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PoP2: Interview With Yannis Mallat : Raw Transcript w/ two new videos


Thanks to Bitebug2003 over at the PoP forum for the summation.

Hi Everyone

Here is the Raw Transcript of the Interview with Yannis Mallat, the Executive Producer for Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within.

It will be made available on the Official Prince of Persia Website very soon.

<Ryosan> Hello and welcome to today's Prince of Persia Warrior Within chat!
<Ryosan> Thank you for not sending private messages to Yannis directly.
<Ryosan> My name is Ryosan, I'm the EMEA Community Manager for Prince of Persia.
<Ryosan> Thanks for joining us. Our guest this evening is Yannis Mallat, Producer for POP WW. Thanks for taking the time to be with us Yannis.
<Yannis> Hello guys !
<Ryosan> Let's begin, then. The session will be moderated: only Yannis and I may post.
<Yannis> Nice to be here, it's been a while
<Ryosan> This is how we'll proceed: you may send your questions only to me and I will relay them. Please do not send them directly to Yannis, he will only answer to mine. To send me a question double-click on my nick (Ryosan) on the right hand column and a new window will open in which we may chat.
<Ryosan> We will then choose the questions according to their interest and relevance. Please remember this chat is exclusively dedicated to Prince of Persia Warrior Within. We will not answer questions not related to this game.
<Ryosan> We will post a full transcript of the chat on the official POP:WW site, http://www.princeofpersiagame.com and on the boards ASAP.
<Ryosan> Here we go!
<Ryosan> (pop_sot): How much Jordan Mechner's influence is involved in Warrior Within?
<Yannis> That's a good question: Jordan and I are good friends...
<Yannis> He was not THAT involved in the developmenet of POP WW because he's very confident
<Yannis> he knows what's happening here in Montreal
<Yannis> but I think he's pretty busy on the Hollywood side with the movie
<Yannis> He's writing the script and that takes him time.
<Yannis> We're taking care of the baby (the game) here, and he told me he couldn't wait to play the game !
<Ryosan> (AZARD): what is the full story of pop2?
<Yannis> The FULL story ? Wow... you're pretty demanding ! ;-)
<Yannis> Remember the Prince opened the Hourglass in the first game ?
<Yannis> By doing that, he screwed up the timeline...
<Yannis> And by screwing up the Timeline, he called upon himself the incarnation of his own fate: DEATH. Whoever opens the Sands, should die.
<Yannis> So, the Dahaka, the Guardian of Time has no other goal but correcting this timeline the Prince is not supposed to live in.
<Yannis> The Dahaka cannot be killed: the Prince will die. In a fool attempt to save his life, or rather than staying here waiting for death, the Prince is going to the Island of Time -- the Birthplace of the Sands
<Yannis> in order to travel backwards through time even before the creation of the Sands themselves : if there are no Sands, the Dahak will have no quarrel with him
<Yannis> So, this is the main plot we find the Prince in at the beginning of the game
<Yannis> For the rest, it's up to you guys to end the story ... ;-)
<Ryosan> (pop_sot): How many cinematics are in the game as compared to Sands of time?
<Yannis> It depends what kind of cinematics you're talking about
<Yannis> Hi-rez cinematics, as we call them (or pre-rendered) are pretty much the same in quantity
<Yannis> BUT NOT IN QUALITY !! They are much better !!!
<Yannis> Now, for the other (in-game cinematics)... I think we have more, because we wanted to immerse the player
<Yannis> and we don't want to remote him from the action... in that sense, some of the in-game cinematics will even be playable, for what we call : interactive cinematics, this is the most immersive experience ever seen, believe me.
<Ryosan> (POP_Fan): How long did it take your team to develop Warrior Within and how is it different from Sands Of Time?
<Yannis> That's 2 big different questions dudes !! All right, it took exactly 11 months to make the game, from beginning to the end. Now the trick is
<Yannis> in the video-game development, the moment where the productivity reaches its max, is at the end of the production, because all the team knows the engine, the tools, they know how to work with each other...etc...
<Yannis> so we actually began POP2, before even POP1 was completed and we kept the same team, so we have been able to produce HIGH VALUE CONTENT VERY QUICKLY
<Yannis> That's why we're proposing a richer, better, longer game only 1 year after POP 1 :)
<Ryosan> (JJR): Did you take serious consideration regarding the immense complains on the extreme heavy metal music rather than a balanced mix of metal and arabian?
<Yannis> Oh yes !! Indeed. One thing you guys need to know is that the GodSmack music (since you seem to refer to that ;-) ...) is only a very small part of the whole score (music of the game)
