Looking into ze abyss.
Chillin in ze abyss.
Becomin one with ze abyss.
Annnd this photo series was brought to you by procrastination.
I almost posted a pic of Atramental from facebook but didn't think many would get it. Alas I have no one similar to you TDM so I cant compare you
Edit: Here's a pic of me and my kitty as a replacement
You get 10 cool points.
Alas I have no one similar to you TDM so I cant compare you
I see dem traps. Sphinx you've come a long way bud.
Did some apartment shopping, think I found the one
I see the one behind you is available! Plus it has a roof!
Any other gaffers that have a Widow's peak?
mine's is pretty pronounced as a kid they called me a vampire and eddie munster(wasn't he a werewolf?) because of it. It stuck.
oh god I have this too. also always hated it :X (my hair's a mess in this pic anyway)
Dunno, I think having a butt chin is worse than a widow's peak.
lol I got that too. But I always have a goatee of some sort.
A cow lick is the hurricane thing on the back of your head
I thought cow licks were when you wake up and your hair is sticking up like crazy?
lol I got that too. But I always have a goatee of some sort.
Yeah I have both too but neither are really pronounced.
Funny story, I didn't even know I had a cleft chin until a few months ago becaue I started shaving my beard short. It wasn't there when I was a kid so I'm not sure what happened.
? It had to be there, you might not have noticed though. It has to do with the jaw not fusing correctly when you're in your mother still from what I remember. It's genetic, you can't develop it later.
oh god I have this too. also always hated it :X (my hair's a mess in this pic anyway)
Any other gaffers that have a Widow's peak?
Wow you got beautiful eyes.
Always lookin good trab. Widows peak doesn't even matter. Those eyes.
Literally have the Vegeta going on over here
Yours barely registers compared to mine :V
Is that only on one side? Looks more like a receding hairline than a widow's peak.
oh thanks :3
Talk to us about your septum piercing you have there
Talk to us about your septum piercing you have there
Oh so when I compliment people it's creepy but when the rest of ya'll assholes do it it's cute. Well fuck this noise.
Mutes baby, let's roll.
Uhh, that comes off creepy.
Dunno, I think having a butt chin is worse than a widow's peak.
Sorry I forgot to include some emoji.
Ugh can't wait to see your beautiful face in person again <3 And I'm loving dat jacket!
You probably get this a lot, kisaya... but DEM EYES!
You need more CHEESIN' ;]
I get culturally nervous talking about the looks of a lady in religious dress but gosh you are beautiful, you have amazing eyes.
oh god I have this too. also always hated it :X (my hair's a mess in this pic anyway)
Either I don't understand you or you're totally out of your mind.
I dont have a special one, I use different ones but the problem is just my lashes because they're so weird and intertwined and stuff, it's a pain in the ass to separate them :/Very pretty green eyesWhat mascara do you use though? I've noticed that your lashes always look a bit clumpy in a lot of your pics
:lol I didn't realize it was you since you changed your avatar.
Awesome, someone turned me into a coli emoticon!
Lucian's cat so god damn fluffy!
Assignments and exam time, so I put on my nerd glasses and just sit on the computer in pj's all day long:
Haha, I like you man!dude how have you missed my extensive pimping?? The band is called Parachute for Gordo, we play mostly instrumental 'art rock' stuff. Quite heavy, quite tuneful still. Got a lady guitarist.
A video for A Hog In a Trough, made by me with help from the funny pics thread - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DsOOlymzJ8
had a wonderful mini-review on a local radio station recently, the guy said "the bassist is this quite affable chap, get's onstage, says Hello and then proceeds to go MENTAL for half an hour, dancing at the guitarist". Made me grin, that's pretty much what I do
Anyway, enough pimping. If you guys watch the video, throw a couple of 'likes' my way will ya? I posted it in the funny pics thread and the douchebags there have given me more dislikes that likes. Bastards.
Are you smirking or do you have a natural smug expression on your face all the time?
Is that Vegas? The red-and-yellow building seems familiar. Pretty sure I remember going through that place.
I think this avatar fits my posts quite well ;-)
Haha, I like you man!
That was pretty cool too, lots of shifts in rhythm and such. I'm going to continue pimping my new favourite band Faraquet to other gaffers. As you seem to be a fan of art rock with schizophrenic time signatures, I think you'll get a kick out of them. They are signed to Dischord, Ian MacKaye's label (Fugazi). He knows how to pick 'em.
Faraquet - Cut Self Not
Trab, lovely pic as usual. Your cheekbones are awesome. Also, you like quirky rock music, I command you also check out Faraquet.
And Fugazi.
Dunno, I think having a butt chin is worse than a widow's peak.
oh thanks :3
Oh so when I compliment people it's creepy but when the rest of ya'll assholes do it it's cute. Well fuck this noise.
Mutes baby, let's roll.
Beards solve this problem instantly. I recommend that everybody tries a beard.
it's just dirty feeling.