It is time for bathroom selfie
Hi, GAF.
Hi, GAF.
Did they force you to take this picture at gunpoint? You look scared.[/IMG
Bored as fuck[/QUOTE]
Beard is looking good dude. You'd fit right in with the guys of Local Natives.
That's awesome! I saw them last month, they were indeed on point, it was a great show.I went to the Metric/Paramore concert last night and got to meet ParamoreIt was brief. Shake hands, say hello basically. But I did get a picture with them (I am in the green hat and my brother is the dude with the shaved head). Sorry that the picture is a little blurry, it was the only one we got!
We also got a tour of backstage area before the show started which was really neat. Both bands were excellent.
NinjaboiX am cry...
Haven't posted in a while.
Still look pretty much the same.
screams internally
No, I'm TDM.
The cyan didn't come out in Australia until after I purchased, so I got a black one and threw a cyan case on it. It's not the same ;_;
Took the pic first thing in the morning for maximum lulz, but still: time for me to take this mop on my head to a barber!
I have been so tempted to order a cyan body off eBay and switch it with my black, but I just know I'd end up breaking itBut at least I'd have a cyan phone!
probably worth it
On topic pic:
Hey GAF, new glasses, you like?
I look like crap in this picture (I haven't been feeling well all day), but I haven't posted in a while, so yeah!
Took the pic first thing in the morning for maximum lulz, but still: time for me to take this mop on my head to a barber!
I have been so tempted to order a cyan body off eBay and switch it with my black, but I just know I'd end up breaking itBut at least I'd have a cyan phone!
probably worth it
On topic pic:
Hey GAF, new glasses, you like?
I'm starting to realize thanks to this thread that I have a thing for guys in glasses
I feel the same way...for women
I got a professional picture of myself taken a mo
That pic is life size.
Glasses pic as promised
Glasses pic as promised
although mine are missing
Finally got my account accepted after a long wait.
So hi GAF, here is my face
Hope you like PMs!
Hi yourself *.*
See, I usually wear contacts as well, but I decided recently that I'm really more of a glasses person.
Definitely approve of the glasses look on you.
I usually take them off for pictures. This was back when my hair was having an identity crises.
I got a professional picture of myself taken a month or two ago.
Bored as fuck[/QUOTE]
Salazar recently and now Hitcher. Further proof that Footy GAF is the most handsome GAF.
[quote="Uncle0wnage, post: 89121358"][IMG][IMG]
This is still funny after like 20 times.
[quote="royalan, post: 89167720"]Took the pic first thing in the morning for maximum lulz, but still: time for me to take this mop on my head to a barber!
Cool hair. Suits your look well.
[quote="TripOpt55, post: 89170468"]I went to the Metric/Paramore concert last night and got to meet Paramore :D It was brief. Shake hands, say hello basically. But I did get a picture with them (I am in the green hat and my brother is the dude with the shaved head). Sorry that the picture is a little blurry, it was the only one we got!
We also got a tour of backstage area before the show started which was really neat. Both bands were excellent.
I love that bird photo. Jealous you got to go to Paris!Was taking a pic of the Sacre Coeur and when I check it in my album it appeared I also snapped a bird![]()
Glasses pic as promised[img]
EDIT: Got on PC, resized it lol[/QUOTE]
You remind me of Lissie. She's absolutely amazing btw if you look her up and aren't familiar.
Thanks! Glasses are the best look IMO. I used to hate them but I've gotten used to them and now really like how they look.
I think this is my only pic in glasses.
I usually take them off for pictures. This was back when my hair was having an identity crises.
Kindred spirits, that's what we are
Glasses-GAF be taking over this thread. Aww yeah
\You remind me of Lissie. She's absolutely amazing btw if you look her up and aren't familiar.
20-20 GAF is feeling left out.
We can still see each other!20-20 GAF is feeling left out.