Grildon Tundy
Nice spacey vocals! Where are those from?
Nice spacey vocals! Where are those from?
Thank you. I think it was inspired by the idea of the inspiration to make music. Kind of a bard song or minstrel song.Man the somewhat creepy AI video and tone of this track really sets the vibe. That constant tremolo sound going on too adds to that feel, Interesting track!
This link shows it got removed? Which track was it? I see the channel name is Aphex.bite and it sounds Aphex-like. I listened to some of the others, and they're dope! Is this you?SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
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This link shows it got removed? Which track was it? I see the channel name is Aphex.bite and it sounds Aphex-like. I listened to some of the others, and they're dope! Is this you?
I'm buzzed and feeling good. Time to post a track.
...I have been chipping away learning to use Ableton, haven't made a full track in very long but a couple of days ago I decided to try and finish something. Mostly focusing on getting it to sound a bit cleaner and keeping it a bit interesting. Still a long way to go.!!!
This has got to be my favorite thing I've heard you produce thus far. I was a little worried at first because I wasn't sure the HF tones could sustain an entire song, and then the other textures start working in. My god, man, this song has so much GOOD soul! I love you for posting this. Keep 'em coming! Gonna pass this one on to my kids. I think they'll love it too.
Here's my latest:
Not sure what genre this one is.
Very cool, has some prog rock Pink Floyd thing going there.
I keep chipping away at trying to make songs like it was still 1995, this is my latest attempt. Slowly but surely getting a bit better I hope
Absolutely beautiful production. I'll be honest, I was in love until the beats came in. I completely get what you were going for, and I think you nailed it. It's just a matter of my taste. But your engineering skills are amazing to me. I'm still in the infant stage, I think, but this kind of thing really is beautifully inspiring. Not sure how you get such smooth yet interesting sounds.