Charles Leroux
Chicago Tribune
Nov. 11, 2004 10:12 AM
CHICAGO - For the second year in a row, William Speed Weed, contributing editor at Popular Science magazine, has had the duty of calling scientists around the world and announcing: "We've determined that you have one of the worst jobs in science."
In a telephone interview, Weed reported that "some get quite indignant. The worm parasitologists (No. 2 on the magazine's Worst Science Jobs II list) were like that. I had to call several before finding one who'd talk."
He found Eric Ottesen of Emory University who noted that, "we can't show pictures or really even talk about these diseases. Society just isn't ready for it." advertisement
One worm that no one wants to know intimately is the female Dracunculus medinensis. After migrating from the gut, she settles just under the skin, where she grows to as much as 3 feet long and then lays her eggs.
"When the thousands of babies make their joyous arrival," Weed writes, "they blister the skin and pop through, leaving Mom behind. The traditional way to get rid of her is to wrap her head around a stick and twist very slowly -- one turn of the stick per day -- for weeks or months, depending on how long she is." (That ancient treatment gave rise to the snake-curled-around-a-pole symbol of the medical profession.)
1. Anal-wart researcher
2. Worm parasitologist
3. Lab-animal veterinarian
4. Tampon squeezer (STD researcher)
5. Landfill monitor
6. K-25 (Oak Ridge lab) demolition
7. St. John's Harbor (sewage) ecologist
8. Iraqi archaeologist
9. Tick dragger
10. Nurse
11. Computer help-desk tech
12. Congressional science fellow
13. Public school science teacher
14. Nosologist (disease statistician)
15. Root sorter
16. Crank (maverick theorist)
17. TV meteorologist