Types of Suspension
Some of the more common types of suspension are:
* Suicide Suspension; the most common form. Hung vertically from piercings in the back. A variation that includes hooks in the arm is a Crucifix Suspension.
* Vertical Chest Suspension or O-Kee-Pa style.
* Superman Suspension, a Horizontal Suspension with the face pointing down.
* Coma Suspension, a horizontal suspension with the face pointing up.
* Lotus Suspension, a suspension in the lotus position.
* Resurrection Suspension, a suspension from the torso.
* Knee Suspension, a suspension from the knees, hanging upside down.
* Elbow Suspension, a vertical suspension with hooks in the elbows. There is also the very extreme One Hook Elbow Suspension (which has only ever been sucessful once, by Clive Mathias).
* Calf Suspension, a vertical upside down suspension with hooks in the calves.