I'm not raving... it was pretty sad and I'm glad Nader didn't break down in all miserable and everything..
It was a disaster from the very start...
Nader was making a 1/2 joke when he first said:
"About that interview you just did with Dick Cheney, Sean, I have a new nickname for you, Softball Sean" or something like that...
Hannity then responded:
"oh, yeah, I got a new nickname for you too, LOSER with a capital L" or something to that effect, continuing with something to the effect of "you're a loser that can't even get 1% of the vote and that's why you're gonna lose"
The reason Hannity responded so strongly was cause the Louisana Senator Mary Landriu got him pissed off when she said the interview with Dick Cheney was a infomercial and not a interview (to be fair, Hannity is going to talk w/ the President on Sunday and the H&C has invited John Kerry and John Edwards to do an interview with Colmes that would last as long as the one's Sean is doing...)
At one point, he told Ralph Nader something to the effect of "nobody believes in your ideas and you're got no support, the people believe in George Bush and that's why he's going to get win and beat you and also John Kerry, etc... blah, blah, blah"
maybe he's upset that Kerry could pull it off with the help of Micheal Moore scaring the young vote... (and maybe he realizes some have the idea that Bush needs to have a massive lead to have a chance going into election day)...