Wow. I don't know if there's any of you watching The Daily Show tonite, but Stewart is interviewing Russel Crowe. I feel so bad for Stewart... Crowe looks like one of the most difficult interviews I've ever seen. There were certain jokes about dialect where Crowe came off as stand-offish, other times where Crowe was obviously joking and Stewart had NO IDEA that he was joking.
Wow. This is just brutal. Usually I think these late-night talkshow hosts have an AWESOME job, but there's times when I see an interview and it just looks brutal. Usually they're interviews which involve Paris Hilton or Russel Crowe. Just these really brutal, stupid and arrogant people.
Russel Crowe: "Well ya gotta get out in tha world, mate, and show the world that Americans arent as bad as they think!"
Jon Stewart: "Are you kidding? If we went out into the world they'd hate us MORE!"
Crowe: intense glare and half smirk.
Wow. This is just brutal. Usually I think these late-night talkshow hosts have an AWESOME job, but there's times when I see an interview and it just looks brutal. Usually they're interviews which involve Paris Hilton or Russel Crowe. Just these really brutal, stupid and arrogant people.
Russel Crowe: "Well ya gotta get out in tha world, mate, and show the world that Americans arent as bad as they think!"
Jon Stewart: "Are you kidding? If we went out into the world they'd hate us MORE!"
Crowe: intense glare and half smirk.