<Yannis> All the in-game music has been composed by Stuart Chatwood (the same composer as for POP1) among others
<Yannis> We have, in that sense, kept the cool and "organic arabian" mood in the musical score that we know everyone loved.
<Yannis> But I want to say that the heavy metal music does actually fits very well here and there in the game (in some chase mode for example). That's a very small part of the game, once again. I'm sure people will love it. Everyone did here.
<Ryosan> (Sultans_Apple): How old is the Prince?
<UbiRazz> If you guys want to hear more 'non-metal' music from PoPWW pop along to www.princeofpersiagame.com and listen to tracks 3 and 4
<Yannis> How old do you think he is ? :) ...
<Yannis> The Prince of Persia is older than in the first opus. He is in his first thirties for sure
<Yannis> he has grown up a lot in between the two opus, and you guys are going to see exactly what we mean very soon...
<Yannis> his own personality has shifted from someone who never had to care about his own fate to someone who is the central piece of destiny...
<Yannis> When a man knows he gonna die, do you think he cares about other things anymore ?
<Yannis> The Prince is a DOOMED character, that makes him immediately the center of the whole story. It's not a question of rescuing a damzel anymore ;-)
<Yannis> It's all about WHO is this guy, what he did and what can be done to save his "life"
<Ryosan> (Coolflame): Is the new Game Engine going to be used in any other game's,Like POP:SoT was used in BG&E?
<Yannis> heeheehee... :)
<Yannis> YES ! But what games ?... ****, I forgot !! ;-)
<Ryosan> (Coolflame): About How many right hand weapon's does the prince get in WW?
<Yannis> Very specific question indeed ! :)
<Yannis> We have more than 60 weapons in the game, mostly secondary weapons... but the most powerful ones are not always the right handed blades !
<Yannis> Right hand weapons are about 6 or 7, depending on if you think a craft-self-made can make a good weapon when you don't have anything else at your disposal !
<Ryosan> (alimokrane): Please, Could you tell us the official release date for POP WW in the US and the UK?
<Yannis> Sure: the game will be on shelves the 2nd of December everywhere in Europe except for our UK guys who will have to wait a little extra day (don't ask me why...)
<Yannis> Regarding the US, depending on what version, the game will be on shelves starting Nov. 30th and will go through the first week of December.
<Ryosan> (farfaraway): What are the differences between all platforms?? I mean does the Pc Version have the same features like the X-box? (Time Attack mode and so on)
<Yannis> The main data is pretty much shared by all platforms (meaning: it's the same game we're talking about here)... Xbox will profit from the Xbox Live feature starring two new game modes:
<Yannis> - time attack
<Yannis> - Survival mode
<Yannis> those 2 modes fit sooo well with the core gameplay of WW
<Yannis> PC will benefit from advanced graphics (and this time, the game will support just ALL and EVERY gamepad ;-) ...)
<Yannis> as well as a good bunch of graphic cards
<Yannis> PS2 will feature a huge number of extra features videos and other goodies
<Yannis> GameCube graphics will be optimized for the engine (cool water effects and so on)
<Yannis> Without recommanding anything, I have to say that this year, the PC version is just BLOWING me AWAY !! The graphics are just GORGEOUS... I was really surprised.
<Yannis> Console versions look awesome too, the art team made a tremendous job helped by the programmers who managed to optimize the engine where we thought it was already 100% using the hardware.
<Ryosan> (Jixs): What does the subtitle, Warrior Within, refer to in terms of the story
<Yannis> Well, as I said earlier, the story now relates around our hero, not on "saving the world or a princess again"
<Yannis> In fact, in the Prince's background story, he's doomed and it's his fault. He is the one who opened the Hourglass... and he's chased by the Guardian of Time. Despite the fact that everything seems to go wrong for him, the Prince is still a good guy but ...
<Yannis> HE HAS TO AWAKEN THE WARRIOR WITHIN to solve the situation
<Yannis> the solution is within him
<Yannis> That's the truth: none will come to help him
<Yannis> He and his skills are the only hope. That's a cool message to give away to people: when you want, you can.
<Ryosan> (Sunrise): I heard that the prince will die in the end of te game. Is it true?
<Yannis> There is no other choice or option for the Prince... Whoever opens the Sands should die.
<Yannis> I know this sounds like a Marketing blah-blah... but it's coming from the production team: the Prince broke something that he cannot fixed without paying the price: his own life
<Yannis> Now, know this: it will up to the players to make the Prince:
