whatever is willing to fuck. I have standards and I know what I want in a woman and until I can improve myself and find that, I'll stay a fucking virgin and continue dating Palmela Handerson.
not surprised lol. Just look at your countless "need help buying laptop" threads. Despite numerous suggestions from others, you continue to be picky and unable to make up your mind. Even when looking for a laptop, your standards are too high. So at the end of the day you still haven't decide on one yet. If you have this much trouble getting a laptop, can't imagine what your head will be thinking when looking for a date.


not surprised lol. Just look at your countless "need help buying laptop" threads. Despite numerous suggestions from others, you continue to be picky and unable to make up your mind. Even when looking for a laptop, your standards are too high. So at the end of the day you still haven't decide on one yet. If you have this much trouble getting a laptop, can't imagine what your head will be thinking when looking for a date.
Man wants a $3000 laptop for $300.
Having had no relationship by 34 is the $300 laptop budget of relationships. All the beautiful, successful and interesting women are married with kids. What’s left is losers and feminists.

Everyone is shit at relationships and even more shit at sex. That’s why you do it as a teenager when no one has experience.
I’m sure I was terrible in bed at 16 but the girl I was with had no clue what to expect. If I was as awkward and selfish now women would run a mile and probably stop me half way through.
Same with relationships. You practice. You learn. You become a better person.
Everyone has issues. I’m painfully shy but you have to push past your comfort zone otherwise you’ll never grow and you’ll stay an 18 year old for the rest of your life.
Sure you’ll have some regrets but The old adage of people “regret things they don’t do the most” will apply.

Sorry if blunt advice isn’t for you.
Constant Flux Constant Flux

Most things have already been mentioned, but I'll just add this:

The 30s and 40s are suppose to be where men enter their peak. Relatively, each year after 30 your testosterone starts to drop by approx. 1%. Don't waste your valuable years waiting for the figurative princess to come riding on a white horse.
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Too many people acting like the guys should be the more embarrassed party in this situation for being betas waiting for their turn with a fat girl. It's the chick who should be far more embarrassed.

I mean look at those goblins. Imagine the smell in that house with 4 of those creatures lounging around it.
Well, on the bright side, Smash tournaments now have hygiene rules in place. It's teaching them slowly, over time, about the existence of regular showers and deodorant.


I’m not an arrogant prick. Maybe no girl has ever wanted to fuck me. Who knows. Honestly, I don’t really care at this point if I have sex or even have a girlfriend. It’s not all that important to me, and I’ve survived this long without a significant other. That’s just me, and I’m not knocking ANYONE for having a girl in their life. IRL I’m one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet with a heart of gold, so I don’t harbor any ill will against anyone. I’m sorry if I came across as up my ass with my post. It definitely wasn’t my intention to do that whatsoever.

Nice guys finish last
Your ruuuunning out of gas

Maybe you are the nicest guy and all your friends will say that too, not sure if it'll help you get laid tho

I’m not asexual, no. As for my interest in sex.... Yes, I’m interested, but I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin and have bad OCD. I guess I’m just too scared that I’d end up not being any good or just being an embarrassment. I don’t know. My self-esteem is shit. My New Year’s Resolution is to get in shape and change my life for the better, so once I get to where I want to be physically then I’d probably be more confident/comfortable with approaching women. Sex is just a frightening ordeal for me in my current state. :messenger_pensive:

As Melon said before, sex isn't the be all and end all. I don't know the number of women I've slept with, but at my age I actually don't care too much about sex anymore - but Im still interested in finding a girlfriend. Problem is I'm forever stuck in this scenario where I feel no-one will ever match this 'manic pixie dream' girl (she wasnt manic, but perf in every way) I dated when I was 20 and I fucked it up by getting overtly-jealous at a party and regretted it ever since (and that was the catalyst that made me realise I wasnt a great person). That was 8 years ago and Ive dated since then but I've never felt the same connection I had with her - it wasn't even the sex that was particularly amazing but I loved every aspect of it/her because who she was. Anyway.
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I’m not asexual, no. As for my interest in sex.... Yes, I’m interested, but I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin and have bad OCD. I guess I’m just too scared that I’d end up not being any good or just being an embarrassment. I don’t know. My self-esteem is shit. My New Year’s Resolution is to get in shape and change my life for the better, so once I get to where I want to be physically then I’d probably be more confident/comfortable with approaching women. Sex is just a frightening ordeal for me in my current state. :messenger_pensive:

I won't shit on you. I think its good that you want to get in shape and change your life. DO IT!. And don't do it for the sex, do it for yourself and the sex will follow.

You are 34 now, but time goes by fast and do you want to be 40 or 50 never having been with a women (or man LOL) or having someone to share excperiences with (not just sexual)? And the only way to get over the fear of sex is to actually do some. You probably will suck the first few times but as they say practice makes perfect. Don't worry about what the girl thinks, its about you those first few times not her.

But working on yourself is a great way to go but be committed. It doesn't take much to see results but you need to stick with it. First things first though is you need to ditch the loser attitude and the blame game. I can see already you are willing to fall back on your OCD. No excuses bro. Don't use your OCD as a crutch to break your News Years resolution.

And think about it if these 4 loser dorks can get a women, no matter how bad she is, there is hope for everyone out there. Let these losers bring something good into the world which would be the motivation to get your ass into gear.


One of the men in the unconventional relationship, Ethan Baucom, 22, from Jacksonville, has been charged with aggravated child abuse fracturing the 5-week-old baby’s arm, leg, ribs, and skull.

Thankfully, the infant will not suffer any permanent damage.

The reporting officer wrote, “He stated he believed he heard a ‘pop’ during the occurrence,” in the heavily redacted report, according to FHN Jacksonville, who went onto report:

remove this scum from civilized society
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