<Yannis> - at least live as long as possible
<Yannis> - for the foolest: to try changing your fate (have you ever try ?)
<Yannis> By trying changing your fate, you're making your fate a reality... anyway...
<Ryosan> (Codename): What is the proportion between PUZZLES and BATTLES compared to POP Sands of Time ?
<Yannis> I used to say: POP 1 was 50% fight and 50% puzzle/exploration --> now POPWW is 100% of both
<Yannis> But I realize it sounds (again !!) like marketing blah blah ... ;-) so I'll go into details
<Yannis> in this game, we have achieved what I really wanted POP to be
<Yannis> We are mixing, melting and combining (is that enough ?) level design ingredients and fight
<Yannis> level design ingredients were usually used to puzzling and exploration and acrobatics... whereas fight (like monsters and enemies) were to be found apart from those level design ingredients...
<Yannis> In POP 2, the two are combined for real: how many of you ever dreamed of fighting someone while doing a walling (run on wall) in POP1 ?
<Yannis> We do have this in POPWW
<Yannis> how many of you ever dreamed of using the column to turn around and slash surrounding people in POP1 ?
<Yannis> We do have this in POPWW
<Yannis> and so on and so on... the thing is that it is GORGEOUS to play !
<Ryosan> (AZARD): what's the role of the empress of time?
<Yannis> While the Empress of time is mortal, and by all outward appearances seems to be a beautiful woman, she is certainly not human. She was made eons ago by the Gods.
<Yannis> She's an unwitting byproduct of the creation of the timeline. So she carries part of it within her. The Old Man knows some about her, he tells the Prince.
<Ryosan> (AZARD): who's the old man
<Yannis> the old man is a mystic who warns the Prince about what is happening to him
<Yannis> the Prince will seek advice from him
<Yannis> He'll tell the truth, the sad truth: the Prince will die.
<Ryosan> (farfaraway): what was the most challenging thing to create this game?
<Yannis> Good question: the most challenging thing was something totally hidden from you guys: it's the management of such a big team (more than 150 people at peak)
<Yannis> but, regarding gameplay: we added a lot to the Prince's behavior and the most challenging thing was to keep the right balance of level design that would work with all the new crazy moves the Prince is able to do.
<Ryosan> (pop_sot): Who's enemy is more Challenging in the entire game?Dahaka?or Empress of time?
<Yannis> Well, starting by the fact the Dahak cannot be killed, it sounds like the beast is the most difficult to defeat. But the Beauty is quited challenging too, remember she carries part of the Timeline within her, will all the powers that go with that.
<Ryosan> (POP_Fan): What are the connections between enemies in Warrior Within?
<Yannis> Well, basically, they've been "created" by the Empress of Time in a sense that they work for her.
<Yannis> The most important thing to know about that is that they work together while a good bunch of them have their own behavior (in fact, most of them)
<Yannis> To be honnest, they have a much more advanced A.I. than in the first game
<Yannis> they tend to surround the Prince, while contextual enemies are to challenge the Prince on specific level design ingredients (blade dancers, etc...)
<Yannis> This time, you cannot use one "combo" slash move to go through the game, you need to adapt your attacks to them and that's cool.
<Ryosan> (Codename): Do you have any story ideas/plans for a third POP at this time ?
<Yannis> We, of course, have ideas, that's for sure. Having idea is our job. Now having the game made is yours: meaning, it will mostly depend on the success of WW :) !!
<Yannis> Simply the fact that we want to listen to gamers, we want them to tell us what's good, what's not... etc... So, if it's good, then we would be dumb not to think about expanding this beloved franchise, because we love it as you do.
<Ryosan> And last but not least...
<Ryosan> (AZARD): will the prince make love to shadee or kahleena?
<Yannis> WOW !! Well, what would you do if you were in his shoes ?
<Yannis> I would for sure and I know the Prince pretty much thinks as I do... hee hee...
<Yannis> Now the question is: which one to choose (Shahdee or Kaleeina ?) I pretty much think Kaleeina is gorgeous... No ?
<Ryosan> I guess that's it then. Thanks Yannis for taking the time to answer our questions, and thanks to all of you that joined us today.
<UbiRazz> Remember to visit www.princeofpersiagame.com regularly for new screens, videos, music, and all sorts of other fun things. Today there are two new videos available for download
<Yannis> All right guys !! Thank you very much for your participation
<Ryosan> We will post a full transcript of the chat on the official POPWW site, http://www.princeofpersiagame.com and on the boards ASAP.
<Yannis> See you soon !!
<Ryosan> now you can tell Yannis how much you love POPWW


The videos



only a month left until all the naysayers cower in shame. just wait.
plus, 10 out of 10-PSM and 9.6 from OXM. That should tell you that the game must be played to truly judge it. and nevermind the blagh PC demo and how shallow it is..

Reminder: check out the 2 new movies at the bottom of Deepthroat's sig, especially all of those here who think the game is all about angsty goth combat.
Not sound mean or anything, but that was one of the worst interviews things out there. None of the questions worth anything were asked. All of it was some easy go questions. Trully sad a thing.


ZA Pages said:
Not sound mean or anything, but that was one of the worst interviews things out there. None of the questions worth anything were asked. All of it was some easy go questions. Trully sad a thing.
Yeah, the chat wasn't that great. But I did find these answers quite interesting.
<Ryosan> (POP_Fan): How long did it take your team to develop Warrior Within and how is it different from Sands Of Time?
<Yannis> That's 2 big different questions dudes !! All right, it took exactly 11 months to make the game, from beginning to the end. Now the trick is
<Yannis> in the video-game development, the moment where the productivity reaches its max, is at the end of the production, because all the team knows the engine, the tools, they know how to work with each other...etc...
<Yannis> so we actually began POP2, before even POP1 was completed and we kept the same team, so we have been able to produce HIGH VALUE CONTENT VERY QUICKLY
<Yannis> That's why we're proposing a richer, better, longer game only 1 year after POP 1 :)

<Ryosan> (farfaraway): What are the differences between all platforms?? I mean does the Pc Version have the same features like the X-box? (Time Attack mode and so on)
<Yannis> The main data is pretty much shared by all platforms (meaning: it's the same game we're talking about here)... Xbox will profit from the Xbox Live feature starring two new game modes:
<Yannis> - time attack
<Yannis> - Survival mode
<Yannis> those 2 modes fit sooo well with the core gameplay of WW
<Yannis> PC will benefit from advanced graphics (and this time, the game will support just ALL and EVERY gamepad ;-) ...)
<Yannis> as well as a good bunch of graphic cards
<Yannis> PS2 will feature a huge number of extra features videos and other goodies
<Yannis> GameCube graphics will be optimized for the engine (cool water effects and so on)
<Yannis> Without recommanding anything, I have to say that this year, the PC version is just BLOWING me AWAY !! The graphics are just GORGEOUS... I was really surprised.
<Yannis> Console versions look awesome too, the art team made a tremendous job helped by the programmers who managed to optimize the engine where we thought it was already 100% using the hardware.
The rest was kinda meh :/ But he gets my kudos for at least taking his time with the fans. More producers/directors should do this.

+1 Yannis


that's hot. hell yeah. The Prince looks bad-ass, yet desperate, when he reaches the end and turns to face it.

Like they are saying, the story is suppossed to be top-notch
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